食彩酒房 喜和美家

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 食彩酒房 喜和美家

住所 :

Honmachi, Maebashi, 〒371-0023 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8789
街 : Gunma

Honmachi, Maebashi, 〒371-0023 Gunma,Japan
おおはしよしあき on Google

The food was also delicious, and the clerk was happy to eat with a sense of distance without leaving.
佐々木祐和 on Google

接客もお味もとても良いです。 ビジネスホテル隣接なので 期待せず入りましたが 上手いし気持ち良い! お近くにお泊りの時は ここ!メチャおススメ、 です。
The customer service and taste are very good. Because it is next to a business hotel We entered without expectation Good and comfortable! When staying near here! Recommended is.
ていしあ on Google

A store a step above the izakaya level. The food is elegant, so it seems to be for women and the elderly. It was 5500 yen with all-you-can-drink, but it was a satisfying dish. If the amount of liquor is small, it might be a little more reasonable if you just use the food. There are three parking lots that are affiliated with each other, and parking tickets are available for over 3000 yen.
Yosh on Google

It is an adult shop. The variety of liquor is abundant, and the drinking advice of the clerk is accurate. Delicious Relishes and Liquor. Also many pieces could not be a rustic Nante take photos.
kouichi akiyama on Google

ホテルの 朝食 夜は 居酒屋さん ちょっとずつ食べれて 良いよね 美味しゅうございました
of hotel breakfast at night Izakaya Eat little by little Good It was delicious
T S on Google

There is also a private room in the store, there is a wide variety of sake, and the food was delicious in general! I want to bother you again!
Ka A on Google

日本酒好きとしては、日本酒の種類が豊富でいいです。 値段は高めですが、料理の味はいいです。 旬の味が楽しめるので季節ごとに行くのも楽しいかも。 あとだし巻き卵のぶるぷる具合が凄い。 店員さんも気さくで入りやすい。
As a sake lover, I like the wide variety of sake. The price is high, but the food tastes good. You can enjoy the taste of the season, so it may be fun to go every season. The fluffy condition of the rolled egg is amazing. The clerk is also friendly and easy to enter.
kan kan on Google

あまり飲めない自分にもサラリと飲みやすい日本酒を選んでくれたり説明してくれたりとスタッフの方々はすごく親切でした。 またとにかく料理が綺麗で旨い。 予約しないと無理かもしれないけどまたちょくちょく予約して行きたい。 客層もよかったなあ。 静かにゆっくり飲めた。
The staff were very kind, as they chose and explained sake that was easy to drink even for myself, who couldn't drink much. Anyway, the food is beautiful and delicious. It may not be possible if I don't make a reservation, but I want to make a reservation frequently. The customer base was also good. I drank quietly and slowly.

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