
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 折場登山口駐車場

住所 :

Azumachokonaka, Midori, 〒376-0308 Gunma,Japan

街 : Gunma

Azumachokonaka, Midori, 〒376-0308 Gunma,Japan
Sato on Google

ここまで道は狭くないが、所々落石跡あり。 とはいえ、他の登山口はしょっちゅう通行止め(倒木や土砂崩れ)になるので安定して泊められるのはここである事に疑いは無い
The road is not narrow so far, but there are some rockfall marks. However, there is no doubt that it is here that you can stay stably because other trailheads are often closed (fallen trees and landslides).
masafumi andou on Google

It's nice, but when the time comes, the cars are full.
LOLOpez on Google

駐車場は見晴らしがよく水洗ではありませんがトイレもあり登山には便利です。 ここにたどり着くまでがたいへん悪路です。 特にに小中から上る道は落石等の落下物が多数、路面もデコボコ箇所が多く危険です。 登山後落石に接触したことによりパンクしてしまい、ロードサービスを呼ぶのにも一苦労しました(業者が見つからず4時間以上待ちました) また携帯の電波もほとんどつながらず、奇跡的に駐車場から東に数百メートル降りたあたりで電話の繋がる場所があり なんとか帰ることができましたが、獣も多い地域ですので 運転に自信のない方や単身の方はくれぐれもご注意ください。 また袈裟丸山を目指し入山、数百メートルのところでアブに襲われ数か所刺されました。服の上からだったので大事には至りませんが一日中激しい痛みが続きました。 どちらも認識や下調べのの甘かった自分の責任だと深く反省しております。 注意喚起になるかと思い恥を忍んで投稿いたします。 どうぞくれぐれもご注意ください。
The parking lot has a good view and is not washed with water, but there is a toilet and it is convenient for mountain climbing. It's a very bad road to get here. Especially on the road going up from small and medium, there are many falling objects such as falling rocks, and the road surface is also dangerous because there are many uneven parts. I got a flat tire after climbing a rock and had a hard time calling a road service (I couldn't find a contractor and waited for more than 4 hours). In addition, there is a place where the telephone can be connected miraculously about several hundred meters east of the parking lot because the radio wave of the mobile phone is hardly connected. I managed to go home, but since it is an area with many beasts Please be careful if you are not confident in driving or if you are alone. In addition, I entered the mountain aiming for Kesamaruyama, and was attacked by Abu at a few hundred meters and was stabbed in several places. It wasn't important because it was from the top of my clothes, but the pain continued all day long. I deeply regret that both of them are my own responsibilities, which I was not aware of and did not do any preliminary research. I will post it with shame, thinking that it will be a reminder. Please be careful.
ichicou High.B on Google

登山道とのアクセスは良い ?️は停めかたにもよるが 精々8台ぐらい
Good access to mountain trails ?️ depends on how you stop it, but at most about 8
ものくろキッド on Google

見晴良いです 林道は積雪が最大30センチ程あり頂上付近は吹き溜まりで普通車は通行困難です
The view is good There is a maximum of 30 cm of snow on the forest road, and snowdrifts near the summit make it difficult for ordinary cars to pass.
まないたくら on Google

ヤシオツツジの頃は混み合います 7時前には満車 トイレと案内板有ります 途中の道はすれ違い出来ないく大滝方面への道は落石箇所が多数有り危険 駐車場から大滝方面へ下った所に車を停めるスペース有ります 路上駐車が多数
It gets crowded when it's a palm otter, and it's full before 7 o'clock There is a toilet and information board The road on the way cannot pass each other, and the road to Otaki is dangerous because there are many rockfalls. There is a space where you can park your car down from the parking lot toward Otaki.
tani nita on Google

It is a large parking lot for mountain trails and is well maintained. However, the flower season is full, and it may be parked on a wide shoulder in the vicinity.
bruwntrutta on Google

GWに利用しましたが,朝の早い時間で既に満車で,多くの方が路肩に停めてました。駐車場前の山側の路肩は,上に登山道があり落石を受ける危険性がありますので,そこへの駐車はお勧めしません。林道を先に進むとヒライデ沢の手前に広い駐車スペースがあるので,そちらの方がベターかと思います。 トイレはありますがボットントイレで,匂いがきついです。
I used it for Golden Week, but it was already full early in the morning, and many people parked on the shoulder. We do not recommend parking on the mountain side shoulder in front of the parking lot, as there is a mountain trail above and there is a risk of falling rocks. If you go ahead on the forest road, there is a large parking space in front of Hiraidezawa, so I think that is better. There is a toilet, but it is a botton toilet and the smell is strong.

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