Shokoji - Kawachinagano

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Contact Shokoji

住所 :

1379-6 Hino, Kawachinagano, Osaka 586-0085, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 586-0085
Webサイト :

1379-6 Hino, Kawachinagano, Osaka 586-0085, Japan
華凜 on Google

滝修行ができ、毎年多くの芸能人さん達がされています。もちろん普通の方もよく滝に打たれています。 勝ち運のお寺です。子どもの試合前には、もう2年以上通っており、願いは叶う? コロナ禍でお時間があったのか、お寺回りがかなり綺麗になっていました。
Waterfall training is possible, and many entertainers are doing it every year. Of course, ordinary people are often hit by waterfalls. It is a temple of winning luck. I've been there for more than two years before my child's game, and my wishes come true ? Perhaps I had some time due to the corona, the area around the temple was pretty clean.
末吉百合子 on Google

If you walk a little in a quiet place, you will find a beautiful waterfall. It feels good. A lot of delicious air and clean water full of ozone is flowing in such a place. I'm glad I came just by watching it. I have a bad leg and can walk. It's Yuzukuri, but it seems like I'm in the mountains. There are gentle slopes and stairs, but if you have a bad foot, you should take the slope. When you enter the hall, it feels like you are inside the Buddha's stomach. The nice smell of moss is also wonderful when you leave the hall. Please come out slowly. The smell of incense sticks and the smell of moss. It used to be. Depending on the season, only a few Sasayuri are in bloom. This is also one of the pleasures. Please enjoy it slowly. A soft, slightly sweet scent.
山鳥ヤマガラ on Google

俗称:ささゆり寺 毎年6月第一日曜に《ササユリ祭》開催されています。 イノシシ被害で昔より減ってるそうですが、最近は保護活動に力を入れておられ、それなりの数の自生ササユリが境内のあちこちでみれます。
Common name: Sasayuri Temple It is held every year on the first Sunday of June. It seems that the number of wild boars has been reduced compared to the past, but recently, protection activities have been concentrated, and a fair number of native lilies are found throughout the grounds.
M K on Google

1日コースで体験 人間学の勉強はご住職の講義でわかりやすい。勉強になることも多かった。 座禅は20分でした。思ったより集中できたので貴重な体験です。 その後に滝行修行。 準備運動でお寺を走るのですが、肋骨を骨折していたので大ダメージ。 滝の勢いも結構ありました。 思った以上に滝行修行は満足しました。 昼食はカレーライス。 昼からはご住職の講義ですが、以降は半日コースで充分かなと思いました。
Experience in a 1-day course The study of anthropology is easy to understand in the priest's lecture. I often learned it. Zazen was 20 minutes. It was a valuable experience because I was able to concentrate more than I expected. After that, training for Takiyuki. I run through the temple as a preparatory exercise, but I had a broken rib, which caused a lot of damage. There was a lot of momentum in the waterfall. I was more than satisfied with the training of Takiyuki. Curry rice for lunch. From noon, I will give a lecture on the priest, but after that I thought that a half-day course would be enough.
南形浩 on Google

お寺と滝のコラボレーションです。 ご住職の人間繁盛学 人生に挑戦する人の 心身を鍛え、勇気を与え、己に勝つ力を 高める、人生を繁盛させる、成就を応援。 滝修行もされる滝も厳かなりにも マイナスのイオンも感じる事が出来て パワースポットの名称も頷けます。 お寺の裏手では、貴重な【ささゆり】が 自生してます。昔と比較すると減ってる そうですが、原因は猪らしく、防御の為 対策をしてるそうです。 道路に看板出てますが、左折の場合 少し厳しいので、後続車に注意が必要です
It is collaboration of a temple and a waterfall. Human life prosperous people of the person who challenges life Train the mind and body, give courage, and have the power to beat yourself Enhance the life, prosper, support life. The waterfall which is also trained I can feel the negative ion The name of the power spot is also available. In the back of the temple, valuable [Sasairi] is I am alive. It decreases in comparison with the old days Yes, but the cause is ugly, for defense It seems that measures are taken. I'm out on the road, but in the case of a left turn As it is a little tough, you need to be careful with the following cars
山田武 on Google

2月に滝の荒行に挑みました。 最低コースが人間繁盛学、読経、座禅、滝行のセットから。 滝行のみは受け付けてません。 滝の圧力ですが、全然余裕でしたけど、やっぱ寒さがこたえました。 ホームページからスケジュールを確認して申し込むスタイルです。
In February, I challenged the waterfall. The minimum course is from a set of human prosperity, sutra chanting, zazen, and waterfall. We do not accept only waterfalls. It was the pressure of the waterfall, but I could afford it at all, but after all the cold weather was answered. It is a style to check the schedule from the homepage and apply.
藤原聖子 on Google

家から歩いて行けるので、毎年初詣に行っています。 今年も孫達と行って鐘を鳴らして、今年一年の無病息災を祈ってきました。 往復40分グライダーかかりますが、いい運動にもなりました。
I go to Hatsumode every year because I can walk from my house. I went with my grandchildren this year and rang the bells to pray for the disease-free life of this year. It takes 40 minutes for a round trip glider, but it was also a good exercise.
Igo Bali on Google

Secluded, far away from eyes, a little too dark for my taste, but very quiet.

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