手打ちそば 蕎山

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 手打ちそば 蕎山

住所 :

Ogashiwa, Moriya, 〒302-0116 Ibaraki,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89787
Webサイト : https://www.kyouzan.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11AM–2:30PM
Monday Closed
Tuesday 11AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11AM–2:30PM
Friday 11AM–2:30PM
街 : Ibaraki

Ogashiwa, Moriya, 〒302-0116 Ibaraki,Japan
k k on Google

I didn't know if it happened because I arrived a little early at night and waited in the car, but he opened it about 10 minutes early and gave me warm hospitality. Soba still feels good in the throat and goes well with the juice.
てらのぶ on Google

I think the bamboo steamer soba is Sarashina-style, elastic and delicious. It would be fine for me if the noodles were a little thicker. The soba dumplings were also good. I want to taste warm foods in the coming season when it gets cold. Is it the upper category in Moriya?
_ on Google

★座敷なし、靴を脱いで上がるテーブル席という微妙な小上がりになっています。注意 駐車場は店の前と店の右側から狭い道を入った奥、少し離れた処の3箇所、平日の昼に来訪しましたが3組ほどしかおらず混んでませんでした。 お冷の代わりのそば茶が美味しいです。 細麺でこしのあるせいろ、サクサクの天ぷらが美味しかったです。 つゆは濃いので少しだけ出して食べた方がいいですね。蕎麦湯はほどほどの白さでサラッと系でした。 わりと丁寧な接客で常陸秋そばが気軽に食べられるお店です。
★ There is no tatami room, and there is a table seat where you can take off your shoes and go up. caution I visited the parking lot in front of the store, in the back of the narrow road from the right side of the store, in three places a little away, on weekday afternoons, but it was not crowded with only about 3 groups. Buckwheat tea instead of cold is delicious. The crispy tempura was delicious because of the thin noodles and the chewy texture. The soup is thick, so you should take it out a little and eat it. Soba-to was moderately white and smooth. It is a restaurant where you can easily eat Hitachi Aki Soba with a relatively polite customer service.
* mommy on Google

物静かな接客に癒されました。 サイドメニューの出てくるタイミングが(o^-')b ! 舞茸の天ぷらは、香りよし食感ヨシでオススメ
I was healed by the quiet customer service. The timing when the side menu appears is (o ^-') b! Maitake mushroom tempura is recommended for its fragrance and texture.
E. NAKAYAMA on Google

どれを食べても味は美味しく間違いない。 人数制限・消毒、席の用意ができるまで呼出ベルを持たせ車で待たせるなど感染対策を徹底しているように見えるが 一方で、今は非接触化を図るためのカード決済の導入・運用に特段の労力が要らないご時世だが、そうした取り組みはなされていない。 客に対しては感染対策への協力を求めながら、数%手数料負担がかかるとはいえ、店側から客の利便性や感染対策に歩み寄る姿勢が感じられない点がとても残念。
No matter which one you eat, the taste is sure to be delicious. It seems that infection control measures are taken thoroughly, such as limiting the number of people, disinfecting, holding a call bell and waiting in the car until the seat is ready. On the other hand, it is a time when no special labor is required to introduce and operate card payments to make them non-contact, but such efforts have not been made. Although we ask our customers to cooperate in infection control, we are charged a few percent of the commission, but it is a pity that we cannot feel the convenience of our customers and the attitude of approaching infection control.
佳人曲 on Google

I ordered Tsukuba steamer. We had delicious soba noodles in a beautiful shop with polite customer service. It was Sarashina-style soba.
Hiroshi Yama on Google

よく利用させていただいておりますが、いつ行っても同じクオリティでお蕎麦を提供してくれます。 冷水でよくしめられ喉ごし最高の蕎麦に濃いめで香り豊かなつけ汁。サクッと揚げられた天ぷらや追加の蕎麦が出てくるタイミング。接客等含め文句なしのお店です。
We often use it, but it always provides soba with the same quality. A thick and fragrant soup with the best soba noodles that are well squeezed in cold water. The timing when crispy fried tempura and additional soba come out. It is a shop without complaints including customer service.
根本泰祐(ヤスキチ) on Google

お勧めします。 昔から、こちら方面に行くと寄らせて頂いています。 せいろの冷たい蕎麦も温かい蕎麦も、とても美味しいです。 特に、冷たい蕎麦は、蕎麦の風味が強くて、麺が柔らかくなりにくいので、お勧めします。 温かい蕎麦は、美味い麺と旨味の強い汁を交互に飲み込むのが、たまらないです。 天ぷらも、◎ですよ。 是非、行ってみて下さい。
It is recommended. For a long time, I've been visiting this area. Both cold and warm soba noodles are very delicious. Especially, cold soba is recommended because it has a strong soba flavor and the noodles do not tend to soften. For warm soba, it is irresistible to swallow delicious noodles and strong umami juice alternately. Tempura is also ◎. Please go by all means.

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