生蕎麦 蒼の里

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 生蕎麦 蒼の里

住所 :

Odakura, Nishigō, Nishishirakawa District, 〒961-8061 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://aonosato.hungry.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–9PM
Sunday 11AM–9PM
Monday 11AM–9PM
Tuesday 11AM–9PM
Wednesday 11AM–9PM
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–9PM
街 : Fukushima

Odakura, Nishigō, Nishishirakawa District, 〒961-8061 Fukushima,Japan
櫻井誠 on Google

ボリューム凄いです。 安価です。 味ももちろんうまいです 白河のトリプルスリー。 次回は松花堂弁当の予定?
The volume is amazing. It is cheap. The taste is of course good Triple Shirakawa. Next time we will have a Shokado lunch box.
masumi saito on Google

There was an interesting menu (* ^^ *)
k sato on Google

30年前に近くの会社に入社し、その時は歓迎会や懇親会で頻繁に利用していた記憶があります。但し、中心部から離れた場所にあったことから、2次会への移動が大変だった為に、徐々に利用することは無くなりました。 あれから30年が経過し、コロナウィルスの問題が発生したことで、テイクアウトが出来る店として、ネットで紹介されていました。この情報を見て、テイクアウトではなくイートインしたいと思っていました。 記憶では日本蕎麦しか無かったように思ったのですが、1つに決めるのが難しいほどメニューを選ぶのが大変なほど蕎麦以外のメニューも豊富です。今は、限定食を提供していますので、お得感たっぷりで美味しい食事を楽しめます。
I joined a nearby company 30 years ago, and at that time, I remember using it frequently at welcome parties and social gatherings. However, since it was located away from the center, it was difficult to move to the second party, so it gradually disappeared. Thirty years have passed since then, and the problem of coronavirus occurred, so it was introduced online as a store where you can take out. Looking at this information, I wanted to eat in rather than take out. In my memory, I thought that there was only Japanese buckwheat noodles, but there are so many non-soba noodles that it is difficult to choose one and the menu is difficult. Now, we are offering limited meals, so you can enjoy delicious meals with plenty of value.
θいこーる ωt on Google

There were many locals, and I heard that it was a popular restaurant. It's a pity that I couldn't taste it because I didn't have time. Impression that there is a lot of volume. It was a shop I wanted to use again.
ho. on Google

I ate champon udon. The ingredients were plentiful, and the soup udon noodles and ingredients were all delicious. There are many menus, so I will go there again.
鈴木正孝 on Google

とても寒くてうどんが食べたくなり、 気になっていたお店に行くことに。 うどんは幅が広い柔らか目の麺です。 妻は鶏南蛮うどん、息子はなめこうどん、私は豚天重をオーダー。 みんなボリューム満点。 うどんも麺が柔らかく、汁も程よいお味でした。 お値段もリーズナブルです。 帰りに息子は飴をもらいました。 親切でグレートです。 次回は蕎麦を食べようと心に決めました。
It ’s so cold that I want to eat udon, I decided to go to the store I was interested in. Udon is a wide and soft noodle. My wife is chicken nanban udon, my son is namekodon, and I ordered pork tendon. Everyone is full of volume. The udon noodles were soft and the soup tasted just right. The price is also reasonable. On the way back, my son got a candy. Kind and great. Next time I decided to eat soba.
socpksp on Google

ボリューム満点で席も多いので家族連れや少人数で行っても大丈夫です 蕎麦うどんを始め丼物などメニューも豊富です 限定ランチもあります
It's full of volume and there are many seats, so it's okay to go with a family or a small number of people. There is a wide variety of menus such as soba udon and rice bowls. There is also a limited lunch
sigshion36 on Google

No matter what you eat, it's delicious and it's a great volume. The scallions and tororo rice bowl were chewy and responsive.

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