満福楼 青梅街道店

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 満福楼 青梅街道店

住所 :

Ogawacho, Kodaira, 〒187-0032 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://manpukurou.owst.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–3PM
Sunday 11AM–3PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM
街 : Tokyo

Ogawacho, Kodaira, 〒187-0032 Tokyo,Japan
tagaro on Google

日替わり定食(麻婆豆腐)を注文。 不味くはないが、美味くない。量があるだけに苦痛。 再訪問。 黒胡麻坦々麺と半チャーハンを注文。 入るなり「日替わりは曜日関係なくどれでも良い」と言われた。 以前ここにあった店は坦々麺も炒飯も美味かったので残念。 坦々麺はまぁまぁだが麺が安っぽい。 炒飯はベタベタで人参も生。
I ordered a daily set meal (Mabo Tofu). Not bad, but not delicious. It's painful because of the amount. Revisit. I ordered black sesame tantanmen and half fried rice. As soon as I came in, I was told that "every day does not matter regardless of the day of the week". It's a pity that the shop that used to be here was delicious as Tantan noodles and fried rice. The noodles are ok, but the noodles are cheap. Fried rice is sticky and carrots are also raw.
あらだまる on Google

ランチメニューのエビマヨラーメン定食をいただきました 量が多くボリュームがあり大満足です さらに増やしたい方はご飯大盛りサービスまであります ランチにはドリンクバーもついてくるのがうれしいですね
I had a set meal of shrimp mayo ramen on the lunch menu I am very satisfied with the volume and volume. If you want to increase it further, there is even a large rice service. It's nice to have a drink bar for lunch
Yuki Seki on Google

最近少しメニューが変わった。タブレット入れてコストカットかなぁ。 品数の多いのが好きなので残念。
The menu has changed a little recently. I wonder if I can put a tablet and cut costs. I'm sorry because I like the large number of items.
ハイエースyasu on Google

リーズナブル そして満腹 刀削担々麺を食べましたが セットで水餃子五個付いてきます 大盛り無料 ドリンクバー無料 味も良かったですよ 建物裏に駐輪場と駐車場がありますよ
reasonable And full I ate sword-cut dandan noodles Comes with 5 dumplings as a set Large serving free Free drink bar The taste was also good There is a bicycle parking lot and a parking lot behind the building.
Asus Sak on Google

家族で小平市の「巡って、食べて、買って」の探索ルート途中で利用。10月なのですが、娘が「冷やし中華」をご所望のされていて、ダメ元でお見せに聞いたらやっているということで、評価などは見ないで入りました。 注文した冷やし中華はハム、蒸した鶏肉、チャーシューと肉が三種類もあり、量もしっかりとあります。 冷えたチャーシューは脂が固くなるので個人的にあまり好きではないので、微妙でしたが、ハムと鶏肉は冷やし中華にぴったりの味付けでした。娘も大満足。 ■メニュー:ランチメニューは1,000円以下で、ライス・麺の大盛無料、ドリンクバーも無料。4歳の娘は親とシェアさせてもらいました。 ドリンクバーも種類が豊富でした。 ボリュームとサービスを考えればとてもリーズナブルです。 ■お店:テーブル席です。駐車場・駐輪場完備で利用はしやすい。 食事を利用している間にもUber Eatsの方が何人も来られていました。 ■店員:中国人ですが、ふつうに日本語が通じます。
Used by the family during the search route for "Visit, Eat, Buy" in Kodaira City. It was October, but my daughter wanted "Chilled Chinese", and I was doing it when I asked her to show it to me, so I entered without looking at the evaluation. There are three types of chilled Chinese that I ordered: ham, steamed chicken, char siu and meat, and the amount is solid. I personally don't like chilled char siu because it hardens the fat, so it was subtle, but the ham and chicken were the perfect seasoning for chilled Chinese. My daughter is also very satisfied. ■ Menu: The lunch menu is 1,000 yen or less, a large serving of rice and noodles is free, and the drink bar is also free. My 4-year-old daughter shared it with her parents. The drink bar was also rich in variety. It is very reasonable considering the volume and service. ■ Shop: Table seats. Easy to use with parking lot and bicycle parking lot. There were many Uber Eats coming while I was eating. ■ Clerk: I'm Chinese, but I usually speak Japanese.
倉田勝雄 on Google

Lunch time 30 minutes Free drink bar was good, but above all, the sword-cut dandan noodles were delicious. It looked spicy and it wasn't that spicy, so I drank the soup and got angry with my bride (laughs) I want to go again. The amount was also large! !! I ate a large serving of char siu sword-cut noodles today. Personally, Dandan noodles were better! !!
まるて on Google

Visited for the first time even though it is nearby. I took my child with me, but it was vacant because it was a weekday. Is the staff in China? However, he responded smoothly without any problems. The food was delicious and reasonably priced. The atmosphere is an izakaya! I feel like.
IP低所得 on Google

青梅街道沿いにあるので以前から気になってたお店。入ると台湾の方が経営している? 本格中華料理店で、厨房は中国語が飛び交うのにビビって、ラーメンと半チャーハンしか頼めなかったけど、メニューを見ると魅力的なものがたくさんあります。次回はもう少し攻めたメニューを頼みたい。味も美味しかったですよ!
It's located along the Ome Kaido, so it's a shop I've always been interested in. When you enter, is Taiwan running it? At an authentic Chinese restaurant, the kitchen was so scared that Chinese was fluttering, so I could only order ramen and half fried rice, but when I look at the menu, there are many attractive things. Next time I would like to order a more aggressive menu. The taste was delicious too!

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