
4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 横浜ラーメン寺田家

住所 :

Oritate, Shiroi, 〒270-1404 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879777
Webサイト : https://irt7.iinaa.net/chiba/index.html
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–10PM
Sunday 11AM–10PM
Monday 11AM–10PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 11AM–10PM
Thursday 11AM–10PM
Friday 11AM–10PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Oritate, Shiroi, 〒270-1404 Chiba,Japan
どらたく on Google

通り沿いにある家系ラーメン。 混んでいるが回転早くわりとすぐ入れます。 麺、汁、チャーシューどれも素晴らしい! 週一で行きたくなるラーメン屋です!
Iekei ramen along the street. It's crowded, but it spins quickly and you can put it in quickly. Noodles, soup and char siu are all wonderful! It's a ramen shop that makes you want to go once a week!
阿野仁摩洲 on Google

The store has a nice old-fashioned appearance, the impactful appearance of green onion ramen, and the expectations are high, but the soup is surprisingly quiet. I imagined the taste of pork bones more pork bones, but it was relatively easy.
ノムノムナニノム on Google

久々に食べたがやはり旨い 濃厚クリーミーな家系 またネギが最大のポイントで汁に浸して食べるのが最高に旨いです。チャーシューは好み別れますが少し硬めで厚切りです。 オススメはネギチャーシュー麺
I ate it after a long time, but it's still delicious Rich creamy family Also, the best point is that the green onions are soaked in the juice and eaten. I like the char siu, but it's a little hard and thick. We recommend the green onion pork noodles
machinatorマチ on Google

昔と少し味が変わったけど美味しい。 前は臭みが強くてはギトギトこってり系だったけど、 今は臭みが少なく丁寧な作りになった感じ。 濃いめと油多めで昔っぽくなります。
The taste is a little different from the old days, but it's delicious. Before, it had a strong odor and it was a bit thick, but Now it feels like it's made carefully with little odor. It's thick and oily, which makes it look old-fashioned.
y K on Google

I've been to many families including Tokyo, but it was the first taste because it was creamy. Really creamy compared to other families. It's like having cream sauce in it. The green onions seem to use scallions, which are bluish and slightly spicy and go well with the soup. The owner of the ramen shop didn't have a bad atmosphere and said, "Sorry, could you take some time?" I'm curious about the parking lot ... Everyone is parked, but it's still a national road, so I'm afraid I can't be banned.
taku on Google

12時から13時の間は満席になって外にまで並ぶので、少し時間をずらして行くのがオススメです。 入って左奥の券売機で食券を買い、店員さんに渡すスタイル。 食券と一緒にポイント券が出てくるので、集めると3枚・6枚・10枚、枚数によりライスや餃子、ラーメン並と引き替えることができる。 カウンター席のみで10席くらいしかないが、回転が早いのでよほど行列してない限り、早めに座れそうです。 肝心のラーメンは、他で食べたことがないようなクリーミーなスープで、好き嫌いは分かれそうですが、ノーマル中華そば好きな自分でも飲み干しそうなくらいスープは美味しかったです。 麺は普通ですかね。 ここに来たら、青ネギラーメンを是非食べてください!
From 12:00 to 13:00, it will be full and line up outside, so it is recommended to stagger the time a little. A style in which you enter, buy a meal ticket at the ticket vending machine on the far left, and give it to the clerk. Point tickets will come out with the meal tickets, so if you collect them, you can exchange them for rice, dumplings, and ramen. There are only about 10 seats at the counter seats, but since the rotation is fast, it seems that you can sit early unless you are in a long line. The essential ramen is a creamy soup that I have never eaten anywhere else, and although I may like or dislike it, the soup was so delicious that even I, who likes normal Chinese noodles, could drink it. Is the noodles normal? If you come here, please try the green onion ramen!
ミニベロ on Google

平日のランチで利用。並びたくないので少し早めのランチ。それでも店内はほぼ満席。中に入ると体格のいい店主がいらっしゃいませと気持ちのいい挨拶。もっと歳のいった人がやっているのかと思いきや意外に若い。左奥の券売機で噂の青ネギラーメン中盛¥950を発券。メニューが少ないので初めての人でも悩まずに済む。席に着き注文を済ませセルフの水を取りに行く。入り口近くの席だったので客が出入りするたびにチョット寒かった。一人で来店するお客さんが多く、席が空いたかと思えばすぐに埋まっていく。凄い人気だ。12時を過ぎると外には列ができていた。寒そうだ、やはり並びたくはない。 チャリで行ける距離ならば通いたいのだが、ちょっと無理。 カウンターのみ10席 駐車場無し(路駐)
Used for lunch on weekdays. I don't want to line up, so I had a little early lunch. Still, the store is almost full. Once inside, a nice greeting from the owner with a good physique. I was surprised to find that an older person was doing it. The rumored green onion ramen medium-sized ¥ 950 is issued at the ticket vending machine on the far left. Since there are few menus, even first-timers do not have to worry. I get to my seat, place an order, and go get my own water. The seats were near the entrance, so it was a bit cold every time customers came in and out. Many customers come to the store alone, and as soon as they think that a seat is vacant, it fills up. It's very popular. After 12 o'clock, there was a line outside. It looks cold, I don't want to line up. I'd like to go if it's a distance that can be reached by chari, but it's a little impossible. 10 seats only at the counter No parking lot (parking on the road)
にゃん汰 on Google

今回は青ねぎラーメンにチャーシュー増し海苔増しで味玉乗せで注文! 何度か来店させていただいてますが、いつ来ても美味しい(゚∀゚) 濃厚でクリーミーなスープが最高に美味しくて青ネギも甘くて美味しくてクセになります! ニンニクを入れすぎるとせっかくの美味しいスープの味が壊れてしまうので、ニンニクを使用したいとしてもあまりスープ溶かさないで使用するほうが個人的にオススメです( ´∀`)
This time, I ordered green onion ramen with more char siu and nori seaweed on top of the taste ball! I have visited the store several times, but it is always delicious (゜ ∀ ゜) The rich and creamy soup is the most delicious, and the green onions are also sweet and delicious and addictive! If you add too much garlic, the taste of the delicious soup will be destroyed, so even if you want to use garlic, it is personally recommended to use it without dissolving the soup too much (´∀ `)

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