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Contact 海岳院

住所 :

Omachi, 〒398-0001 Nagano,Japan

街 : Nagano

Omachi, 〒398-0001 Nagano,Japan
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海岳院は、1660年代(寛文年間)に、現在地よりも西――金山神社の南側か――にあったそうです。もともとそこには観音寺がありましたが、荒廃し衰滅したのだとか。それを再興した寺院が海岳院です。本堂破風の軒下に掲げられている扁額(説明)によると、1668年頃には大澤寺の末寺となったそうです。それがやがて1770年代(元文年間)には現在地に移転したのだとか。 阿弥陀如来が本尊だったと伝えられています。 明治維新期に松本藩が乱暴に強行した廃仏棄釈によって、廃寺になってしまい、このお堂と墓地が残されたようです。幕末までは禅尼が住職庵主だったそうです。 海岳院の西側の小径が旧千国街道(塩の道)です。この一帯は今、大町市平借馬という小字地籍となっていますが、かつては街道沿いに開けた借馬村という集落でした。近隣には金山神社もあって、肥沃な水田地帯が広がる豊かな村落だったのです。 境内に西端には、石塔や石仏群があります。
Kaidake-in was located west of the current location-south of Kanayama Shrine-in the 1660s (Kanbun era). Originally there was Kannonji, but it was devastated and declined. The temple that revived it is Kaidakein. According to the biane (explanation) under the eaves of the main hall gable, it was the last temple of Osawaji around 1668. It was said that it eventually moved to its current location in the 1770s (Genbun year). It is said that Amida Nyorai was the principal image. It seems that this temple and graveyard were left behind due to the abandoned Buddhist temple that was abandoned by the Matsumoto Domain during the Meiji Restoration. Until the end of the Tokugawa shogunate, Zen Nun was the chief priest. The small diameter on the west side of Kaidōin is the former Senkoku Kaido (Shio no Michi). This area is now a small cadastral called Taira Shakuba in Omachi City, but it used to be a village called Shakuba Village that opened along the highway. There was also Kanayama Shrine in the neighborhood, and it was a rich village with fertile rice fields. At the western end of the precincts, there are stone towers and stone Buddha statues.

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