Okonomiyaki Ikinatei - Hiroshima

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Okonomiyaki Ikinatei

住所 :

3 Chome-40-15 Kabe, Asakita Ward, Hiroshima, 731-0221, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 731-0221

3 Chome-40-15 Kabe, Asakita Ward, Hiroshima, 731-0221, Japan
須藤和哉 on Google

レトロな雰囲気で気配りの行き届く年配の方の接客に癒されました。 美味しかったです。 ご馳走様でした。
It was healed by the attentive elderly customer service in a retro atmosphere. It was delicious. It was a treat.
pan ishi on Google

30年近く通っています 昔は居酒屋でしたから お好み焼き以外に 牛すじ煮込みは 酒の肴に最高です! お好み焼き屋さんになって からは、変わらない旨さです!
I've been going for almost 30 years In the past it was a pub Besides okonomiyaki Beef stew It is the best dish for sake! Become an Okonomiyaki shop From now on, it's the same!
渡部修司 on Google

ご夫婦?で経営されてる方か、終始愛想が無く、せっかく広島に来たのでと思って食べに来ましたが、自分が想像していた物とは違い、野菜炒めにうっすら衣が乗っている感じで、他の地方で食べる、広島風お好み焼きとはちょっと違いましたね。 これが普通と言われたらしょうがないですが。
A couple? I came to eat because I thought that I came to Hiroshima because I wasn't amiable from beginning to end, but unlike what I had imagined, I felt that the stir-fried vegetables were lightly dressed. It's a little different from the Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki that you eat in other regions. It can't be helped if this is said to be normal.
yoko asakita on Google

I heard it was delicious from the workplace and went there. was delicious! You can eat calmly and slowly in a retro atmosphere. There were tatami seats with iron plates, ordinary table seats, and counter seats. There is also a little parking behind. It may be a bit difficult to understand.
マンマツゲ on Google

雰囲気のあるお店です。 30年前は,居酒屋で職場の同僚と忘年会などで利用していたので懐かしかったです。可部中央という立地とは言え,Wが960円なのは高いと思いました。ただ,麺が細麺で軽くゆでてあって美味しかった。
It is a shop with an atmosphere. Thirty years ago, I used to use it at an izakaya for a year-end party with a colleague at work, so I missed it. Even though it is located in the center of Kabe, I thought it was expensive for W to be 960 yen. However, the noodles were thin and lightly boiled and were delicious.
Merge Pro on Google

地元の方から勧められて来店。 お好み焼き自体は、本当に標準的な広島風お好み焼き。 愛想の良い丁寧な女将さんが作ってくださった。 小上がり席にも鉄板があり適度な熱さが保たれる。また、畳で味わいがある。 店は新しい訳では無いが適度に掃除がされ整っている。 生エビや生イカは少し小さく切られていて、それがちょっぴり寂しいかも。 店舗裏手に駐車場完備。
Visited by the locals. The okonomiyaki itself is a really standard Hiroshima-style okonomiyaki. It was made by a friendly and polite landlady. There is also an iron plate on the slightly raised seats to maintain moderate heat. Also, it has a tatami mat taste. The store is not new, but it is properly cleaned and in good condition. Raw shrimp and raw squid are cut into small pieces, which may be a little lonely. There is a parking lot behind the store.
Ys T on Google

広島来たらばお好み焼き!と思って来ました 麺のコシもよく、途中で友人が席を外した際にお好み焼きを温めてくれました。 今度はピリ辛を食べに来たいです
Okonomiyaki when you come to Hiroshima! I came to think The noodles were very chewy and warmed the okonomiyaki when a friend left the seat on the way. I want to come to eat spicy this time
食欲万歳食育万歳 on Google

お好み焼きをテイクアウト。 肉玉そばを注文しました。 麺は細麺で味付けはほぼ無しかな。 キャベツは中太の刻みで少なめ? 追いソースが入ってるのは嬉しかったです? 青のり、黒ゴマがしっかりかかってました。 家庭の味をたのしめる近所のお好み焼き屋さんって感じでした。 可もなく不可もなくといった感じ。 ちなみに肉玉そば700円でした。 次回、辛麺を食べてレポしたいと思います❗️
Take out okonomiyaki. I ordered meat ball soba. The noodles are thin and have almost no seasoning. The cabbage is medium-thick and small ? I was happy that the additional sauce was included ? The green laver and black sesame seeds were firmly applied. It was like a local okonomiyaki restaurant where you can enjoy the taste of home. It feels like it's neither good nor bad. By the way, it was 700 yen for meat ball soba. Next time, I would like to eat spicy noodles and make a report ❗️

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