Ore no Jaja - Shiwa District

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ore no Jaja

住所 :

Dai 6 Chiwari-168 Nishitokuta, Yahaba, Shiwa District, Iwate 028-3603, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8998
Postal code : 028-3603
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–7:30PM
Sunday 11AM–7:30PM
Monday 11AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–7:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–7:30PM
Thursday 11AM–7:30PM
Friday 11AM–7:30PM

Dai 6 Chiwari-168 Nishitokuta, Yahaba, Shiwa District, Iwate 028-3603, Japan
H O on Google

People who eat Jajamen for the first time may be easier to eat than pylon. It has a gentle taste and is delicious!
First Penguin on Google

矢巾駅から少し離れた位置にあります。 店の前に駐車スペースがあるので、車で来るのをオススメします。 各テーブルには食べ方の書いた紙があり、初めての方でも食べ方に困らない気配りが嬉しい! ここのじゃじゃ味噌は、初心者でも食べやすいマイルドな味、出汁がきいた肉味噌でうんめぇ!!(^^) 酢、ラー油、にんにく、肉味噌等を加えて、自分の好みの味へ調味していくと、じゃじゃ麺の奥深い世界へようこそ〜って感じになります(°▽°) 食べ終えたお皿に卵を割り入れてチータン。 お店の方が言っていた通り、スープ自体の味がしっかりしていて、塩胡椒等の味調整の必要がないくらい、とても美味しいです!(^^) じゃじゃ麺の後のおまけでなく、チータンとして成り立つ味わいでした! じゃじゃ麺初心者から経験者まで、いろんな人にオススメできるお店だと思いました! 盛岡と花巻の間くらいにあるので、車で観光する時に寄るのも良さそうです(°▽°)
Neko Ma on Google

昼過ぎに伺ったが結構混み合っていて、帰りには駐車場待ちの人もいた。 じゃじゃ麺は他店に比べて味噌、きゅうり、ネギ、生姜が大盛り。 しかしペロッと食べてしまうのがじゃじゃ麺の魅力。 チータンは出汁が効いてそのままでもいけるが、味噌や調味料で味付けしながら食べると更に良い。
I visited there in the afternoon, but it was quite crowded, and some people were waiting for the parking lot on their way home. Compared to other restaurants, Jajamen has a large serving of miso, cucumber, green onions, and ginger. However, the appeal of Jajamen is that it is eaten with a sip. Chitan has a good soup stock and can be used as it is, but it is even better to eat it while seasoning with miso or seasonings.
いなかの奥様 on Google

旨ーい‼️ ご夫婦?お二人で切り盛りしているお店かな? 店内に入るとお二人とも「いらっしゃいませ〜」と感じ良く迎えてくれます。 店内はコロナ対策も万全なようで、じゃじゃ味噌、辣油、青海苔などは客ごとに提供されます。 じゃじゃ麺は、きゅうり、ネギ、おろし生姜、紅生姜たっぷりトッピングしてあり食べ応え充分^o^ じゃじゃ麺はモチロン美味いが、何故だろうチータンが美味すぎる。 帰りも気持ちの良い挨拶で見送ってくれました。(接客業には重要ですもんね) また食べに行きますね。ご馳走様でした♪ じゃじゃ麺中盛り 600円 チータン 100円
Delicious! ️ A couple? Is it a shop that two people are working on? When you enter the store, both of you will feel good and welcome you. The inside of the store seems to be perfect for corona measures, and Jaja miso, chili oil, green laver, etc. are provided for each customer. Jajamen is topped with cucumber, green onion, grated ginger, and pickled ginger, so it's good enough to eat ^ o ^ Jajamen is delicious with Mochiron, but I wonder why Chitan is too delicious. He sent me off with a pleasant greeting on his way home. (It's important for the hospitality business) I'm going to eat again. It was a treat ♪ Jajamen medium serving 600 yen Chitan 100 yen
しのぶ on Google

The first Jajamen. I ordered a special edition. I ate too much because it was quite a lot. Including the last Chitan, I think I was full even if it was one size smaller. It was fun and delicious to be able to make your own taste with miso, vinegar, chili oil, and garlic. I think there is too much ginger, but it's better than less. If I ever go to Morioka, I want to go there again.
on Google

ちーたんが美味しいじゃじゃ麺屋さん。 ふつうにじゃじゃ麺食べても美味しいけど、自分はちーたんのための準備運動くらいに思っている。 ちーたんをふわふわに仕上げるためには、しっかり卵をとく、一気に熱湯を注ぐあたりがポイントかと思うけど、ここのちーたんは本当に美味しい。 自分は麺を多めに残して、ちーたんを楽しんでいる。 岩手を離れてしまったので、取り寄せしたけど懐かしいあの味がした。 取説の通りちーたんを作った。美味しい。少し泣いた。
Jajamenya where Chitan is delicious. It's usually delicious to eat Jajamen, but I think it's just a preparatory exercise for Chitan. In order to make the chitan fluffy, I think the point is to thoroughly beat the eggs and pour boiling water at once, but the chitan here is really delicious. I leave a lot of noodles and enjoy Chitan. I left Iwate, so I ordered it, but it tasted nostalgic. I made Chitan according to the instruction manual. delicious. I cried a little.
Kittisak Junpetch on Google

Nice cha cha meng. Very delicious and good service.
Joakim Johansson on Google

This place is easy to miss if it was not for the sign next to it. It doesnt look like much from the outside but there is a nice oldschool charm to it on the inside and you get greeted with a smile when you enter. The jajamen here is really good and have a mild taste to it. Once you have eaten you can break a raw egg in to your bowl and stir for a bit, give then the bowl to the staff and they will fill the bowl with a broth. This mix with the leftovers in the bowl, the raw egg and the broth is so delicious. And it cost only 680¥. There are a nice collection of manga for the guests to read if they so feel like it.

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