Homemate Kosaka - Higashiosaka

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

東大阪市・小阪の賃貸はホームメイトFC小阪店 - Ys-estate.net


About Homemate Kosaka


  • 大阪府東大阪市小阪本町1丁目1-13 
  • TEL:06-6725-3221
  • FAX:06-6725-3222

Copyright(c) ホームメイトFC小阪店
All Rights Reserved.

Contact Homemate Kosaka

住所 :

1 Chome-1-13 Kosakahonmachi, Higashiosaka, Osaka 577-0802, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 577-0802
Webサイト : http://www.ys-estate.net/

1 Chome-1-13 Kosakahonmachi, Higashiosaka, Osaka 577-0802, Japan
かし on Google

When I visited there because there was a property I was interested in, I was able to propose even better land and properties! Also, the correspondence was polite and the best!
shun super on Google

物件探しはもちろんですが契約後のフォローも行き届いていて ガギを会社で貰えるよう手配をしてもらえました。 ラインの返信も早く安心して任せることができました。
Not only looking for a property, but also following up after the contract is perfect. I got an arrangement to get the gagi at the company. I was able to leave the line reply quickly and with peace of mind.
y Y on Google

いい物件を紹介してもらい大変満足しています! 従業員全員で物件を探してくれるなど他の不動産会社と比べて仕事が早く、また様々な物件を提案してくれるのでとても良かったです
I am very satisfied with the introduction of a good property! Compared to other real estate companies, all employees search for properties faster, and it is very good because they propose various properties.
理沙 on Google

気になる物件があり、こちらの口コミを拝見してから足を運ばせていただきましたが口コミ通り清潔感もあり明るく誠実で素敵なお店でした。 初めての遠方からの引越しのため、時間の限りと不安があったのですが担当してくださった瓜生さんがとても丁寧な対応と迅速なお仕事ぶりで安心してお任せをすることができました。 最終的に最初に見たかった物件よりも気にいる物件を紹介してくださり引っ越しが楽しみになりました。 そして、階段の寸法などが知りたくて電話でご連絡させていただいたのですかその採寸の対応もすぐにしてくださり感激しました。 本当にありがとうございました。
There was a property I was interested in, so I visited after seeing this review, but it was a bright, sincere and wonderful shop with a sense of cleanliness as the word of mouth. Since I was moving from afar for the first time, I was worried about the time limit, but Mr. Uryu, who was in charge of it, was able to leave it to me with peace of mind with a very polite response and quick work. In the end, I was looking forward to moving because he introduced me to the property I liked more than the one I wanted to see first. And did you contact me by phone because I wanted to know the dimensions of the stairs? I'm really thankful to you.
るんぱっぱ on Google

Since I was looking for a property from afar, I was able to see many properties in one day. Above all, he recommended a place that considers our budget and work place. At first, I included it in the place where I was planning to preview it, and I was able to see it a lot. The two of us were convinced and made the final decision. Thank you very much for your help.
なちゃ on Google

I was full of anxiety when I was looking for a room for the first time and living alone, but I was relieved by the kind people who explained it in an easy-to-understand manner and measured it together. When I got home, I waved my hand and said, "Please do your best in your new life!" The atmosphere in the workplace was very good! Thank you for your help! Thank you!
M.T on Google

違う不動産屋に先に行ったんですが 対応が悪く他のとこにしようと思いいかせていただきました。 朝イチからの訪問に嫌な顔せず熱心にいろいろ教えてくださり感謝しています。 物件も決まり入居日も近づいてきたのでとてもありがたいです。 谷山さん ありがとうございました!
I went to a different real estate agent first The correspondence was bad and I decided to try another place. I am grateful to you for teaching me various things enthusiastically without making a disgusting face to the visit from Ichi in the morning. I am very grateful that the property has been decided and the move-in date is approaching. Mr. Taniyama thank you!
オランクドナルド on Google

客目線で良い物件を提案してくださるよい不動産屋さんです。 また、内見から契約締結までは完全オンラインで対応してくれるため、遠方の身としては助かりました。 書類手続きも迅速で、かつ連絡もマメなため、担当者は信頼のおける方でした。
A good real estate agent who proposes good properties from the customer's perspective. Also, from the preview to the conclusion of the contract, it is completely online, which was helpful as a distant person. The person in charge was a reliable person because the paperwork was quick and the contact was not good.

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