焼肉牛星 西大島店

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 焼肉牛星 西大島店

住所 :

Ojima, Koto City, 〒136-0072 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
街 : Tokyo

Ojima, Koto City, 〒136-0072 Tokyo,Japan
A Y on Google

コスパの高い焼肉屋。 価格は非常に安く、焼肉チェーン店より圧倒的に安いです。そして肉の質もチェーン店の5倍良いです。肉以外のメニューも美味しいですよ。予約無しでは入れません。 お弁当もやってるみたいです。
A yakiniku restaurant with a high cost performance. The price is very cheap and overwhelmingly cheaper than yakiniku chain stores. And the quality of the meat is 5 times better than that of chain stores. Menus other than meat are also delicious. You cannot enter without a reservation. It seems that they are also doing lunch boxes.
ミウラ on Google

初めて訪問。 12時ちょい過ぎに入ったが、後からどんどんお客さんが来て、人気なのが伺える。 ランチメニューから、牛星ハラミ定食をチョイス。 オーダーから数分で到着、ランチタイムにはありがたい素早さ。 そしてご飯の量に驚き!! これが普通盛りとは…調子に乗って大盛りにしなくてよかった。 ハラミは分厚く切られており硬さを心配したが、柔らかく味も濃くて満足。 ナムル、キムチ、スープも付いていてお得感あり。 ナムルにキャベツが入っているのが珍しく、とても美味しかった。 ただ、ご飯の量が多く肉とのバランスが気になったかな。 最後はご飯にタレを付けて食べたくらい。 これはこれで旨いのだが。 グランドメニューからも注文できるので肉追加も考えたが、ご飯でお腹いっぱいになるのでやめておいた。 土日祝限定でハッピーアワーアルコール半額のようだし、次回は単品で頼んでみようかな。 清潔感のある店内、気持ちの良い接客、総合的にも満足感のあるお店でした!
First visit. It was a little past 12 o'clock, but later on, more and more customers came and I can see that it was popular. From the lunch menu, choose the Ushiboshi Harami set meal. Arrived in a few minutes from the order, thankful for the quickness at lunch time. And I was surprised at the amount of rice! !! This is a normal serving ... I didn't have to get into a big serving. The skirt steak was cut thick and I was worried about its hardness, but I was satisfied with its softness and strong taste. It also comes with namul, kimchi and soup, which is a great deal. It was unusual for namul to contain cabbage and it was very delicious. However, the amount of rice was large and I was concerned about the balance with the meat. At the end, I ate rice with sauce. This is good, though. I could order from the grand menu, so I thought about adding meat, but I stopped because I was full with rice. It seems that happy hour alcohol is half price only on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, so next time I'll order it separately. The interior was clean, the customer service was pleasant, and the store was totally satisfying!
アズハール on Google

ランチのロース定食を頼みました。 御飯は間違っても大盛りにしない方が良いレベルで多かったです。 味は値段通りでまずまず、タレが美味しかったので頼む時は塩よりタレ(卓上にある)のがオススメですね。
I ordered a loin set meal for lunch. Even if I made a mistake, it was better not to make a large serving of rice. The taste was as good as the price, and the sauce was delicious, so when ordering, it is recommended to use the sauce (on the table) rather than salt.
あべろう on Google

リーズナブルな値段で美味しい焼き肉を楽しめます。土日はいつも満席なので、事前に予約しておくことをおすすめします。 3/5 緊急事態宣言のためか営業時間が11〜20時になり、ランチメニューやってました。
You can enjoy delicious yakiniku at a reasonable price. It is always full on Saturdays and Sundays, so it is recommended to make a reservation in advance. 3/5 The business hours were from 11:00 to 20:00, probably because of an emergency declaration, and I was doing a lunch menu.
橋爪智法(Tommy) on Google

家の近所で土日祝の12時から16時までハッピーアワーでドリンクが半額ということもあり行ってみました。いつも人気のお店です。 お値段が周囲の人気店の半額くらいとお値段にびっくり。お店も清潔です。 お味は、全体的に赤みは硬い。とくにおすすめのロース硬くてびっくり。柔らかいのもあったんですが硬いやつは噛みきれないくらいで妻は吐き出してしまいました。すみません。はらみも腹身のわりには硬め。若干臭みあり。さがりがあったのは珍しいし嬉しいのですが、若干の臭みと硬さがあり本来のさがりの旨みは感じられません。 定食のご飯かなり大盛り。 サラダも量は多いです。 妻はひげ茶が1番美味しかったと。コレステロール下がるし嬉しいですね。 結論としては評価は価格並かと。住吉界隈の焼肉有名店、たじまやうしくろも値段が上がって足が遠のいているので期待してたんですが。しばらくは炭火庭が続きそうです。
I went to the neighborhood of my house from 12:00 to 16:00 on Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays because the drink was half price during happy hour. It's always a popular shop. I was surprised that the price was about half the price of the popular shops around. The shop is also clean. The taste is generally reddish. Especially recommended loin is hard and surprised. Some were soft, but the hard one was too hard to bite and my wife spit it out. I'm sorry. Harami is also stiff for the belly and body. There is a slight odor. It is rare and happy that there was a sag, but there is a slight odor and hardness, and the original taste of the sag is not felt. A large serving of set meal rice. The amount of salad is also large. My wife said that the beard tea was the most delicious. I'm glad that my cholesterol goes down. In conclusion, the evaluation is about the same as the price. I was expecting it because the price of Tajima Yakiniku, a famous yakiniku restaurant in the Sumiyoshi area, has risen and I'm far from it. The charcoal garden is likely to continue for a while.
oyabun on Google

この日は家族でサクッと焼肉を食べることに。 安くてボリュームがあると聞いたこちらに訪問しました。 お店の名前は焼肉牛星西大島店。 次から次へとキャベツが来てオープンすぐで満席になってました。 今回食べたのがこちら。 価格は安いだけあってか結構歯応えのある肉が多いかな。 ライス特大はギュッと詰められた感じでめちゃくちゃボリュームありました。 これは一人で食べるのはきついくらい。 最後は盛岡冷麺をみんなでシェアして食べ終わりました。 それほど込み合ってなかったし、 お手頃価格で気楽に行けるお店でした。
On this day, I decided to eat yakiniku with my family. I visited here when I heard that it was cheap and had a lot of volume. The name of the restaurant is Yakiniku Beef Hoshi Nishi Oshima. The cabbage came one after another and it was full soon after opening. This is the one I ate this time. I wonder if there is a lot of meat that is quite chewy because the price is cheap. The oversized rice was tightly packed and had a lot of volume. This is hard to eat alone. At the end, we all shared Morioka Reimen and finished eating. It wasn't too crowded It was a reasonably priced and easy-to-go shop.
JoonHyuk Lim on Google

接客はもちろん 安くて美味しい! 電話で予約して行くのをおすすめします!
Not to mention customer service Cheap and delicious! We recommend that you make a reservation by phone!
So AS on Google


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