Ninna-ji Temple Goten - Kyoto

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

世界遺産 真言宗御室派総本山 仁和寺 -

真言宗御室派総本山 仁和寺の公式ウェブサイトです。888年に創建、かつて門跡寺院として栄えた、格式ある寺院・仁和寺。所蔵の国宝・重要文化財や御室桜などの境内のみどころ、仁和寺でできる写経や宿泊など数々の体験についてご案内しています。

Contact Ninna-ji Temple Goten

住所 :

33 Omuroouchi, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto, 616-8092, Japan

Postal code : 616-8092
Webサイト :

33 Omuroouchi, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto, 616-8092, Japan
Terence Fang on Google

Large peaceful garden that is not crowded with tourist
Carl Hartmann on Google

Huge and free. Great destination for a Kyoto trip
stone9591 on Google

I've seen other places much more beautiful and much cheaper. I would not recommend it to my friends
Lelo 233 on Google

Free, beautiful and with a really nice Garden, what more could you ask from a temple in Japan?
Matthew Stavros on Google

This stunning temple associated with the Tendai sect is a monument to esoteric Buddhism and influence of Indian philosophy and material culture in Japan.
Anant Taraniya on Google

The place has one of the most beautiful Pagodas. It has an entry fee of 1000Yrn for the min temple but you can skip that and it won't make much of a difference. We first went to Aroshiyama then Ninna-ji then Ryoan-ji and then Kinkaku-ji and since they all fall in a line, it saved us a lot of time.
Peter Martinez on Google

This is one of the best zen experiences you can find in Kyoto. Literally you can take off your shoes and enter every building. I recommend go early in the morning (around 9am) it's not crowded and great light for shooting photos. Very recommended.
Jonathan Freeman on Google

I could tell it was worth a world heritage site ranking but after I spent 500yen to see the palace that was under construction I was unwilling to pay the additional fees to get into the other places. My fault but...

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