仁和寺 金堂

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世界遺産 真言宗御室派総本山 仁和寺 - Ninnaji.jp

真言宗御室派総本山 仁和寺の公式ウェブサイトです。888年に創建、かつて門跡寺院として栄えた、格式ある寺院・仁和寺。所蔵の国宝・重要文化財や御室桜などの境内のみどころ、仁和寺でできる写経や宿泊など数々の体験についてご案内しています。

Contact 仁和寺 金堂

住所 :

Omuroouchi, Ukyo Ward, 〒616-8092 Kyoto,Japan

Webサイト : http://www.ninnaji.jp/
街 : Kyoto

Omuroouchi, Ukyo Ward, 〒616-8092 Kyoto,Japan
京都市北区の整体院BODYPITKYOTOボディピット京都 on Google

仁和寺の金堂。 報恩感謝。
Kondo of Ninnaji Temple. Thanks for the reward.
Toshi Fujiwara on Google

瓦葺き・入母屋造りだが基本構造は寝殿造り、垂木の先端に到るまで随所に豪華な鍍金の装飾金具があしらわれ、その垂木も普通の二重ではなく三重になっているなど、他に寺院建築として似た例があまりない華麗な装飾性は、この建物が元々はお寺の金堂ではなく、御所(皇居の建物)、それも日本の天皇家の宮殿でもっとも重要な正殿であり即位礼などが行われる紫宸殿だったから。 よって仁和寺の金堂だからというだけでなく、近世以前の御所の様子が分かる貴重な遺構として、国宝に指定されている。近年大規模な修復工事が行われ、特に蔀戸の黒漆塗りに金の金具の輝きは華麗。黒漆は紫外線に弱くいずれこの光沢を失ってしまうので、今のうちにしっかり見ておきましょう。 仁和寺も応仁の乱と続く戦国時代でほとんどの堂舎を失い荒廃し、徳川幕府が責任をもって再興したのが現在の伽藍で、ここが門跡寺院(親王が住職を務める権威の高い寺)筆頭で天皇家と深い関わりを持つことから、慶長年間に造営された紫宸殿を天皇家が寄進したのがこの金堂。 豪華な建築ながら実際の大きさよりもこじんまりと、慎ましく見えるように絶妙にデザインされているのも、これが紫宸殿だったからであろう。時々公開される内部に入ると、外から見た感じよりもはるかに大きな建物であることに気づく。天井板を貼らず化粧天井で処理されていることもあり縦方向にも大きく広がった内部空間には前面に阿弥陀浄土を表す壁画が施されている。なおここの本尊は真言寺院では比較的珍しい(薬師如来、大日如来が多い)阿弥陀三尊で、この新しい金堂のスケールの大きさに合わせて旧来の、平安時代の阿弥陀三尊(国宝・現在は霊宝館に展示)よりも一回り大きな三尊像が新たに作られ、安置されている。
It is rubble-made, but the basic structure is a dormitory-built, and luxurious decorative metal fittings are decorated everywhere until it reaches the top of the rafter, and the rafter also becomes triple instead of ordinary double, etc. as temple construction in other There are few similar examples of decorative decoration that this building was not originally a temple in the temple, but it is the most important shrine in the imperial palace of Japan, the imperial palace, and it is also the most important palace in Japan. Because it was Shion who is to be seen. Therefore, it is designated as a national treasure not only because it is a temple in Ninna-ji, but also as a valuable remains to understand the state of the pre-modern era. In recent years, a large-scale restoration work has been carried out, and the brilliance of gold fittings is particularly brilliant in black lacquering of Shishido. Black lacquer is weak to UV rays and eventually loses its luster, so let's take a close look now. Ninna-ji also lost most of the buildings during the War of the Rebellion and continued devastation, and the Tokugawa Shogunate has responsibly revived the current temple, which is now the head temple of Monjo Temple Because it has a deep relationship with the emperor's house, it is this Jindo that the emperor's house donated to the Shionsu-den, which had been built for many years. It's probably because it was the Shiyanagiden that it is exquisitely designed to look so small and politely smaller than its actual size while being a luxurious architecture. When you go inside, you will find that it is a much larger building than it was from the outside. There is also a mural on the front of the interior space that is greatly expanded in the vertical direction because a ceiling board is not attached and treated with a decorative ceiling. It should be noted that the main temple here is relatively rare in the Shingon temple (Yakushi-nuri, there are a lot of Dainichi-nuri), and the old Heian period Amida-san (the national treasure-present) according to the scale of this new temple A three-toned statue larger than the one displayed at the Reihokan is newly made and enshrined.
kenta 012603 on Google

It seems that you can enjoy the wonderful scenery during the cherry blossom season.
Seiko on Google

Omuro cherry blossoms were in full bloom. Since the sunoco is well maintained, I could appreciate it even in the rain without worrying about my feet.
松村直彦 on Google

The main idol of Ninna-ji Temple, Amitabha triad, is enshrined. It is a national treasure.
円座厚司 on Google

仁和寺の金堂は、慶長18年(1613)に造営された内裏の紫宸殿を移築改修したものだそうです。屋根を檜皮葺から本瓦葺に、内部も内陣・外陣に区分して仏殿風に改めたそうです。 平成31年京の冬の旅で経蔵と共に内部を拝観しました。
The main hall of Ninna-ji Temple is said to have been relocated and renovated from the Shishinden Hall on the inner lining, which was built in 1613. It seems that the roof has been changed from cypress bark to real tile roof, and the interior has been divided into inner and outer camps to make it look like a Buddhist temple. On a winter trip to Kyoto in 2019, I visited the interior with Keizo.
kumiko narita on Google

It seemed like it was time to read sutras, and it sounded like a singing voice. I'm glad I went. Because of the corona sickness, there were very few people and I had a wonderful time.
APRIL on Google

2015年5月 世界文化遺産の仁和寺に来たら、一番奥にある金堂(国宝)と経蔵(重文)を是非お薦めします。残念ながら特別公開の時しか内部は見れませんが、美しい仏像が有り見応え有ります。なんとも雅な世界で感動です。京都観光協会のHPで特別公開日をチェックして、是非ご覧下さい。
If you come to Ninna-ji Temple, a world cultural heritage site in May 2015, we highly recommend the Kondo (national treasure) and Keizo (important cultural property) at the back. Unfortunately, you can only see the inside when it is open to the public, but there is a beautiful Buddha statue and it is spectacular. I am impressed with the elegant world. Please check the special release date on the website of the Kyoto Tourism Association and have a look.

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