エコえこ 世田谷店

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact エコえこ 世田谷店

住所 :

Okusawa, Setagaya City, 〒158-0083 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : https://eko-eko.com/
街 : Tokyo

Okusawa, Setagaya City, 〒158-0083 Tokyo,Japan
Saya on Google

問い合わせ時の対応も丁寧かつ迅速で、当日の対応も親切でした。 相見積もりさせていただきましたが、最もリーズナブルだったので、次回も是非利用させていただきたいです。
The response to inquiries was polite and prompt, and the response on the day was kind. I made a phase estimate, but it was the most reasonable, so I would like to use it again next time.
Ai I on Google

I asked for it during the busy period of March, but I received a flexible and prompt response, and it was very polite on that day as well.
uzu owl on Google

I was saved by the quick response. The price is clear and conscientious. If you have any questions, please do so!
セロネリ子 on Google

He came the day after the inquiry. I am very grateful that the young man responded comfortably on the day and was able to dispose of the garbage within the budget. I would like to ask if there is another opportunity (* ^^ *)
S Fk on Google

引越しで口コミが遅くなってしまいましたが、お電話でご対応頂いた方、作業員の方々、本当にありがとうございました! 他の業者も数件見積もり依頼しましたが、最安値でしたのでお願いしました。 やり取りもLINEで大変スムーズでした。 次回も是非お願いいたします!!!
The word-of-mouth has been delayed due to the move, but I would like to thank all the people who responded by phone and the workers! Other vendors also requested quotations for several cases, but they were the lowest prices, so I asked for them. The exchange was also very smooth on LINE. Thank you again next time! !! !!
WEB 3 on Google

I had never been asked to collect unneeded items, and when I got a local quote from another company, I did not confirm the item properly and answered 40,000. I didn't really know the market price, so I asked this vendor for a quote and they received it for 15,000 yen. The pick-up time, setup, and amount of money were reasonable, which was really helpful. I would like to recommend it when an acquaintance needs to collect unneeded items.
まー on Google

電話した翌日には来てくださり、あっという間に二階から一階への大きいなソファーの吊り下げ作業をして頂きました。 三人がかりの作業のうち、主人がお手伝いに 加われることをお話したら、マイナス3000円で1万にして頂きました。そのままソファーを処分して頂くのにプラス9000円。 サービスで二階から階段で他の棚も降ろして頂いたりと、とても助かりました。 人柄も良く、とても満足しております。 ありがとうございました。
The day after I called, he came and quickly hung a large sofa from the second floor to the first floor. Of the work involving three people, the master will help When I talked about being able to join, I got 10,000 for minus 3000 yen. It costs 9000 yen to dispose of the sofa as it is. It was very helpful to have the service take down other shelves from the second floor on the stairs. I have a good personality and am very satisfied. Thank you very much.
chihoko nakata on Google

不要になった無印の脚付きマットレスダブルサイズを吊り作業で搬出・回収いただきました。 無印では、ダブルサイズ以上は吊り作業の搬出は行っていないと知らずに、どうした良いかと途方にくれていたところ、えこエコさんのサイトにたどり着きました。 大変ありがたいことに、依頼の翌日に来てくださいました。 事前にお知らせいただいた時間通りに到着し、 到着からわずか20分もかからずに搬出いただきました。 スタッフさんも皆、親切丁寧で、何よりも手際の良さに驚きました。 粗大ごみの回収業者さんは、初めて利用させていただきましたが、えこエコさんに依頼して本当に良かった思いました。 本当に信頼できる業者さんです。
The double size mattress with legs that was no longer needed was carried out and collected by hanging work. At MUJI, I was at a loss as to what to do without knowing that I did not carry out hanging work for double size or larger, and I arrived at Eko Eco's site. Thankfully, he came the day after the request. Arrived on time as notified in advance and It took less than 20 minutes to get it out. All the staff were kind and polite, and above all, I was surprised at how good they were. It was the first time for me to use the oversized garbage collection company, but I was really glad to ask Eko Eco. It's a really reliable vendor.

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