Teragaike Park - Kawachinagano

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Teragaike Park

住所 :

674-5 Oyamadacho, Kawachinagano, Osaka 586-0094, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 586-0094
Webサイト : http://www.kawachinagano-park.or.jp/
Description : Popular park featuring walking paths around a large pond, a baseball field & illumination in winter.

674-5 Oyamadacho, Kawachinagano, Osaka 586-0094, Japan
裕子 on Google

木々が豊富で静かな公園です。 春は桜、秋には紅葉など、季節ごとに違った風景を見せてくれます。 今回は5月上旬に訪れました。 ユリノキの花や、桐の花も咲いており楽しめました。
It is a quiet park with abundant trees. It shows different scenery depending on the season, such as cherry blossoms in spring and autumn leaves in autumn. This time I visited in early May. I enjoyed the flowers of tulip trees and paulownia flowers in bloom.
瑛晃 on Google

春の陽気に誘われて、お弁当を購入して、寺ヶ池公園へ来ました。 コロナ以前は、春秋など季節ごとにフリーマーケットやマルシェなどイベントには結構遊びに来てました〜 今は黄色のミモザの花が咲いていて、映えを求めて、子供とミモザとか犬とミモザとかを、一眼レフカメラで写真を撮る若いママたちがいて、賑やかでした〜 あとはピンクの寒桜も二本あり、花を期待していなかった分、嬉しかったです〜 公園の片隅には、吹奏楽クラブの高校生が、練習していたり、一人で散歩する方も多くいましたよ。 私達は、爽やか風や暖かい陽光の中、四阿でお弁当を頂いて、ゆったりと自然を満喫しました。 ただ現在、敷地内を整備中なのか、切り株や立木や雑草などが、無造作に放置されてる様に感じました〜 次回は、雪柳や桜の季節に訪れようと思います。
Invited by the spring weather, I bought a lunch box and came to Teragaike Park. Before Corona, I often came to play at events such as flea markets and marches every season such as spring and autumn. Now the yellow mimosa flowers are in bloom, and it was lively with young moms taking pictures of children and mimosas, dogs and mimosas with a single-lens reflex camera in search of brilliance. I also had two pink cold cherry blossoms, and I was happy because I didn't expect flowers. In the corner of the park, many high school students from the brass band club were practicing or taking a walk alone. We had a lunch at Azumaya in the refreshing breeze and warm sunlight, and enjoyed nature relaxedly. However, I felt that stumps, standing trees, weeds, etc. were left carelessly, probably because the site is currently under maintenance. Next time, I will visit during the season of Yukiyanagi and Sakura.
水上清伸 on Google

妻と仕事帰りにイルミネーション見て来ました? 大規模なものでは無いけど、綺麗な光を見ながら散歩するのはとても良かったです!
I saw the illuminations with my wife on the way home from work ? It's not a large scale, but it was great to take a walk while looking at the beautiful light!
焼き芋 on Google

イルミネーションを見に行きました。 かなりこぢんまりしていて、クリスマスの夜でも空いていたので、じっくり写真撮りたい方には超おすすめです。 キッチンカーも数台来てました! 駐車場は無料、回転が速いのでよきです。
I went to see the illuminations. It was quite small and was free even on Christmas night, so it is highly recommended for those who want to take a closer look. Several kitchen cars have also come! The parking lot is free and the rotation is fast, so it's good.
Mihaela Zahorneanu on Google

Al Sakurai on Google

Access from the nearby train station may be far but it is relaxing to walk around there.
Gary Luscombe on Google

Walking around the large lake makes for a pleasant and relaxing hour or so. The annual winter illuminations are also pretty good and very popular
Rei “ReiWaImasu” Sledd on Google

The park is more of a concrete park than a flower park but they do have mimosas! (The flowers not the drink)

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