
3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 市場食堂

住所 :

Otsukimachi, Koriyama, 〒963-0201 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8999
Webサイト : http://www.ko-suisan.co.jp/market/shokudo.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 6AM–2:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 6AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 6AM–2:30PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 6AM–2:30PM
Friday 6AM–2:30PM
街 : Fukushima

Otsukimachi, Koriyama, 〒963-0201 Fukushima,Japan
しんじょうたか on Google

場所がわかりにくいので注意です。殺風景な建物の2階です。外からは、まったく気づけませんでした。 12時15分頃には売り切れ続出なので早目に行くと良いかと思います。
Please note that the location is difficult to understand. It is the second floor of a murky building. I didn't notice it from the outside. It's sold out one after another around 12:15, so I think it's a good idea to go early.
高野智弘 on Google

It is a cafeteria in the market that has been open since 6 am. The inside of the store is beautiful and there are many menus. I received a grilled fish set meal of 680 yen (mackerel). It was delicious.
舞木誠 on Google

マグロ串揚げ定食 税込¥680 混雑時は少し時間がかかりますが待つ価値あります。 見た目は若干地味ですが(個人的主観)ボリューム抜群。 お昼時は、市場関係者はもとより一般のお客さん胃袋を鷲掴みにしてます。
Tuna skewer set meal ¥ 680 including tax It may take some time when it is crowded, but it is worth the wait. The appearance is a little plain (personal subjectivity), but the volume is outstanding. At noon, we grab the stomachs of general customers as well as those involved in the market.

久しぶり〰️ 値上げしたのねぇ!! しょうがないけど ま、美味しいから1000円は納得!! でもね ラップでぐるぐる巻きの目の前のボードを見ながら食べないとあかん?ってのが、、ざんねん!!
After a long time 〰️ You raised the price! !! I can't help it Well, it's delicious, so 1000 yen is convincing! !! But you know I have to eat while looking at the board in front of the roll in the wrap ?, I'm sorry! !!
oyabun on Google

ふらっと福島。 朝飯にブックマークしていた地方卸売市場の食堂に行くことにしました。 お店の名前は市場食堂。 そのままですな。 いろんな丼などがある中で今回は 熟成金目鯛炙り丼を注文。 テーブルでまってると番号を呼ばれるので取りに行きます。 提供されたのがこちら。 金目鯛は10切れかな。 だし巻きも2切れ入ってました。 汁物は青さの味噌汁でたくあんがそえられてます。 丼を食べてみると金目鯛はやや薄い目だけど旨味はあって美味しいです。 できれば熟成されてないのと食べ比べしてみたいかも。 味噌汁はもうちょい味が濃いと嬉しいところでした。 それほど混んでなかったし海鮮丼も食べてみたいかな。
Flat Fukushima. I decided to go to the cafeteria of the local wholesale market that I had bookmarked for breakfast. The name of the shop is Market Cafeteria. It is as it is. There are various bowls, but this time I ordered aged Kinmedai roasted rice bowl. When I'm at the table, the number is called, so I'll go get it. Here is what was provided. I wonder if there are 10 pieces of sea bream. There were also two pieces of omelet rolls. The soup is blue miso soup with takuan. When I try to eat the bowl, the Kinmedai is a little thin, but it has a delicious taste. If possible, you may want to compare it with the one that has not been aged. I was happy that the miso soup had a strong taste. It wasn't so crowded and I would like to try a seafood bowl.
chikako ohki on Google

As expected, there is only a market cafeteria, and the thickness of the salmon fillet is greater than I expected! ️ The price is reasonable, but I think the satisfaction is high. However, the salmon had a lot of greasiness, so it seems that it is easier for women to eat salmon with various fillets like ordinary chirashizushi than this menu. I definitely recommend it to those who like fried food and want to eat it. You may not be satisfied. The bowl I ordered may not be enough for men because the rice is not so popular with women. I want a little more garnish. It was hard to eat because there was no retouching to relieve fat.
daisuke ishikawa on Google

13時前に来店。売り切れメニューが多数ありました。初見なので、海鮮丼を注文。サーモンとブリが肉厚で大きく、満足でした。 焼き魚やフライも気になるのでまた来ます!
I came to the store before 13:00. There were many sold-out menus. It's my first time seeing it, so I ordered a seafood bowl. The salmon and yellowtail were thick and big, and I was satisfied. I'm also interested in grilled fish and fried fish, so I'll come back again!
INUK AWAZ on Google


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