Osugi - Taito City

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Osugi

住所 :

1 Chome-18-3 Asakusa, Taito City, Tokyo 111-0032, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8897
Postal code : 111-0032
Webサイト : http://asakusa-osugi.com/

1 Chome-18-3 Asakusa, Taito City, Tokyo 111-0032, Japan
ナナナナ on Google

美味しかった~ 孫が食欲無かったのに、パクパク食べていたのにはビックリ〜 また行きたいです!
It was delicious ~ Even though my grandson had no appetite, I was surprised that he was eating crunchy ~ I want to go again!
ひみつM on Google

A store with a high self-esteem. landlady? Be careful as you will be in a bad mood if you do not do what you want. I don't want all Edokko to think like this.
ざわざわ on Google

夜訪問。緊急事態宣言と言うこともあり、他の客は居ずゆっくり食事ができたのは良かった。 また、もんじゃなど一品頼むと一杯ドリンクサービスがあり心理的にちょっとお得感があったが、お冷も貰えるともっと良かった。 もんじゃ焼きの味は美味しかった。トッピングで注文したチーズは量が多く満足した。 また帰る際、階段に気をつけてと言葉をかけていただき、一言貰うだけでちょっと嬉しかった。 近くの人気店がめちゃ並んでいたので、並ぶのが…という方にもオススメします。
Visit at night. It was good that I could eat slowly without other guests because it was called an emergency declaration. Also, when I ordered one item such as monja, there was a drink service and it was a little psychologically profitable, but it was even better if I got cold. The taste of monjayaki was delicious. The amount of cheese I ordered with toppings was large and I was satisfied. When I returned home, I was a little happy to hear a word from him saying that he should be careful about the stairs. There were a lot of popular shops nearby, so I recommend it to those who want to line up.
夏りんご on Google

美味しいけれど絶品というわけではなかったです。 もう一回行くぐらいなら他のお店へ行ってみようかなと思う程度。 このお店の女将さんを名乗るおばあさんは要注意です。 焼き方や食べ方を押し付けてきます。もんじゃの具の中におばあさんのエプロンがくっついているのが自分でも分かっていたのに特に取り替えもせず棒読みの「すみませんね」。 おかげであまり楽しい食事にはなりませんでした。 評価の中にはあの接客が江戸っ子で味があると言っている人もいますが、私は不愉快でした。
It was delicious, but it wasn't exquisite. I think I should go to another shop if I go there again. Be careful of the grandmother who calls herself the proprietress of this shop. It will impose how to bake and eat. I knew that my grandmother's apron was stuck in the monja's ingredients, but I didn't replace it, and I read "I'm sorry". Thanks to that, it wasn't a very enjoyable meal. Some people in the evaluation say that the customer service is Edokko and has a taste, but I was unpleasant.
ROKI ROKI on Google

めちゃくちゃ美味しいわけでもないしドリンク一杯無料なだけで量も少ないもんじゃとお好み焼きの量も少ない店員の接客も適当 絶対他の店に行った方がいい
It's not really delicious, it's just a free drink and the amount is small, and the amount of okonomiyaki is also small. You should definitely go to another store
大翔斎藤 on Google

まず、もんじゃ焼きは美味しかった?です 他の★1で美味しくないとしかかかれていなかったので失礼します お好み焼きを作る際に空気を含ませて作らなければベチャッとして生地が潰れてしまいふっくらとした食感をが失われてしまいます なのでお好み焼きを入れる容器は少し大きくなければ空気を含ませてることが難しくパサパサした食感になってしまい不味くなってしまいます ですがここの容器は小さく、生地と野菜の割合が逆で見た瞬間にわかる、おいしくなさ 混ぜてわかる、おいしくつくれない 焼いてわかる、だいじょうぶかと 鉄板にはカスを入れる場所がなく二度三度焼くと魚介の味がうつってしまって美味しく感じられませんでした しかも帰ったお客様が帰られて鉄板を清掃時、少し油を引きコテでカスを取るだけ 前回食べたお客が海鮮だとして清掃が雑なので来たお客が豚玉を頼んだらどうなりますか?美味しくないと思います ★5を書いてる人はよく自分にはわかりませんがこのレビューを見てお店に行って同じめにあってくださると幸いです そしてレビューが増えてお店が改善されることを私は願ってます ですので皆さん同じ目にあってください
First of all, was the monjayaki delicious? is Excuse me because it was only written that it was not delicious in other ★ 1 If you do not make okonomiyaki with air, the dough will be crushed and the fluffy texture will be lost. Therefore, if the container for okonomiyaki is not a little big, it is difficult to let air in it and it will have a dry texture and it will be unpleasant. However, the container here is small, and the ratio of dough and vegetables is reversed and you can see it at the moment it is delicious. I can understand it by mixing it, I can not make it deliciously It ’s okay to bake it. There was no place to put the dregs on the iron plate, and when it was baked twice or three times, the taste of the seafood was transferred and it did not feel delicious. Moreover, when the returning customer returns and cleans the iron plate, just oil a little and remove the residue with a trowel. What happens if the customer who came last time asked for a pork ball because the cleaning is rough because the customer who ate it last time was seafood? I don't think it's delicious ★ I'm not sure who wrote 5 but I hope you'll go to the store after seeing this review and see the same thing. And I hope the reviews will increase and the store will improve. So please have the same eyes
ああ on Google

The other monjayaki was very crowded, and I entered because it was only here, but I regretted having entered. An old lady clerk who drew eyebrows with magic came after making monja, and this is the worst way to eat! Everyone knows only this way of eating! Yes, the rice crackers are ready! Or, I've been swearing. .. .. If you say such things one by one, first of all, you should ask if you know how to make it, or explain how to make it, but I thought that you do not know how to serve customers. I wanted to go somewhere soon because the food would be unpleasant, but I was disappointed to have been at my seat for a long time.
Emily M on Google

Authentic okonomiyaki, monjayaki. It’s on the second level. Self-cook. It’s really fun. One serving of Okonomiyaki might be too big for a lady. I recommend Monja. Tasty and crispy.

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