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東大阪市の賃貸・売買|クラスモ小阪店 - Online222.co.jp


About 賃貸・売買のクラスモ小阪店/株式会社OnLine(オンライン)


  • 大阪府東大阪市小阪本町1丁目2-6 
  • TEL:06-6730-7778
  • FAX:06-6730-7768

Copyright(c) 株式会社OnLineクラスモ小阪店
All Rights Reserved.

Contact 賃貸・売買のクラスモ小阪店/株式会社OnLine(オンライン)

住所 :

Kosakahonmachi, Higashiosaka, 〒577-0802 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877778
Webサイト : https://www.online222.co.jp/
街 : Osaka

Kosakahonmachi, Higashiosaka, 〒577-0802 Osaka,Japan
sbo msy on Google

Even if I had a sudden consultation, he responded promptly, and I was able to get in touch with him quickly, which was really helpful! The atmosphere of the shop is cozy and the staff are very caring, funny and smiling. I'm really glad I came. I'm only looking for a room here! Those who are wondering should definitely go ♪
中村早希 on Google

I am very grateful that you consulted with me very kindly, responded to all problems, and fulfilled all the desired contents. I am really grateful that the person in charge is also able to do his best.
mi_s on Google

息子の新生活でお世話になりました。 大垣様に担当して頂きとても親切丁寧な対応、そして何より迅速な対応でとても助かりました。 今後引っ越しなどの機会があればまた利用させていただきたいと思います。 ありがとうございました。
I was taken care of by my son's new life. Mr. Ogaki was in charge of it, and it was very helpful to have a very kind and polite response, and above all, a prompt response. I would like to use it again if there is an opportunity such as moving in the future. Thank you very much.
naoki TB on Google

店員さんの対応がとても親切でした! 契約から鍵の手渡しまで、こまめに連絡していただき、困ったことがあれば気軽に相談できたので、スムーズに進めることができました。
The clerk's response was very kind! From the contract to the handing over of the key, I was able to contact me diligently, and if I had any problems, I could feel free to consult with them, so I was able to proceed smoothly.
joongi lee on Google

潟元さんに担当して頂きました! 分かりやすく丁寧に対応していただけて、納得いくまで何件も物件をまわらせてもらいました 初期費用もできるだけ安くして頂いて本当に助かりました!! 困った時は公式LINEで相談できるのがありがたいです(*^^*) クラスモ小阪店の潟元さんにとっても感謝しています!ありがとうございました!!
Mr. Igatamoto was in charge! I was able to respond in an easy-to-understand and polite manner, and I was allowed to go around many properties until I was satisfied. It was really helpful to have the initial cost as low as possible! !! If you have any problems, I would appreciate it if you could consult on the official LINE (* ^^ *) I am also grateful to Mr. Katamoto of the Clasmo Kosaka store! thank you! !!
ハリー on Google

There was a place I liked very much, and I had them check the vacancy every day for almost half a year until it became vacant. I was glad that I was able to exchange even trivial questions from LINE with kind answers and responses until I moved in. I think it was really good at this shop.
林田泉 on Google

とても親身に対応していただいて よかったです。急な申し出や 問い合わせにも迅速に対応してくださり助かりました。 お部屋探しは、いろいろと緊張すると思うのですが、安心してお任せすることができたので、快適でした。 またご縁が、ありましたら よろしくお願いします。
Thank you very much for your kindness I'm glad. Sudden offer or It was helpful to respond to inquiries promptly. I think I'm nervous about finding a room, but I was comfortable because I was able to leave it to me with confidence. If you have an edge again Thank you.
は誠 on Google

めちゃくちゃ親身でした! 相談事も引越し後でもいつでもLINEでもどうぞ!と言っていただきました!! 今後も引き続きお世話になろうと思ってます! 阿部さんという女性の方に丁寧に対応していただきました! よろしくおねがいします!
I was insanely friendly! Please feel free to consult with us anytime after moving on LINE! I had you say! !! I will continue to take care of you in the future! A woman named Abe kindly responded! Nice to meet you!

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