KAZ - Nagoya

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact KAZ

住所 :

Omiyacho, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya, 〒453-0821 Aichi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 453-0821
街 : Aichi

Omiyacho, Nakamura Ward, Nagoya, 〒453-0821 Aichi,Japan
キンタロウ on Google

I am looking forward to the small bowl that comes out every time at a very delicious set meal shop! The owner, Kazu, is also very attractive.
佐藤英人 on Google

There are many regular customers only at the counter, but it is also easy for new people to master (Kazu). The set meal is delicious with two small bowls. I also like alcohol because it can be drunk around.
高橋HN on Google

町の定食屋さんですが、一品一品が丁寧に作られているのを感じます。 季節のおすすめが美味しかったです。
It's a set meal restaurant in the town, but I feel that each item is carefully made. The seasonal recommendations were delicious.
Yasu on Google

A delicious set meal restaurant made by a polite work owner
Naoyuki Koara on Google

近所で偶然発見した穴場的定食店。 夜にしか行かないのでお昼は分からないが落ち着いた雰囲気で大将自慢の定食を楽しめます。魚・揚げ物・丼ものどれをとっても質が高く季節のオススメもあるので毎回悩むところですが定番は焼き肉定食、タレが絶品です。紅生姜と共にご飯にかけるのが至高。
A secret set restaurant found by chance in the neighborhood. Since it goes only at night, you cannot enjoy lunch, but you can enjoy a set meal that you can enjoy in a calm atmosphere. The quality of the fish, deep-fried food, and salmon is high, and there are seasonal recommendations, so it's a problem every time, but the standard is the grilled meat set and sauce. It is supreme to sprinkle rice with red ginger.
清水幸治 on Google

店内は縦長でL字カウンターのみ。 寡黙な大将が1人で切り盛りしてます。 定食ご飯、丼物ご飯の大盛は追加無しでやってくれます。 私はカツ丼をオーダーしましたが他のお客様(6名いました)は皆、定食を頼まれてました。
The inside of the store is vertically long and has only an L-shaped counter. A quiet general is working alone. A large serving of set meal rice and rice bowl rice will be served without any addition. I ordered Katsudon, but all the other customers (6 people) were asked for a set meal.
Mばりぼ on Google

街の定食屋さん、ありそうであんまり無いお店です。 決して派手ではないですが、とても丁寧に手間をかけて作られたであろう料理は、まさに外食する価値がある食事であると言えます。 特筆すべきは米と赤出汁。米は程よい硬さで一粒一粒がしっかりしており、赤出汁はよくある塩辛いものでなくお出汁の風味が香る。いずれも家庭料理とは一線を画すクオリティです。 しかもおかわり自由。 あったかいご飯が食べたい、という時はこちらがおすすめです。
There aren't many set meal shops in town. It's by no means flashy, but the food that would have been made with great care and effort is truly worth eating out. Of particular note are rice and red soup stock. The rice is moderately hard and each grain is firm, and the red soup stock is not the usual salty one, but the flavor of the soup stock is fragrant. Both are of a quality that sets them apart from home cooking. Moreover, refills are free. This is recommended when you want to eat warm rice.
KEN SHIBA on Google

クラシックが流れるカウンターのみの落ち着いた定食屋さん 現金のみ、喫煙可、Wi-Fiなし、駐車場なし近隣パーキングあり マスター1人でテキパキ丁寧に接客と調理されています。 小さいお子さん連れはお断りしてました。 今回はチキンカツ定食(800円)を頂きました。 店特性のソースがかかった箸で切れる柔らかいチキンカツ 日替わりで作られるという小鉢が2品 この日はナスみそ、練り物と切り干し大根の和えもの 花切り干し大根という素材らしく歯触りが面白い メインもさることながら赤だしが出汁の旨味が体中に染み渡るうまさ マスターがこだわってその日の具材で味噌の配合を変えているそうで久々に味噌汁に感動した。 ご飯赤だしおかわり自由でこだわった食材を使って800円ならコスパも良い うましっ!
A calm setter with only a classic counter Cash only, smoking allowed, no wi-fi, no parking nearby parking available One master is carefully cooked with customers. We refused children with small children. This time, I had a chicken cutlet set (800 yen). Soft chicken cutlet that can be cut with chopsticks covered with store-specific sauce Two small bowls made daily On this day, eggplant miso, kneaded dish and dried radish The texture is interesting like the material of dried radish In addition to the main, the red dashi is so delicious that the taste of the soup spreads throughout the body The master was particular and changed the mix of miso with the ingredients of the day and was impressed with miso soup after a long time. It is red rice and it is free and special ingredients are free and cospa is good if it is 800 yen Good!

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