
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 浜勝

住所 :

Ohamacho, Imabari, 〒794-0002 Ehime,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8898
街 : Ehime

Ohamacho, Imabari, 〒794-0002 Ehime,Japan
ビール大好き!!さっちん on Google

鯛めしと天ぷらのランチをいただきました。 揚げたての天ぷらは、さっくさくでとても美味しかったです? 鯛釜飯は、ご飯がちょっとかたかったのが残念でした?
I had a lunch of sea bream and tempura. The freshly fried tempura was crispy and very delicious ? It was a pity that the rice was a little hard for the sea bream kamameshi ?
Toshi Moto (PPKFukuoka) on Google

九州に戻る際、地物の美味い魚介が頂きたくなり探しました。 素晴らしい鮮度と優しい味付け。 just next to the coast line and can see the Kurushima Ohashi. Very local food and affordable price.
When I returned to Kyushu, I wanted to eat the delicious seafood of the locality and looked for it. Great freshness and gentle seasoning. just next to the coast line and can see the Kurushima Ohashi. Very local food and affordable price.
Mirage on Google

厳しいには理由があります まずは、コスパ悪すぎ 店の顔とも言える、浜勝定食をいただきましたが どれも、提供まで時間がかかり過ぎる その割には、天ぷらのエビは冷凍物の細いエビ カボチャの天ぷらは揚げすぎて、焦げている 鯛釜飯は水加減が出来てなくて、ギリギリ炊けてる状態、まぁ、刺身とサザエは美味かったですが それ以外は全般ダメ スタッフのおばちゃんは気も聞いて、気持ち良い接客でしたが、板場の男 一言も喋らずに置いて行くな? 更に、会計の時の大将の態度、敬語使えや? そりゃぁ、近くの大浜の方が繁盛するわ
There is a reason to be strict First of all, cospa is too bad I had a Hamakatsu set meal, which can be said to be the face of the store. All take too long to serve For that reason, the tempura shrimp is a thin frozen shrimp. Pumpkin tempura is too fried and burnt The sea bream kamameshi wasn't watered, and it was just cooked. Well, the sashimi and turban shells were delicious. Other than that, it's generally useless The aunt of the staff listened to me and was a pleasant customer service, but the man in Itaba Don't leave a word without speaking ? In addition, the general's attitude at the time of accounting, the use of honorifics and ? Well, the nearby Ohama is more prosperous.
楠島みっちゃん on Google

お魚が新鮮❢ 海鮮すべて美味しいのですが‥魚煮付けの味が絶品❕ 美味しいので鯛釜飯もいつも注文します。 会話の楽しい大将、ぜひ話してみてください。 会話以上に楽しませてくれるかも知りませんよ? 女将さんは気さくで美人? 特に大将と女将さんの会話のやり取りが楽しいです✌ 仲の良さがにじみ出てます。
Fresh fish ❢ All the seafood is delicious, but the taste of boiled fish is excellent ❕ I always order sea bream kamameshi because it is delicious. A fun general of conversation, please talk. I don't know if it will be more entertaining than conversation ? The landlady is friendly and beautiful ? Especially the conversation between the general and the landlady is fun ✌ The good friendship is oozing out.
Yutaka Yagi on Google

給仕のおばさまが感じが良く、釜飯を最後まで美味しく食べる方法を教えてくれました。 近くの伊予水軍が一杯だったので行ってみたのですが、新たなお店を知れてラッキーでした。
The waiter's lady felt good and taught me how to eat Kamameshi deliciously until the end. I went there because the nearby Iyo Suigun was full, but I was lucky to know the new shop.
孝ちゃん on Google

Sea food bowl, special This was not something that was delicious. .. It's an average restaurant for seafood in Shikoku (personal impression)
おちです on Google

元旦翌日の夜に予約して3人で行きました(^-^) 定食¥2000(税抜き)を注文☆ 突き出し、お刺身、天ぷら、茶碗蒸し、鯛釜飯、味噌汁、デザート(アイス)でした。 お刺身は新鮮で美味しかったし、天ぷらもサクサクでした♪ 鯛釜飯も鯛の香りが食欲をそそりました(^q^) デザートのアイスは、バニラ、抹茶、ストロベリーの3種類出してくれたので、3人でじゃんけんして私はバニラを選択!笑 あと、食べきれなかった釜飯は、タッパーをいただいて持ち帰って翌日焼おにぎりにして食べました♪2度美味しかったです(〃∇〃) 店の外から見えるしまなみ海道の橋のライトアップもきれいでした☆★
I made a reservation the night after New Year's Day and went with 3 people (^-^) Order a set meal of 2000 yen (excluding tax) ☆ It was sticking out, sashimi, tempura, chawanmushi, sea bream kamameshi, miso soup, and dessert (ice). The sashimi was fresh and delicious, and the tempura was crispy ♪ The scent of sea bream also aroused the appetite of sea bream kamameshi (^ q ^) Three types of dessert ice cream, vanilla, matcha, and strawberry, were served, so I chose vanilla for rock-paper-scissors with three people! Lol Also, the kamameshi that I couldn't eat was taken home with a tapper and ate as a grilled rice ball the next day ♪ It was delicious twice (〃∇〃) The illumination of the Shimanami Kaido Bridge seen from outside the store was also beautiful ☆ ★

excelland food and sevice

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