讃岐うどん 吾平

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 讃岐うどん 吾平

住所 :

Oshimacho, Ayabe, 〒623-0046 Kyoto,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8778
Webサイト : https://www.ayabe-kankou.net/gourmet/gohei/
街 : Kyoto

Oshimacho, Ayabe, 〒623-0046 Kyoto,Japan
あすか on Google

うどんの量がハンパない。 接客がとても良い。 女ひとりで訪問。 女性なので1玉のさらに50円引きの量にしましたが、それでも普通のうどん屋さんの大くらいありました。 注文時にきちんと量が多いことを伝えてくれたので50円引きにできました。 食べるときも多いから無理しないでくださいね、と。食べたらお腹はちきれそうになりました。笑 お会計時にも温かい対応をして下さり、おうどんを揚げたカリカリのやつもお土産にくれました。 これがまためちゃくちゃ美味しい! これレジ横にあれば次から買うかも、ってくらいです。
The amount of udon is not enough. The customer service is very good. Visited by a woman alone. Since I am a woman, I discounted the amount of one ball by 50 yen, but it was still about the size of an ordinary udon shop. When I ordered, he told me that the quantity was large, so I was able to get a 50 yen discount. I often eat it, so don't overdo it. When I ate it, I was almost hungry. Lol He gave me a warm response at the time of checkout, and gave me a crispy fried udon noodle as a souvenir. This is really delicious! If this is next to the cash register, I might buy it next time.
20 kaho on Google

一般のうどんが通常よりも多いです。 腰もあり美味しい! メニューもいろいろあって楽しめます。
There are more general udon noodles than usual. It's also chewy and delicious! There are various menus that you can enjoy.
しもりゅう on Google

I went there for the first time ? A restaurant where even elderly people and one person can eat comfortably ? The menu is abundant and cheap ❗ I wonder if there are too many set meals ❤️ The single item "Shirasu-don" was delicious ?
Runner Moonlight on Google

The udon is firm and has a good taste, and it is very voluminous. Recommended when you want to eat tightly. There is also a small 50 yen discount service that makes women happy.
西村恒太朗 on Google

吾平さんは、味も量も申し分なし!! メニューも豊富でオススメです♪ あまり食べない方は、量は減らした方が良いかもw ブログ 亀さんの健康相談 Instagram kotaro3158110 もよろしくねー♩
Mr. Gohei has perfect taste and quantity! !! The menu is abundant and recommended ♪ If you don't eat much, you may want to reduce the amount. blog Turtle's health consultation Instagram kotaro3158110 Nice to meet you ♩
上原忠博 on Google

There are many customers no matter when they come. No matter what you eat, it's not delicious, but it doesn't make much difference. It's delicious no matter how many times you go. Also, it's a taste that makes me want to go.
Ko Chi on Google

吾平定食850円でおうどんとごはんと小鉢がいただけます!天かすもお好きな量を... お客さんいっぱい、店員さんもアットホームでほっこりします。おすすめ!
You can have udon, rice and a small bowl for 850 yen for the Gohei set meal! Tenkasu as much as you like ... A lot of customers, the clerk also feels at home. Recommended!
あきさん on Google

再訪問でしたが 以前の混雑はなく落ち着いた感じ 玉子丼セットを頼みましたが 相変わらずボリューム満点! ランチにしては¥870で少し高めでしたが満足! 以前は、福知山で営業されてましたが 綾部に移転されています! 味、ボリュームともに前のままで 美味しいうどんがいただけます!
It was a revisit Feeling calm without previous congestion I ordered an egg bowl set As usual, the volume is perfect! It was a little expensive at $ 870 for lunch, but I am satisfied! Previously, it was open in Fukuchiyama Ayabe has been relocated! Both taste and volume as before You can have delicious udon!

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