創作居酒屋 和華蘭 - Tokai

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 創作居酒屋 和華蘭

住所 :

Otamachi, Tokai, 〒477-0031 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 477-0031
街 : Aichi

Otamachi, Tokai, 〒477-0031 Aichi,Japan
Takeuchi ikuo on Google

すこし前、バイト仲間と飲み会やりました。 途中、若者達も合流して楽しい時間過ごしました。 料理も美味しく良い雰囲気の店でした。 時間合えばまた行きたくなるお店です。
A little while ago, I had a drinking party with my part-time job friends. On the way, young people joined and had a good time. The food was delicious and the atmosphere was good. It is a shop that you will want to visit again if the time is right.
にゃん助 on Google

前から少し気になってはいたので、忘年会に利用させて頂きました。 宴会コースのお値段はリーズナブルでした。 飲みほもついてこの価格はお得。 コースが安いから料理が少ないのかなと…ただ 創作料理は1品しか出てこんかった…。 創作居酒屋なのに、ガッカリ。 接客は1人の店員が悪かったくらい。 )
Since I was a little worried before, I used it for the year-end party. The price of the banquet course was reasonable. This price is great for drinking. I wonder if there are few dishes because the course is cheap ... just Only one creative dish came out ... Although it is a creative izakaya, it is disappointing. Customer service was bad for one clerk. )
まほっちぶ〜 on Google

学生の時良く通っていました。 チェーン店とは雰囲気が違い個室もあるのでとても利用しやすいです。 料理も美味しくいくつか苦手な食べ物を克服できたほど好きなお店です。
I used to go there when I was a student. The atmosphere is different from that of chain stores, and there are private rooms, so it is very easy to use. The food is delicious and I like it so much that I was able to overcome some of my weak foods.
kado zono on Google

5年以上通っている居心地良い居酒屋さん。 カウンターで一人しっぽり飲むのも良し、小上がりで 親しい仲間と飲むのも良し、個室でワイワイ宴会も 出来るなど、使い勝手が素晴らしい。ボクはカウンターで お手製のしめ鯖や、揚げ出し豆腐でチビチビやるのが 大のお気に入り。 和食、中華、仏蘭西料理で修行してきた大将の料理は流石の 一言。とは言っても全然職人らしくなく、気さくで、いつ 行ってもニコニコして友人のように迎えてくれるのでご安心を。 会社の上司や同僚に、ええ店知っとるなーと言われてみたい リーマンのアナタ!いつもと違う雰囲気で彼女(彼氏)と 美味しい料理に舌鼓を打ちたい若人の君!是非一度、 足を運んで下さいな。良い意味で期待を裏切られます。
A cozy izakaya that has been around for over 5 years. It's good to drink alone at the counter, with a small rise It's good to drink with close friends, and you can have a banquet in a private room. Usability is wonderful, such as being able to do it. I'm at the counter Homemade mackerel and fried tofu are the best way to do it. A big favorite. The general's cuisine, which has been trained in Japanese, Chinese, and French orchid west cuisine, is a stone's throw A word. That said, he wasn't a craftsman at all, he was friendly, and when Rest assured that even if you go, you will smile and welcome you like a friend. I want to be told by my boss and colleagues that I don't know the store Lehman you! With her (boyfriend) in a different atmosphere than usual Young people who want to enjoy delicious food! By all means once Please come visit us. You will be disappointed in a good way.
赤井文宣 on Google

お座敷とカウンターがあるので、グループで行っても、一人でも気軽に入りやすいお店です。大将はとても気さくで話しやすい方?和食洋食中華とバラエティーにとんだ料理があります? メニューは定番+その日のオススメがあ るので飽きません✨個人的には〆鯖と海鮮餃子がお気に入りです(笑)隠れメニューや限定メニュー等もあるので行く日は毎回楽しみですね。次はいつ頃行けるかなぁ?
There is a tatami room and a counter, so it's easy to enter even if you go in a group or by yourself. The general is very friendly and easy to talk to ? Japanese, Western, Chinese and variety of dishes ? I don't get tired of the standard menu + recommendations for the day ✨ Personally, I like mackerel and seafood dumplings (laughs) There are hidden menus and limited menus, so I'm looking forward to every day I go. When can I go next?
水谷紀之 on Google

友人がこの店でアルバイトをしていた時からの馴染みの店です( ≧∀≦)ノ 私は他県なので頻繁には行けませんが行けば大将が快く迎えてくれるとでも雰囲気の良い素敵なお店です❤️ 料理もとても美味しく何を頼んでもハズレはありません! お気に入りは幾つかありますがホルモンの朴葉焼きは是非とも食べて貰いたい一品です。 とりあえずの一品では皮ポンがオススメ♪ 刺身も新鮮でリーズナブルこちらも頼んでも損は無い一品です。 日替わりでのオススメもあるのでそれは行ってみてからのお楽しみにして下さい!
It's a familiar store since my friend was working part-time at this store (≧ ∀ ≦) ノ I can't go there often because I'm in another prefecture, but if I go there, the general will be happy to welcome me, but it's a nice shop with a nice atmosphere ❤️ The food is very delicious and no matter what you ask for, there is no loss! I have some favorites, but the hormone Hoba-yaki is a must-try item. For the time being, I recommend the leather pong ♪ The sashimi is also fresh and reasonably priced, so you can order it without any loss. There are also daily recommendations, so please look forward to it after you go!
TKC on Google

2階にあるため目立ちにくい立地だが、昔からある地元で人気のお店です。料理は魚介も肉もどれもおいしいですが、特に串カツがオススメです。 フロア店員さんは美人女性ぞろいで、接客が丁寧でとても居心地が良い店です。
It's located on the 2nd floor, so it's inconspicuous, but it's a long-established local shop. The food is delicious, both seafood and meat, but Kushikatsu is especially recommended. The floor clerk is full of beautiful women, and the customer service is polite and very comfortable.
なかがわみつひろ on Google

It's the first time, but is it a creation? Well, it's just a modification of the izakaya dishes that you usually see. Far from Nouvelle Sinoha. There is no complaint about the cheap drink. All-you-can-drink is recommended. The general is also friendly.

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