Ohkiya - 荒川区 Arakawa City

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ohkiya

住所 :

3 Chome-13-5 Nishinippori, 荒川区 Arakawa City, Tokyo 116-0013, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8887
Postal code : 116-0013
Webサイト : https://ohkiya.com/

3 Chome-13-5 Nishinippori, 荒川区 Arakawa City, Tokyo 116-0013, Japan
レベル8 saica on Google

10年ほど前になりますが、現在の妻と友人と5・6人ほどでお邪魔させていただきました。 TVでは拝見したことがあり、凄く話題となっていたお店だけにとても期待していましたが、率直な感想は可もなく不可もなくといったところでしょうか。 勿論、お肉の分厚さは本物で、お肉そのものも美味しかったです。 ただ、お店の雰囲気やサービス面では、とにかく流れ作業という感じで、いかに効率よく楽に客を回して稼ぐかといった印象が強く、正直くつろいで楽しめたかというと疑問が残りました。 豪快に美味しいお肉が食べたい方や、一度はネタに行ってみたいという方にはお勧めですが、雰囲気を大切にされる方にはあまりお勧めできません。 画像は、当時あまり店内を撮影してよい雰囲気ではなかったため(禁止だったかな?)、外観と、お肉をひっくり返した際に油が飛んでやけどをしたのでその時の写真です。皆さんも、やけどには十分お気を付けください。
About 10 years ago, I was able to bother with my current wife and friends with about 5 or 6 people. I had seen it on TV, and I was very much looking forward to the store, which was a hot topic, but I wonder if my frank impressions are neither good nor bad. Of course, the thickness of the meat was real and the meat itself was delicious. However, in terms of the atmosphere and service of the shop, I had a strong impression of how to efficiently and easily turn customers and earn money, just like an assembly line, and I was wondering if I could enjoy it in a relaxed manner. It is recommended for those who want to eat delicious meat and those who want to go to the story once, but it is not recommended for those who value the atmosphere. The image was taken at that time because the atmosphere was not so good to take a picture of the inside of the store (Is it prohibited?), And the appearance and the oil splattered when the meat was turned over and burned. Please be careful not to get burned.
大美賀章裕 on Google

グルメな知り合いに連れて行ってもらいました。 一ヶ月前に一ヶ月後の予約をするというお店。 もんじゃ焼きの前に出てくるお肉も含め大満足、自分でドリンクを取りに行くスタイルも面白かったです!
I was taken to a gourmet acquaintance. A shop that makes a reservation one month before one month. I was very satisfied with the meat that came out before Monjayaki, and the style of going for a drink by myself was also fun!
川本陽子 on Google

むかーしから行ってみたいと思っていたもんじゃ焼き屋さんながら、肉の大きさで勇名を馳せているイメージのお店。 5人以上で予約1カ月前というハードルの高さになかなかおうかがいするチャンスに恵まれなかったのがまさかの2日前に予約できるという幸運!しかも土曜日なのに!! 人気店ゆえに、なかなか予約取れないとハナから諦めないで、ダメ元で聞いてみるべきなのですね! かつおのたたきから始まり、まさかの二番手でエアーズロック肉塊が登場!!肉には触ってはなりませぬとの事で、ニンニクスライスを育てながら頃合いを待つ…店員さん登場!バターを鉄板に投入したら皆で焦げない様に広げてねー!との事でコテを振り回す7人の腹ペコ達、他のメニューでも全員参加のライブ感がただ提供されるの待つより非常に楽しい♪レアに焼かれた肉は塩コショウにニンニクとバターというシンプルな味付けだからかあっという間に鉄板から胃袋へと消えましたー! そして牡蠣とネギの海鮮焼きから巨大メンチカツ!キャベツの千切り山盛りー! もんじゃはデザートかっ?てなモリモリ具合に驚愕しつつもお残し無し! 食べられればー、と言われていたもんじゃ第2弾もいただいてしまった! 飲み物は持ち込み料をお支払すれば、シャンパンだの好きな銘柄のワインなど持ち込めるそうですが、ビールもワインもかなり安価に提供されているのでありがたし!食でお腹いっぱいなのでお酒の入る余地が少なくなりますけど。 目の前で大量に仕上げられるメニューを大勢で平らげていくのはとても楽しかった、そしてお味もいうこと無し。
A monja-yaki restaurant that I wanted to go to from a long time ago, but the image is famous for its meat size. Fortunately, it was possible to make a reservation two days in advance, although it was difficult to see the hurdle of one month before booking with more than 5 people. And it's Saturday !! Because it is a popular shop, you should not give up from Hana if you can not make a reservation easily, you should ask at the origin! Beginning with a bonito slap, Ayers Rock meat chunks appear in the second place of the day! Waiting for a time while growing garlic slices, saying that you must not touch the meat ... A clerk appears! Put the butter on the iron plate and spread it out so that everyone does not burn it! The 7 belly pekos swinging the iron with that, it is much more fun than waiting for the other menu to just provide a live feeling of participation ♪ The rare grilled meat is salt pepper, garlic and butter It quickly disappeared from the iron plate to the stomach because it was so seasoned! And a huge menchikatsu from seafood grilled oysters and leeks! A heap of cabbage shreds! Is monja a dessert? No surprises, but no surprises! If you can eat it, you've got the second installment! It seems that you can bring in your favorite brand of wine, such as champagne, if you pay the carry-on fee for drinks, but thank you that beer and wine are offered quite cheaply! I'm full with food, so I have less room for alcohol. It was a lot of fun to have a lot of finished menus right in front of me, and no taste.
わんわんチャット on Google

2022/2/6訪問 11人で座敷。上着はビニール袋に入れます。 まずは小さな鰹のタタキが前菜で登場。 続いて800gの肉塊、名物エアーズロックステーキがドーン!焼くのに結構時間がかかりますがおいし〜! あっさりしてるのでペロっていけます。 続いてカキ、メンチカツ、モンジャ、もうおなかいっぱいです! ビール、ワイン、たらふく食べて飲んでお会計1人当たり6165円。 コスパ最強!また来たいです。
Visited 2/6/2022 A tatami room with 11 people. Put your jacket in a plastic bag. First of all, a small bonito tataki appears as an appetizer. Next, 800g of meat chunks and the famous Ayers Rock Steak are Dawn! It takes a long time to bake, but it's delicious! It's so light that you can lick it. Next, oysters, minced meat cutlets, monja, and I'm full! Beer, wine, eat and drink, and pay 6165 yen per person. Cospa is the strongest! I want to come again.
Tomomi on Google

【一度は登ってみたかったエアーズロックに遂に登頂!!頑固オヤジに怒られながらもみんなで食べるご飯は最高に美味しい(⑅•ᴗ•⑅)お会計の安さは二度見レベル!!笑】 寺門ジモン氏が取材拒否の店として紹介したこともある 下町グルメ、エアーズロックで有名な 『大木屋 本店』さまへ初訪問⭐️ そもそも5人以上でないと予約は出来ないんだけど、 人数によって値段も変動するよ(๑˙꒳​˙๑) 5人で23,100円、6人で23,760円、7人で23,180円。 この値段を人数で割るので、1人あたりかなり安い! 今回は12人の貸切会♡♡ 飲み物はセルフなので、自分で飲みたいものをセレクト。 ——利用時—— 日曜ディナー ——予約—— 予約あり ※5人以上で予約する必要あり ——利用シーン—— 友人と(貸切会) ——費用—— ¥5,000〜¥6,000 ——食事内容—— ▶鰹たたき 鰹の上には玉ねぎが。さっぱりとポン酢で♡ ▶エアーズロックステーキ 塊肉がどんっ!!と鉄板に現れた!!!笑 突然のことすぎて驚き(๑꒪ㅁ꒪๑)"笑 めちゃめちゃ分厚いのよぉぉ〜♡♡ でもテンション高まって触るのはNGだよ!笑 ニンニクだけひたすら炒めてお肉は触っちゃダメ!! お肉は店員さんが全てやってくれるから安心♡♡ ひっくり返してバターとニンニクをのせてカット!! 表面はカリッと中はレアレア(⑉• •⑉)♡ 旨味が凝縮されててめっちゃ美味しいっ( ⑉¯ ꇴ ¯⑉ )‪ ニンニクと一緒に食べるのがオススメ( •ꙍ•́ )✧ ▶ホタテ貝柱とネギのバター醤油焼き 肉厚でぷりっぷりのホタテ貝柱はシンプルにうまい! ネギもまた美味しいのよぉ( ˊ꒳ˋ ) ᐝ ▶メンチカツ 巨大なメンチカツを鉄板にのせたかと思ったら、 大量のキャベツの千切りを敷きつめていきます笑 メンチカツが見えなくなるくらいのキャベツの量!! 最後にソースをかけてくれるんだけど、 とてつもない勢いでかけてくるから服にかかる 可能性もあるので、気をつけて!笑 メンチカツは肉肉しさ満点でジューシー(◍´꒳`)b 鉄板でしんなりとしたキャベツと一緒に食べる メンチカツが最高なのよ(⑅•ᴗ•⑅) ▶大木屋特製もんじゃ 牛肉、イカ、魚肉ソーセージ、桜海老、キャベツ、 紅生姜、天かす、そばなど、たっくさんの具材入り。 鉄板いっぱいになるくらいにもんじゃ投入!! 昔ながらのソース強めのもんじゃで、 これはこれで美味しい(○・∀・○) オカワリもできて、おやつ感覚で楽しみました!! ——メニュー内容—— ◇鰹たたき ◇エアーズロックステーキ ◇ホタテ貝柱とネギのバター醤油焼き ◇メンチカツ ◇大木屋特製もんじゃ ——接客—— 昔ながらの下町の頑固オヤジという感じ。 お父さんに怒られながらもみんなでワイワイしながら 食べるのは楽しい!! ——コスパ—— お酒もたっぷり飲んでお腹いっぱい食べて、 5,000円は安すぎ!! ——店内雰囲気—— 昭和感漂う昔ながらのレトロな雰囲気。 田舎のおじいちゃんの家に行ったような感覚になるかも笑 ——再訪—— ★★☆☆☆ お父さんに会いたくなったら行くかも笑
[Finally climbed Ayers Rock, which I wanted to climb once! !! The rice that everyone eats is the best, even though they are angry with the stubborn father (⑅ • ᴗ • ⑅). !! Lol】 Jimon Terakado once introduced it as a store that refused to interview Famous for downtown gourmet, Ayers Rock First visit to "Okiya Main Store" ⭐️ In the first place, you can only make a reservation with 5 or more people, The price will change depending on the number of people (๑˙꒳ ˙๑) 23,100 yen for 5 people, 23,760 yen for 6 people, 23,180 yen for 7 people. This price is divided by the number of people, so it's quite cheap per person! This time 12 people charter party ♡♡ Drinks are self-contained, so select what you want to drink. ——When using —— Sunday dinner ——Reservation—— There is a reservation * It is necessary to make a reservation for 5 or more people --Use scene-- With friends (chartered party) --cost-- ¥ 5,000- ¥ 6,000 ——Meal content—— ▶ Katsuo no tataki Onions are on top of the bonito. Refreshingly with ponzu ♡ ▶ Ayers Rock Steak Lots of lump meat! !! Appeared on the iron plate! !! !! Lol It's so sudden that I'm surprised (๑꒪ ㅁ ꒪๑) "laughs It's really thick ~ ♡♡ But it's NG to touch with high tension! Lol Don't just stir-fry the garlic and touch the meat! !! Rest assured that the clerk will do all the meat for you ♡♡ Turn it over and put butter and garlic on it and cut it! !! The surface is crispy and the inside is rare (⑉ •• ⑉) ♡ The umami is condensed and it's really delicious (⑉¯ ꇴ ¯⑉) Recommended to eat with garlic (• ꙍ • ́) ✧ ▶ Grilled scallops and green onions in butter and soy sauce The thick and plump scallops are simply delicious! The green onions are also delicious (ˊ꒳ˋ) ᐝ ▶ Menchi-katsu If you think that you put a huge minced meat cutlet on an iron plate, I will spread a large amount of shredded cabbage lol The amount of cabbage that makes the minced meat cutlet invisible! !! At the end, they will sprinkle the sauce It's going to come in with tremendous momentum, so it's on clothes There is a possibility, so be careful! Lol Menchi-katsu is full of meat and juicy (◍ ´꒳`) b Eat with soft cabbage on an iron plate Menchi-katsu is the best (⑅ • ᴗ • ⑅) ▶ Ogiya special monja Beef, squid, fish sausage, sakura shrimp, cabbage, Contains plenty of ingredients such as pickled ginger, tenkasu, and soba. Put in enough monja to fill the iron plate! !! It ’s a traditional monjayaki with a strong sauce. This is delicious (○ ・ ∀ ・ ○) I was able to make a squid and enjoyed it as a snack! !! ——Menu contents —— ◇ Katsuo no tataki ◇ Ayers Rock Steak ◇ Grilled scallops and green onions in butter and soy sauce ◇ Menchi-katsu ◇ Ogiya special monja ——Customer service—— It feels like an old-fashioned downtown stubborn father. While being angry with my dad It's fun to eat! !! ——Cospa—— Drink plenty of alcohol and eat full 5,000 yen is too cheap! !! ——Atmosphere in the store—— An old-fashioned retro atmosphere with a Showa era feeling. It might feel like I went to my grandpa's house in the countryside lol ——Revisit—— ★★ ☆☆☆ I might go if I want to see my dad lol
papasan gourmet on Google

安い&美味い! 完全予約制で1テーブル5名以上(7名以下?)のルールがあり、大将も味のある方ですがwもし条件が合うなら足を運ぶ価値がある名店です。 コースのみですが、飲んで食べても1人5000円いかないんじゃないかな??? という安さ。 そして写真をご覧いただければ分かる、肉のエアーズロック! 他の料理もどれも美味しく、独創的です。 そういえばもんじゃのお店だったんだなw ご馳走様でした!
Cheap & delicious! There is a rule of 5 people or more (7 people or less?) At one table with a complete reservation system, and the general is also a tasteful person, but if the conditions are met, it is a well-known store worth visiting. It's only a course, but I think it doesn't cost 5,000 yen per person to drink and eat. ?? ?? That's cheap. And if you look at the picture, you can see the meat Ayers Rock! All the other dishes are delicious and original. By the way, it was a monja shop w It was a treat!
ただのメシ喰い on Google

【大木屋コース内容】 ◆ 前菜 ・大木屋のカツオのたたき 数種類の柑橘を使った特製ぽん酢のカツオのたたき。 ◆ 塊肉 ・肉のエアーズロックリブロースのステーキ オーストラリア産麦黒牛リブロースを使用。 塩・黒胡椒で焼きあげたお肉は、赤身肉本来の味をご堪能いただけます。 焼いたニンニクと一緒にお召し上がりください。 ◆ 焼き物 ・海鮮のバター醬油焼き 産地直送のホタテの貝柱を長ネギと一緒にバター醬油で焼きあげます。 (冬季は牡蠣に変わります。) ◆ 創作料理 ・大木屋メンチカツ 『肉汁のナイアガラ』と呼ばれた大木屋のメンチカツ。 特製ソースと千切りキャベツと一緒にお召し上がりください。 ◆ もんじゃ焼き ・大木もんじゃ 十一種類の具材と特製ソースで仕上げた、創業から変わらぬ大木屋伝統のもんじゃ焼きをご堪能下さい。 【コース料金】 ・5名様 25,850円(税込) ・6名様 26,850円(税込) ・7名様 29,920円(税込) ※大人数をご予定の場合はご相談ください。 ※ご利用人数により、料金が変わります。 人数変更の際は必ずご連絡ください。 【店舗までの道のり】 JR日暮里駅北口から広い道を左手にあがっていく。 左にセブンイレブン、喫茶ルノアールを見ながら歩いていくと、道が二股に別れているので、迷わず右側の道へ。 しばらく行くと、「夕焼けだんだん」といわれる階段があり、そこをおりて「谷中ぎんざ」と書かれたゲートをくぐり、最初の道を「後藤の飴」を正面に見て右折。 25m歩いたところにある、緑色のビニールのひさしが目印です。 看板はなくなりました。 引き戸に「予約制」と「もんじゃ大木屋」のお札が貼ってあります。 竹かご翠屋は隣の店。 行き過ぎです。
[Okiya course contents] ◆ Appetizer ・ Katsuo no tataki from Okiya Katsuo no tataki made with special ponzu vinegar using several types of citrus fruits. ◆ Mass meat ・ Meat Ayers Rock Rib Roast Steak Uses Australian wheat black beef rib roast. You can enjoy the original taste of lean meat with meat baked with salt and black pepper. Serve with roasted garlic. ◆ Pottery ・ Seafood butter and soy sauce grilled Scallop scallops sent directly from the production area are baked with butter soy sauce together with green onions. (It changes to oysters in winter.) ◆ Creative cuisine ・ Okiya Menchi-katsu Ogiya's Menchi-katsu called "Niagara with gravy". Serve with a special sauce and shredded cabbage. ◆ Monjayaki ・ Ohkiya Please enjoy the traditional Monjayaki of Okiya, which has not changed since its establishment, finished with 11 kinds of ingredients and special sauce. [Course fee] ・ 5 people 25,850 yen (tax included) ・ 6 people 26,850 yen (tax included) ・ 7 people 29,920 yen (tax included) * Please contact us if you plan to have a large number of people. * Prices vary depending on the number of passengers. Please be sure to contact us when changing the number of people. [The way to the store] From the north exit of JR Nippori Station, go up the wide road on your left. If you walk while looking at Seven-Eleven and Cafe Renoir on the left, the road is bifurcated, so don't hesitate to go to the road on the right. After a while, there is a staircase called "Yuyake Dandan", go through the gate labeled "Yanaka Ginza", and turn right on the first road with "Goto no Ame" in front of you. The green vinyl eaves, which is 25 meters away, is a landmark. The signboard is gone. "Reservation required" and "Monja Okiya" bills are affixed to the sliding door. Bamboo basket Midoriya is the next store. It's overkill.
Mitchell Nakagawa on Google

I thought Gyu-kaku was awesome, but this place puts everywhere else to shame (except some select moo-katah locations)! I wasn't sure what to except, the entrance (by design) is non-descript and tucked away. I wasn't even sure it was the right place. Luckily, I had gone with some friends who have been there before and booked, way in advance I'm sure. It was different than a lot of BBQ places I've gone to, with a large slab of metal in the middle of the table. It was reminiscent of a pancake iron. All the food was ordered, plus some specialty plates. Though a shame I didn't takek pictures, everything was delicious! The owner made sure we were being taken care of (not sure if this is normal customer service), the cook made sure we were making our food right, and each meal was just that - perfect! Add plenty of sake and beer and the night was set. My mouth was salivating at each meal being prepared and was never let down. If you're a BBQ lover, or simply enjoy something different, this can't be missed!

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