珈琲自家焙煎の店 猫リラ

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 珈琲自家焙煎の店 猫リラ

住所 :

Ota, Hanamaki, 〒025-0037 Iwate,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8787
Webサイト : https://www.ekiten.jp/shop_18213346/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM
街 : Iwate

Ota, Hanamaki, 〒025-0037 Iwate,Japan
亀田伸 on Google

I went there for the first time. The inside of the store was clean, and I had a chat with the master to roast it in no time. A munchkin kitten was sleeping, but he woke up and healed on his way home. You can also taste it, without saying anything.
mizu on Google

novo mark 2がカッコいい。 試飲できたりしてお得感があります。
novo mark 2 is cool. There is a good feeling that you can taste it.
金富美子 on Google

世界中のコーヒー豆が買えます。 注文してから焙煎してくれます。焙煎を待つ間に試飲コーヒーを淹れてくれます。キャットタワーにいる猫たちにも癒されました?
You can buy coffee beans from all over the world. They will roast after ordering. It will brew tasting coffee while you wait for roasting. I was healed by the cats in the cat tower ?
na o on Google

初心者ですが、色々とお話を聞いて下さり豆を買いました。その場で焙煎してる間に試飲をさせて頂きとても香りがよく次はこれを買ってみようと帰りに家族で話していました。 次は猫さんにも会えますように。またお邪魔しますね。
I'm a beginner, but I listened to various stories and bought beans. I had a tasting while roasting on the spot and it was very fragrant and I was talking with my family on the way home to buy this next time. I hope I can meet the cat next time. I will bother you again.
Ki-tan on Google

猫カフェを検索していたところ、たまたまここのお店を発見。 猫リラさんはカフェではありませんが、色々なコーヒー豆を購入することができます! 人柄の良さそうなマスターからコーヒーの好みを聞かれ、オススメされた中からカフェドルチェという名前のものを購入。 焙煎されていく豆の香りがお店いっぱいに広がり、その香りだけで幸福感に包まれました♪ ちなみに私は豆のままではなく、すぐ飲めるように挽いてもらいましたよ〜。 焙煎している間に試飲させて頂けるのですが、せっかくなので春限定のさくらブルボンを飲んでみることに。 (数種類から一種類選べます) 鼻から抜ける香りはまさに桜!飲んでいるだけで春を感じられるコーヒーでした。味も飲みやすいバランスの良さ。 ホットで飲むからより一層香りが広がるのかな…と思いました。 看板猫ちゃんも可愛い子達ばかりで癒されました〜♥内装も猫ちゃん達への愛情が感じられるし、とても素敵なお店でした!猫ちゃん達がお昼寝中だったのは残念でしたが… ぜひまたコーヒーを購入しに行きたいです!
When I was searching for a cat cafe, I happened to find a shop here. Cat Rila is not a cafe, but you can buy a variety of coffee beans! A master who seems to have a good personality asked me about my coffee taste, and I bought a coffee named Cafe Dolce from the recommended ones. The scent of roasted beans spread throughout the store, and the scent alone made me feel happy. By the way, I asked them to grind them so that they could be drunk immediately, not as beans. I can taste it while roasting, but I decided to try Sakura Bourbon, which is only available in the spring. (You can choose one from several types) The scent that comes out of your nose is just cherry blossoms! It was coffee that you can feel spring just by drinking. Good balance that makes it easy to drink. I wondered if the scent would spread even more because I drank it hot. The signboard cat was also healed by all the cute children ~ ♥ The interior was a very nice shop with a feeling of love for the cats! It was a pity that the cats were taking a nap, but ... I definitely want to go buy coffee again!
takahiro I on Google

It seems to be delicious. The parking lot is full of 2nd and 3rd place, so it seems better to make a reservation by phone.
P on Google

202009 スペシャリティを中心とした豊富なラインナップから生豆を選び、コーヒーを試飲させてもらいながら焙煎が終わるのを待つシステムです。 見た目も美しい真っ赤な焙煎機「NOVO MARKⅡ」により10分足らずで完了。
202009 This system selects raw beans from a rich lineup centered on specialties and waits for the roasting to finish while tasting coffee. Completed in less than 10 minutes with the beautiful red roasting machine "NOVO MARK II".
さ藤由キ子 on Google

ネコがかわいい。 豆を焙煎して挽いてもらう間に、その日オススメのコーヒーが何種類の中から選んで頂けます。 次回購入時の参考になるので◎ 店主さんも、物腰の柔らかい方で◎ 田んぼの中の焙煎屋さんです。
The cat is cute. While the beans are roasted and ground, you can choose from several types of coffee recommended for the day. It will be a reference for the next purchase, so ◎ The owner is also a soft-mannered person ◎ It is a roasting shop in the rice field.

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