Nanaya Asahi - Koriyama

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nanaya Asahi

住所 :

1 Chome-3-2 Asahi, Koriyama, Fukushima 963-8024, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8978
Postal code : 963-8024
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–9PM
Sunday 11AM–9PM
Monday 11AM–9PM
Tuesday 11AM–9PM
Wednesday 11AM–9PM
Thursday 11AM–9PM
Friday 11AM–9PM

1 Chome-3-2 Asahi, Koriyama, Fukushima 963-8024, Japan
Shio Ken on Google

The menu is also meat, fish and fried food. .. .. .. It is fulfilling and reasonably priced. Rice, garnish and salad are buffet style and cospa is good. This is a suggestion for shops, but the frequency of use will increase by changing the buffet contents regularly or changing the buffet type for each shop ? Clear this and it will be 5 stars.
正敏安田 on Google

前菜ランチ(前菜、サラダバイキングとライス、味噌汁) ツナサラダ、カボチャサラダが旨い。 もやし鶏肉お浸し、ほうれん草ごま和え、the和食を 美味しく頂きました。税込657円はコスパ最高です。
Appetizer lunch (appetizer, salad buffet and rice, miso soup) Tuna salad and pumpkin salad are delicious. Soak bean sprout chicken, add spinach and sesame seeds, and enjoy the Japanese food We had delicious. 657 yen including tax is the best cost performance.
Betty on Google

HPでは、季節限定のメニュー終了の告知がなかったので、それを楽しみに行ってみたら、既に終了していて別メニューに変わっていた。 こちらの店舗は何度も利用させて頂いているが、初めてがっかりさせられた気分です。
On HP, there was no notice of the end of the seasonal menu, so when I went to look forward to it, it had already ended and changed to another menu. I have been using this store many times, but I feel disappointed for the first time.
たーりんりん on Google

お惣菜バイキングが目玉のお店です! 全部健康そうな惣菜バイキングで目移りして、メインのオーダーした料理忘れる程、美味しかったです! お惣菜のオススメは、柑橘系香るさつまいものポテトサラダです! 日本人の大好きな、甘じょっぱいお惣菜です! マイナス1としては、ドリンクバーとお惣菜バイキングと料理と頼むと、1200円位いくので、ドリンクバーのハードルが高いのと、 メインの料理のクオリティが少し弱い(汗) オススメしない人は、美味しいメイン料理食べたい!って人です、メイン料理はハードルを下げて、お惣菜バイキングがメイン!!と割り切れないと、ガッカリするかも… 逆に子供連れは良いかもです(^^)
The side dish buffet is the highlight! It was so delicious that I forgot about the main ordered dish, as I moved on to the side dish buffet that seemed to be healthy! The recommended side dish is the citrus-scented sweet potato salad! It's a sweet and sour side dish that Japanese people love! As a minus 1, if you ask for a drink bar, a side dish buffet and food, it will cost about 1200 yen, so the hurdle of the drink bar is high. The quality of the main dish is a little weak (sweat) If you don't recommend it, you want to eat a delicious main dish! It may be disappointing if the main dish is not divisible by lowering the hurdles and the side dish buffet is the main !! On the contrary, it may be good to bring children (^^)
てらたま on Google

I hope the food has a more crisp taste, but many of them have a light or vague taste? Is it health conscious? The chicken nanban I got today was well seasoned. There used to be a simmered Koya-dofu in the side dish corner (?), And it's almost like that, but it's a shame that it's gone sometime. Don't you need two types of potato salad? I want you to reduce it to one type and increase the number of different menus. Butajiru with plenty of vegetables has less ingredients than I imagined.
佐藤尚弥 on Google

特に食べたい物も思いつかず悩んだ時にはまずここに来ます。 美味しい定食が食べたい時、お腹いっぱいになって満足したい時は是非足を運んでみてください。
Especially when I can't think of what I want to eat, I come here first. If you want to eat a delicious set meal, or if you are full and satisfied, please come visit us.
神川悦子 on Google

数年ぶりに訪問しました。 メインのおかずも肉、魚、鷄とバラエティに富んでますし、お野菜中心のビュッフェスタイルのバイキングもあり、健康志向のドリンクバーもあり、 それでいてコスパ良いのも嬉しいです。 ご飯の種類も白米は無料、サイズにより値段が変わります。 雑穀米は少量から60円かかりますが体には良いと思います。 最近、事情もあり数年ぶりの訪問になりましたが ビュッフェスタイルのバイキングの内容は定期的に変わっているのでしょうか? 同じだと、しばらく行かなくてもいいんじゃないの?と思ってしまいますのでどうぞ宜しくお願いします。
I visited for the first time in a few years. There is a wide variety of main dishes such as meat, fish and chicken, there is also a vegetable-centered buffet-style buffet, and there is also a health-conscious drink bar. Still, I am happy that the cost performance is good. White rice is free of charge, and the price varies depending on the size. Millet porridge costs from a small amount to 60 yen, but I think it is good for your health. Recently, due to circumstances, it was my first visit in a few years. Does the content of the buffet style buffet change regularly? If it's the same, don't you have to go for a while? I would appreciate your favor.
ママタタ on Google

I used it for the first time in a long time, but I want you to check the toilet. It's a pity that it was dirty anyway. And the rice was left hard and unpleasant. The miso soup was salty and the atka mackerel was watery, so I was disappointed today. I think it may be affected by the short-time sales, but I want you to do your best ...

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