自家焙煎珈琲豆 彩豆 - Yurihonjo

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 自家焙煎珈琲豆 彩豆

住所 :

Akanumashitamichi-72-17 Detomachi, Yurihonjo, Akita 015-0837, Japan

電話 : 📞 +889
Postal code : 015-0837
Webサイト : https://www.saito-beans.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–5:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday Closed
Tuesday 10AM–5:30PM
Wednesday 10AM–5:30PM
Thursday Closed
Friday 10AM–5:30PM

Akanumashitamichi-72-17 Detomachi, Yurihonjo, Akita 015-0837, Japan
高橋一弘 on Google

This is a home roasting shop that is rare in Honjo city. There are many types, but I like mandelin. There are also local coffee corners at supermarkets in the city. Corner related equipment is also sold in the store. There is a very good coffee mill.
まさ on Google

お店の辺りはコーヒーのいい香りに満ちています オーナーの方は気さくで、親切にこたえてくれます 自分の味の好みを伝えれば、 商品の中でのお勧めを、してくれます 豆は生ものなんだなぁー と 実感しています 土曜日に焼きあがるパンも大好きです
The area around the shop is full of coffee The owner is friendly and will respond kindly If you tell your taste preferences, He / she recommends in product I realize that beans are raw. I also love the bread that comes out on Saturday
るる on Google

とても親切なコーヒー豆屋さんです。 香りがよく美味しいコーヒー豆と、土曜日に出しているパンが最高に美味しいです。
It's a very kind coffee bean shop. The fragrant and delicious coffee beans and the bread served on Saturday are the best.
はてなだりあ on Google

帰省の折りには必ず母とお邪魔してます。 私観ですが、ここ女性オーナーが淹れて下さる珈琲は東京のカフェ、喫茶店にも劣らぬ、いや、それを上回る旨さです。 種類こそ決して多くありませんが、吟味された拘りの珈琲豆が揃っております。 また、ここで毎週末に焼かれるパン。 これまた、里帰りの楽しみの一つ。 良いお米が一粒一粒に旨味や香りを感じるように、このパンにも一口一口噛み締める度に甘味や香ばしさが口の中に広がります。 ここの珈琲とパンを母と朝食に、おやつタイムにいただくのが、私にとって故郷で味わえる贅沢です。
I always visit my mother when I go home. From my personal point of view, the coffee brewed by female owners here is no worse than Tokyo's cafes and coffee shops, or even more. There are not many kinds, but there are coffee beans that have been carefully examined. Also, bread baked every weekend here. This is also one of the fun of returning home. Just as good rice feels umami and aroma in each grain, this bread also spreads sweetness and fragrance into your mouth every time you bite it. Having coffee and bread here for breakfast with my mother and snack time is a luxury that I can enjoy in my hometown.
森もーりー on Google

職場の方の勧めで立ち寄りました。 店員さんはフレンドリーで話しやすく、お菓子とコーヒーを頂きました。 素敵な雰囲気なので機会があればまた立ち寄りたいです。
I stopped by at the recommendation of a person at work. The clerk was friendly and easy to talk to, and had sweets and coffee. It has a nice atmosphere, so I would like to stop by again if I have the opportunity.
勉菅原 on Google

Bread is also sold only on Saturdays. The staff are friendly and will answer anything.
JACKALL on Google

アットホームな雰囲気でお店の方も優しく丁寧に教えてくれるので美味しいコーヒー豆が買えると思います(^^) 土曜日限定ですが自家製の酵母パンも売っておりすごく美味しいです!!コーヒーと一緒だと最高(*`ω´)b コーヒー豆も豊富で安いのでオススメです! 初めて豆を買いに行く人も彩豆さんをオススメします(^^)
I think that you can buy delicious coffee beans because the shop staff will teach you kindly and politely in a homely atmosphere (^^) Only on Saturdays, homemade yeast bread is also on sale and it's very delicious! !! Best with coffee (* `ω´) b Coffee beans are also abundant and cheap, so it is recommended! People who go to buy beans for the first time also recommend Ayame-san (^^)
Maru Chiko on Google

コーヒー好きにはたまらない。 土曜日限定でパンも販売しています。
It's irresistible for coffee lovers. Bread is also sold only on Saturdays.

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