Ramen restaurant - Kashiwa

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ramen restaurant

住所 :

2 Chome-7-23 Minamimasuo, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0054, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87788
Postal code : 277-0054

2 Chome-7-23 Minamimasuo, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-0054, Japan
Yuki on Google

Googleでおすすめされたので来店してみました。 チェーン店のような安定した味と価格ではないですが、掘りごたつ式のテーブルでゆっくり食べることができる街のラーメン屋さんです。 胡麻排骨ラーメンをいただいてみました。 流行りの完成された感じやパンチのある味を求められる方には向かないと思います。
I visited the store because it was recommended by Google. It's not a stable taste and price like a chain store, but it's a ramen shop in the city where you can eat slowly at a digging table. I had sesame pork rib ramen. I don't think it's suitable for those who want a trendy, complete feel and a punchy taste.
1 1 on Google

One of the stores I've been to for over 30 years. The taste started to be uneven (especially fried rice. Sometimes it was jerky, and the spices worked), but did it settle down again? Gyoza, sesame ramen and ramen are delicious!
大塚憲一 on Google

料理が旨いが、 コップの汚れがあり 卓上の調味料の入れ物の汚れがあるから、 いつから中身を入れ替えを行っていないのか分からない 本日は、料理に付いてくる杏仁豆腐に虫が入っていた 気にしない人は、気にしないと思いますが 私は、気分が悪くなる お店には、久しぶりだったが、相変わらずでした
The food is delicious, There is dirt on the cup Because there is dirt on the tabletop seasoning container I don't know when the contents haven't been replaced Today, there was an insect in the almond tofu that came with the dish. If you don't care, I don't think you care I feel sick It's been a while since I've been in the store, but it was still the same
yanaka shinya on Google

I've been going for over 30 years now. Steak ramen is recommended. Fried rice is also delicious. Other dishes are also delicious. The only regrettable thing is that the ramen is a little lukewarm. I like the heat, but I want you to do something about it. It was hot when I ate it for the first time. But I still go through Tsukiichi.
サイコベア on Google

10年だか20年以上ぶりに,かなり久しぶりに行きました。弟家族と父と行って父が「味しょっぱくないか?」と言い出し次に弟のお嫁さんまで「しょっぱい」って,でも私はかなり久しぶりで味は昔食べた味と付け合わせの壺に入っているカリカリの梅に懐かしんで食べてたけど1歳6ヶ月の娘もいて弟のお嫁さんが先に食べ終わって娘を代わりに抱いて面倒みてくれてたのもあって胡麻のスープを堪能..「あれ?やっぱしょっぱいのかな⁈」弟が胡麻ラーメン食べた翌日肌がツルツルになるって言ったからスープいっぱい飲みたかったけど,やっぱり味が濃過ぎていっぱい飲むと体に悪そうなのでやめました汗 帰りの車で弟がお店では言えなかったけど,やっぱり「しょっぱい」って言ってて大人4人居てみんなしょっぱいって言ってたから,しょっぱくなったのかなと思いました。*因みにみんな胡麻ラーメン頼みました。他のラーメンはわかりません。私以外の人は2〜3年ぶりに食べた感想です。父が店主見て?俺より老けてんな〜とか言ってたので年齢を重ねて味覚も少し変わっちゃったのかなと思いました汗 でも濃さを除けば麺と味は私の好みです☆ヤオコーによく水を汲みに行く時に前を通るのですがお客さんが入るのよく見掛けるので人の入りは良いです。私達が行った時も昼時で後から何組か入ってきたので1度は行ってみる価値あるかも⁈幸楽苑行くより断然こっちの方が美味しいです☆
I went for the first time in more than 20 years after 10 years, quite a long time. I went with my brother's family and my father, and my father said, "Don't you taste it?" Then my brother's bride was "sweet", but I have been in it for a long time, and the taste is in the bowl I ate with the taste I used to eat I ate some old nostalgic plump but there was also a daughter of 1 year and 6 months and my younger brother's wife finished eating first and took care of her instead of taking care of her enjoying the sesame soup .. " I wanted to drink a lot of soup because my skin told me that the next day my brother had eaten sesame ramen, but I still wanted to drink a lot of soup, but if I had too much taste it would be bad for the body and I stopped it. I could not say that my brother was in the shop with a car, but I still thought that it would be a shame because I was saying "Shoo" and there were four adults and everyone was talking. * By the way everyone asked for sesame ramen. I do not know other ramen. It is the impression that people other than me ate for the first time in 2 to 3 years. Does my father see the shopkeeper? As I said it was older than I, I thought that I overcame my age, and I thought that the taste had changed a little, but the sweat and the taste are my preference except for the concentration ☆ I like to drink water well in yaoko It passes before when I go, but it is good for people to come in because I often see customers come in. Since we came in at lunchtime several sets came in later, so it might be worthwhile to go once !? This is definitely better than going good luck ☆
中野あずにゃん on Google

約25年前に訪問、確かオープン当初だった。 その後再訪問を試みるが一時閉店していた記憶が… たまたま別のラーメン屋へ訪問したが時間的に間に合わなそうでUターンし偶然、お店の前を通過し営業中の看板を見つけて訪問、すぐさま胡麻ラーメンを注文、1時半位で先客が2名、後客2名 着丼の間にメニューを見たら色々と種類が増えていた。塩ラーメンを頼みたかったなぁと思いつつ、やっぱり胡麻だよなぁ〜 と考えていると着丼 あー懐かしい、胡麻なんだけど胡麻っぽくないんだけど胡麻(笑) オーバーボイル気味の麺だけど久しぶりに食べたが変わらない味。 帰り際「暑い中ありがとうございます」と言われて「25年振りに訪問したんです」と話すと 「この辺ではうちが一番古いからね」と また時間がありましたら寄ります
Visited about 25 years ago, it was certainly the beginning of the opening. After that, I tried to visit again, but I remember that the store was temporarily closed ... I happened to visit another ramen shop, but it seemed that I couldn't make it in time, so I made a U-turn, and by chance I passed in front of the shop and found a signboard that was open, and immediately ordered sesame ramen. 2 people, 2 back customers When I looked at the menu while I was wearing the bowl, there were many more types. I thought I wanted to order salt ramen, but after all it was sesame seeds ~ Donburi when thinking Ah nostalgic, sesame but not sesame-like but sesame (laughs) The noodles are overboiled, but I ate them for the first time in a while, but the taste hasn't changed. On my way home, I was told "Thank you in the hot weather" and said "I visited for the first time in 25 years". "Because we are the oldest in this area." I will stop by if I have time again
Hidenori Ishibe on Google

I had the recommended sesame ramen and spicy ramen. The thin straight noodles and the soup went well together and were delicious. It also softens the traditional ramen shop feel.
松田昌久 on Google

冷やし中華¥880を頂きました。 うだるような暑さの中とても熱々のラーメンを食べる気にはならなくて冷やし中華にしました、普通に美味しかったです涼しくなったらラーメンを頂きたいと思います。 お店の特徴としてカウンターはありません、六人掛け座敷テーブル×3&六人掛け掘りごたつ式テーブル×3です。
I got chilled Chinese ¥880. I didn't feel like eating hot ramen in the sweltering heat, so I chilled it and made it into Chinese. It was delicious as usual. I would like to have ramen when it gets cool. There is no counter as a feature of the shop, 6 people sitting room table x 3 & 6 people digging kotatsu table * 3.

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