
4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact おおふなぽーと(大船渡市防災観光交流センター)

住所 :

Ofunatocho, Ofunato, 〒022-0002 Iwate,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Webサイト : http://ofunato-bkkc.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–6PM
Sunday 9AM–6PM
Monday 9AM–6PM
Tuesday 9AM–6PM
Wednesday 9AM–6PM
Thursday 9AM–6PM
Friday 9AM–6PM
街 : Iwate

Ofunatocho, Ofunato, 〒022-0002 Iwate,Japan
高桑美香 on Google

イベントもあるみたい❗爺んちが写ってる 震災❗の写真があった❗
There seems to be an event ❗ The old man is in the picture There was a picture of the earthquake ❗ ❗
ライフノエ on Google

スタッフの方がとても親切でとてもいいところです。 後、気をつけて欲しいのですが、お昼の時間に屋上に不審な人物がいます。 こちらをずっと睨んできたり、ブツブツと何かを言ったり。 屋上を利用する際は気をつけて欲しいです。
The staff is very kind and very nice. I want you to be careful later, but there is a suspicious person on the rooftop at noon time. I've always been envious of this, or say something banging. I want you to be careful when using the rooftop.
眉毛 on Google

学習専念するなら平日の午前か、平日休日関わらず17:00以降がおすすめ、子供の遊び場が同じフロアにあるからです(イヤホン、ヘッドフォン等用いるか、気にしないのであれば関係ないが) フリーダムにできます、ホワイトボードもあるので複数人で学習する際にもいけちゃいます
If you want to concentrate on your studies, we recommend weekday mornings or after 17:00 regardless of weekday holidays, because the children's playground is on the same floor (whether you use earphones, headphones, etc., or if you don't mind) You can make it freedom, there is also a whiteboard so you can use it when studying with multiple people
akira dewa on Google

It's quiet and cozy. I definitely want you to see the view from the roof when you visit.
本間栄作 on Google

The location where the memory of the 3.11 record and the experience story is revived and the location of the central building in the video is exactly that location. At that time when the top of a small hill at the bottom of the window is said to be the shooting location, and it is realistic. It's already beautiful. It makes me think.
岡本恵智子 on Google

様々なイベントに参加させて頂いていますが、スタッフの対応が温かいです。 立地条件も良いし、老若男女楽しめる施設です。
I participate in various events, but the staff are warm. The location is good and it is a facility that can be enjoyed by men and women of all ages.
橋本悦子 on Google

震災後の施設。どうしてこんな 海の近くに?と思っています。大船渡は敷地がないのは分かりますが。利用させて頂く時は、津波の事が思い出されます。どこかビクビクします。?
Facilities after the earthquake. Why is it near the sea like this? I think. I understand that Ofunato has no site. When I use it, I remember the tsunami. I'm excited somewhere. ?
Rina on Google

出来たばかりで綺麗です!1階は観光案内で2階には津波の説明コーナーがありキッズスペースやお勉強スペースもあります カフェもありますが時間によっては品切れになって閉まってます(笑)会議室も予約で使えるそうです
It's just made and beautiful! There is a tourist information on the 1st floor, a tsunami explanation corner on the 2nd floor, a kids' space and a study space. There is also a cafe, but depending on the time it is out of stock and closed (laughs) It seems that the conference room can also be reserved.

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