ドライブイン 雪国茶屋

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact ドライブイン 雪国茶屋

住所 :

Onobori, Mishima, Onuma District, 〒969-7516 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://yukigunichaya.blogspot.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–6PM
Sunday 10AM–6PM
Monday 10AM–6PM
Tuesday 10AM–6PM
Wednesday 10AM–6PM
Thursday 10AM–6PM
Friday 10AM–6PM
街 : Fukushima

Onobori, Mishima, Onuma District, 〒969-7516 Fukushima,Japan
K S (Laphroaig) on Google

年季の入った建物だが、味は上々。 蕎麦は手打ちで絶品。 これからの季節、会津地鶏けんちんそばがオススメかな。 ホームページ等では、営業時間は18:00までとなっているが、冬季は早めに閉めることも多いようなので注意が必要。
The building is old, but the taste is excellent. The soba is handmade and exquisite. I wonder if Aizu Jidori Kenchin Soba is recommended for the coming season. On the website, etc., the business hours are until 18:00, but it seems that it often closes early in winter, so be careful.
S H on Google

A noodle restaurant in Aizu hometown where stubborn jujui runs soba and mochi. Recently the sauce katsudon is uri? It is said that the soba noodles are made with a recipe that is handed down to this area, but I don't think it is so delicious. Commitment = not taste. But the mochi is fresh and definitely delicious. Ramen ?? also has rice cakes (laughs) and the potato salad with the sweet potatoes was sweet and delicious.
Bellavista c on Google

以前からちょっと気になっていたが、外見から中々入る勇気がなく? 今日は連れもいたので思い切って入ってみました。 何にしようか散々悩み 手打ち蕎麦と、ひれかつ丼ハーフを注文しました。 蕎麦は挽きぐるみのそば粉で太さがまちまちの歯ごたえのあるタイプ。山都の蕎麦とは全く違う 力強いお蕎麦で辛味大根と食べると美味い?ツユも蕎麦の味を邪魔しない控えめな濃さでした。 そして、カツ丼のソースが他とは違い 結構甘めのソース味でご飯とのバランスがとても良い。 そして…ご飯が凄く美味しいです。 丼物に合う 粒がしっかりしていて スッキリとした味のお米です。 お店のおばちゃんが 大変そうだけど、優しくてとても良かったです。 どちらかというと、餅が人気みたいですね。次回来た時 餅を食べたいな❣️ 田舎あるある タバコ吸い放題は勘弁だな〜〜??
I was a little worried from before, but without the courage to enter from the outside I took it with me today, so I decided to enter it. I ordered a hand-made soba noodles and a fin-and-crab half. Soba is a ground buckwheat flour that has a chewy texture. When eating with spicy radish, it is a modest concentration that does not interfere with the taste of soba. And the katsudon sauce is very sweet and the balance with rice is very good. And ... the rice is really delicious. A rice that has a refreshing taste and a solid grain that matches the bowl. The aunt of the shop seems to be hard, but it was kind and very good. Rather, it looks like cocoon is popular. I want to eat 餅 next time 来 ️ There is a certain countryside.
アイヅアイ on Google

コメントから、何か面白そうなお店に思えたので、行ってみました。が、残念、営業時間内でしたがやっていませんでした。期待を込めて☆4にします。2022/2/26、土曜日。 追加ー2022/3/12。土曜日13時過ぎ、開いていたので寄ってみました。手打ちざる蕎麦、おいしかったです。☆5に修正します。麵はまさに手打ち、細いの太いの、長いの短いの…しかし全く問題はありません。こし、香り、冷たく締まった具合、一口目をそのまま食べてみて、‛今日食べることができてよかった~’と、思いました。つゆは甘からず辛からず、ネギとわさびの他に辛み大根おろしあり、小鉢?は小さな玉ねぎ天ぷらと揚げかす、蕎麦湯は茶飲みに一杯、白濁少しトロトロでした。お餅(各種750円)は3つ一皿ということでしたが、ちょっと多すぎかと思い断念。残念。半量の設定があればいいのにと思いました。全体的には満足。ごちそうさまでした。
From the comments, it seemed like something interesting, so I went there. But unfortunately, I didn't do it during business hours. With expectations, I will make it ☆ 4. Saturday, February 26, 2022. Added-2022/3/12. It was open after 13:00 on Saturday, so I stopped by. The handmade soba was delicious. ☆ Correct to 5. The ankle is just handmade, thin and thick, long and short ... but no problem at all. I tried eating the first bite as it was, with a firm scent, a cold and tight condition, and I was glad I was able to eat it today. The soup is not sweet and spicy, and besides the green onions and wasabi, there is a spicy grated radish, a small bowl? Was a small onion tempura and fried dregs, soba hot water was a cup of tea, and it was a little cloudy. It was said that the mochi (various 750 yen) was one plate of three, but I gave up thinking that it was a little too much. disappointing. I wish I had half the amount set. Overall satisfied. Thank you for the meal.
狩勝 on Google

やさしい味のスープと味の染みた叉焼の相性抜群‼ ☆追記☆ 餅もラーメンも旨かったけどカレーも最高! 雪国茶屋特製の謳い文句に嘘偽りナシ!!
Excellent compatibility between the soup with a gentle taste and the roasted pork with a soaked taste! ☆ Addition ☆ The mochi and ramen were delicious, but the curry was also great! No lies to the singing phrase specially made by Yukiguni Chaya !!
金井廣重 on Google

会津観光で立ち寄りました。 まずこの地にこの昭和の食堂、本当に絵になります。 しかもただ赴きの感動だけでなく、美味しさも絶品でした。 昼前でしたがお客さんが多く、自分はチャーシュー麺と納豆餅をたのみました。 他の方々は餅ラーメンを食べてる方が多かったです。 スープを一口啜ると本当にその懐かしさに感動しました。 自分が少年時代に食べたラーメンのその記憶が蘇りました。 どんこ(椎茸の干したもの)の出汁が素晴らしく、忘れていた味でした。 この地(東北地方?)の名物である納豆餅も初めて食べてみました。 素朴ではあるが餅と納豆の相性には驚きました。 何とかこの地で永遠に残っていて欲しい食堂だと思います。
I stopped by for sightseeing in Aizu. First of all, this Showa dining room is really a picture here. Moreover, not only the excitement of going there, but also the deliciousness was excellent. It was before noon, but there were many customers, and I ate char siu noodles and natto mochi. Most of the other people were eating mochi ramen. When I took a sip of soup, I was really impressed by its nostalgia. The memory of the ramen I ate when I was a boy revived. The soup stock of donko (dried shiitake mushrooms) was wonderful and it was a taste I had forgotten. I also tried natto mochi, which is a specialty of this area (Tohoku region?), For the first time. Although simple, I was surprised at the compatibility between mochi and natto. I think it's a cafeteria that I want to stay here forever.
榎修作 on Google

A drive-in with a Showa era atmosphere along National Highway 252, handmade soba and rice cakes are popular as specialties. I ate soba this time and it was very delicious! Next time, I would like to go get some mochi that I am interested in.
S H on Google

令和2年 内部改修していたのでやっと令和3年になって入店。お昼になる地元のじいちゃんばあちゃんが入ってきてお餅を注文するようなお店です。
Reiwa 2nd year: Since it had been internally renovated, I finally entered the store in Reiwa 3rd year. It's a shop where local grandpas and grandmas come in for lunch and order rice cakes.

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