Osaka Garden of Floral Culture - Kawachinagano

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Osaka Garden of Floral Culture

住所 :

2292-1 Tako, Kawachinagano, Osaka 586-0036, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87879
Postal code : 586-0036
Webサイト :
Description : Botanical garden with a pyramid greenhouse & seasonal blooms including roses, clematis & plum trees.

2292-1 Tako, Kawachinagano, Osaka 586-0036, Japan
亀澤勉 on Google

花の文化園には以前に良く利用させて頂てましたけど最近は くろまろの郷の#バザースペース 止まりでした 夜間のイルミネーションが綺麗と聞き訪れました 素晴らしいです?なばなのさと に遠出しなくても近場で上等です?5年前から開催しているようです 12/30日迄毎日開催、1/4日から金土日祝日17:30分からです大人1500円/2月14日迄/駐車場は障害者は入口前に健常者は くろまろの郷です
I used to use it a lot at the Flower Culture Garden before, but recently it was the #bazaar space stop in Kuromaro no Sato. I heard that the illuminations at night are beautiful It's wonderful ? Nabana no Sato Even if you don't go out to the area, it's fine in the vicinity ? It seems that it has been held for 5 years Held every day until 12/30, from 1/4 to 17:30 on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays Adults 1500 yen / Until February 14 / Parking lot is in front of the entrance for people with disabilities.
hiromasa on Google

道の駅奥河内くろまろの郷に、近所のおばちゃんと一緒に来たので、寄らせてもらいました、階段は通行止めだったので、少し坂道を登りながら歩いて行きました、なんか手作り感が有る施設で、中では16日からのイルミネーションイベントの準備中で頑張ってましたね。色んな植物を楽しんで鑑賞しながら、喜んでくれました。 木根館という、木工品の制作、販売もしてる施設もあり、大変充実させて頂きました、来週からのイベント開催期間中も行けたら行きたいねって(^^)
I came to the roadside station Okukawachi Kuromaro no Sato with my aunt in the neighborhood, so I stopped by. The stairs were closed, so I walked up the slope a little. At the facility, you worked hard while preparing for the illumination event from the 16th. He was pleased while enjoying and appreciating various plants. There is also a facility called Kinekan, which produces and sells woodwork products, and it has been greatly enhanced. I want to go if I can go during the event period from next week (^^)
しずく on Google

花の文化園のイルミネーション。初めての試み。お花のイルミネーション綺麗でした。屋内のクラゲも面白い。でも1番は蓮の花。 カップルはもちろん家族ずれでも喜ばれるんじゃないかな? 日曜日はライブイベントがあったよ?
Illuminations of the Flower Culture Garden. First attempt. The illumination of the flowers was beautiful. Indoor jellyfish are also interesting. But the first is the lotus flower. I think couples as well as families will be pleased. There was a live event on Sunday ?
かわいなぉみ on Google

2/14(月)までしているイベントのイルミネーションを見てきました。 入口を入ったメイン広場も綺麗でしたが、大温室のクラゲのイルミネーションが印象的でした。 夜は初めて行きましたが、来年もあったらまた行きたいなと思いました。
I have seen the illuminations of the event until 2/14 (Monday). The main square that entered the entrance was also beautiful, but the illumination of the jellyfish in the large greenhouse was impressive. I went there for the first time at night, but I wanted to go there again next year.
Ta Ko on Google

It seemed that there was a plan called "Night Sakura Marche" at night until April 3, but the cherry blossoms seem to be a little early in full bloom. There is no special exhibition, but it is a botanical garden that can be enjoyed by children and adults alike. The promenade has stairs and steep slopes, and there are some places that are a little tight for the elderly.
acht on Google

今回来るのは3回目なのですが、イルミネーションの為に夜に来たのは初めて。昼間とは全然違う印象で、以前来てからそれなりに経っているというのもあって、まるで初めて来たような気分でした。スタンプラリーもやっていて子供たちも非常に満足していました。 しっかり記憶にあった大温室も、クラゲのようなイルミネーションで非常に綺麗でした。当たり前ですが夜ですし、イルミネーションがあるとはいえ一部暗めの所も有りますので、足元注意のところもあります。 期間中は21時半までと結構遅めまでやっていて、 キッチンカーもいくつかあるので飲食も可能です。そこまで遠くない所に住んでいるので車で来ましたが、公共交通機関でも勿論来れます。遠方の方は河内長野駅から更にバスかタクシー乗らないといけないので、ちょっとアクセスが面倒かもしれません。車の方は「奥河内くろまろの郷」の駐車場に停めます。
This is my third time to come, but this is my first time to come at night for illuminations. The impression was completely different from the daytime, and it had been a while since I came before, so I felt like I was here for the first time. I was also doing a stamp rally and the kids were very happy. The large greenhouse, which I remembered well, was very beautiful with illuminations like jellyfish. Obviously, it's night, and although there are illuminations, there are some dark spots, so there are some spots to watch out for. During the period, I was doing it until 21:30, which was quite late. There are also several kitchen cars so you can eat and drink. I lived not far away so I came by car, but of course you can also come by public transport. If you are far away, you have to take a bus or taxi from Kawachi-Nagano Station, so access may be a little troublesome. If you are driving, park at the parking lot of "Okukawachi Kuromaro no Sato".
Gary Luscombe on Google

A pretty flower garden which also often houses activity workshops and a small annual market festival. Also quite popular among cosplayers.
Dai K on Google

This is the prefectural garden filled with many flowers and have lots of nature. They hold lots of events good for kids. We joined nature watching event with university staff. Also build the water gun made by bamboo. We can enjoy playing around with water sprinkler. Car parking is located a bit far from garden. If you carry handicapped member, you can use nearest parking slot.

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