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Contact 林道大地蔵線(入口)

住所 :

Okubo, Ichihara, 〒290-0532 Chiba,Japan

街 : 〒1F Chiba

Okubo, Ichihara, 〒290-0532 Chiba,Japan
DBAL157S乳酸菌 on Google

草がかなりあるので通行は難しいそうです! ジムニーならいけるかも?
It seems to be difficult to pass because there is a lot of grass! Jimny could go?
小出浩丸 on Google

2020年の夏頃までは草ぼうぼうでしたが、最近(2020年秋~2021年春)はきれいに草刈りされていて、歩くことが可能です。(道幅が狭くUターンが難しいので車両はお勧めできません。)途中から斜度のある山道を徒歩で下りることになりますが、上総大久保駅まで最短時間で行くことが可能です。ただし、滑る場所や岩場もあります。バイク通行は無理。途中、極端に狭い尾根道もあるので小さな子供は危険かもしれません。 最後は小川(芋原川)を徒歩で渡るか、どろどろの湿地帯を抜ける必要がありますので、天気が悪いときはいかない方が無難です。 ※隧道脇の橋に行くルートは道が崩落気味でしたので、砂防ダム前の小川を渡る方が無難かもしれません。(2021年4月3日)ただし、足はぬれますし、山蛭に注意がいると思います。芋原地区から林道を見つけて登るのは知らないとちょっと難しいと思います。(芋原の方面からの場合、芋原の奇岩の先の隧道の右脇にコンクリートの橋があり、それを渡り湿地帯を抜けたらすぐに川沿いに行くのが正規のルート。ただし、先に申したように道は崩落気味です。砂防ダムの先の小川を渡った方が良いかもしれません。) ここは12~4月いっぱいぐらいまでがおすすめ。それ以外の時期は藪が深くなり山蛭がでますのでお勧めできません。下まで行くと牛堀の奇岩、川廻しの遺構、芋原の滝、手掘りトンネルの数々、大久保不動滝も見学できます。
It used to be grassy until the summer of 2020, but recently (Autumn 2020 to Spring 2021) it has been mowed cleanly and it is possible to walk. (Vehicles are not recommended because the road width is narrow and U-turns are difficult.) You will have to walk down a mountain road with a slope from the middle, but you can reach Kazusa Okubo Station in the shortest time. However, there are places to slip and rocky areas. Motorcycle traffic is not possible. Small children may be dangerous as there are extremely narrow ridge paths along the way. At the end, you need to walk across the stream (Imohara River) or go through the muddy wetlands, so it's best not to go when the weather is bad. * The route to the bridge beside the tunnel seemed to collapse, so it may be safer to cross the stream in front of the Sabo dam. (April 3, 2021) However, my feet get wet and I think I should be careful about the leeches. I think it's a little difficult if you don't know how to find a forest road from the Imohara area and climb it. (From the direction of Imohara, there is a concrete bridge on the right side of the tunnel at the end of the strange rock of Imohara, and the regular route is to go along the river as soon as you cross it and pass through the wetland. As I said, the road is on the verge of collapse. It may be better to cross the stream beyond the Sabo dam.) It is recommended to go here from December to the end of April. At other times, the bushes will deepen and leeches will appear, so it is not recommended. If you go to the bottom, you can see the strange rocks of Ushibori, the remains of the river, Imohara Falls, many hand-dug tunnels, and Okubo Fudo Falls.

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