菓志工房うすなが - Yasu

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 菓志工房うすなが

住所 :

Ochikubo, Yasu, 〒520-2435 Shiga,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87789
Postal code : 520-2435
Webサイト : http://www.usunaga.jp/
街 : Shiga

Ochikubo, Yasu, 〒520-2435 Shiga,Japan
北村篤史 on Google

Nowadays, cakes that use seasonal fruits such as peaches and melons are eye-catching.
奥英 on Google

Apple pie is modestly sweet ♪ Apples and custard are not too sweet! The cream and dough are crispy pie shoes ♪ Custard cream is also the decisive factor here
たいのり on Google

お高めですが、どれもハズレ無しに美味しいです。 プリンと秋のスイートポテトと冬のマカロンが大好きです?
It's expensive, but they are all delicious without losing. I love pudding, autumn sweet potatoes and winter macaroons ?
きいろいとり虎命 on Google

I saw Yasu while driving in a car, so I stopped by and the cake seemed very delicious. I bought a cream puff and it was very delicious.
まこ on Google

美味しいケーキが食べたい時はウスナガさんに足が向く。 贈答にも喜ばれる。 6月~7月にかけてはフルーツ天国! メロン、桃、マンゴー、パパイヤ 迷う迷う!!
When you want to eat a delicious cake, go to Usnaga-san. I am also pleased with the gifts. Fruit paradise from June to July! Melon, peach, mango, papaya Get lost Get lost! !!
はらぺこミミズ on Google

コーヒーは高いけど500円くらい、美味しかった。ちゅんちゅんに熱いです。 駐車場がせまいかな。 スイートポテト美味しかった。アップルパイはイマイチでした。
Coffee was expensive but it was delicious for about 500 yen. It's really hot. I wonder if the parking lot is small. The sweet potato was delicious. Apple pie was not good.
Y Ys on Google

親の結婚記念日に予約購入(ホールケーキ) 昼過ぎに来店しました。 他にお客様は居らず 店員さん3名女性 何かの作業中でした 私は予約の商品を取りに来ただけなので 直接レジに行きましたが 3名とも此方を気にする様子もなく 喋りながら作業中、、、 1分〜2分ほど待たされ声をかけようと した時に1人の方が 『ハイ⁈』 予約してた〇〇ですが。 無言のまま、奥の厨房へ次に店内の冷蔵庫 次に商品カウンターの伝票?←予約確認? 『もう一度お名前は?』 〇〇ですが!! また奥の厨房へ(やっぱ無言) ようやく奥からケーキが登場。 中を確認 [おじいちゃん、おばあちゃん おめでとう㊗️]のプレート 『保冷剤要ります?』 はぁ〜?有料だから聞いたのか 知らないが大概は お帰りまで時間どれくらいですか? 有料になりますが宜しいですか? の流れが多いと思いますが 最後に箱のままで どうぞ!でした 進物に使うかもしれないのに 袋も付けてくれない?聞いてもくれない 有料でもいりますよ!身内とはいえ 箱剥き出しのケーキを渡す訳ないだろ 往復1時間もかけて行ったのに 普通ケーキ買うのって気分いいっすよ ねー⁈ウキウキ感ありますやん⁈ 真逆でした最悪の気分で帰路につきました。 年寄りの結婚記念日ケーキですが 祝ってやろうと買ったケーキ こんなん、美味しいわけない
Pre-order purchase on parent's wedding anniversary (whole cake) I came to the store after noon. There are no other customers 3 female clerk I was working on something I just came to pick up the reserved item I went to the cash register directly All three did not seem to care about this Working while talking ... I waited for a minute or two and tried to call out When one person did "Yes⁈" I made a reservation. Without saying anything, go to the kitchen in the back Next, the refrigerator in the store Next is the product counter slip? ← Reservation confirmation? "What's your name again? 』\ It's 〇〇! !! Also to the kitchen in the back (after all silent) The cake finally appeared from the back. Check inside [Grandfather Grandmother Congratulations ㊗️】 plate "Do you need an ice pack? 』\ Huh? Did you hear it because it is charged? I don't know, but most of the time How long does it take to return? Is it okay if there is a charge? I think there is a lot of flow Finally, leave it in the box! was I might use it for gifts Can you attach a bag as well? Don't ask You can pay for it! Although it is a relative You can't give a box of cake It took me an hour to go back and forth It feels good to buy a regular cake Hey⁈ There is a feeling of excitement⁈ It was the opposite, and I went home with the worst mood. It ’s an elderly wedding anniversary cake. The cake I bought to celebrate It ’s not delicious like this
MP MP on Google

和栗モンブランをチョイス。下地がスポンジで柔らかくてアッサリ。とても美味しかったです。タルトが嫌いなんだけどイチゴに惹かれて買いましたが、やっぱり甘かった? どこのお店も何でこんな甘いんでしょか、、 昔はシュークリームが推しだった気がしましたが、
Choose Waguri Mont Blanc. The base is sponge and soft and easy to use. It was very delicious. I hate tarts, but I was attracted to strawberries and bought them, but after all it was sweet ? Why is every shop so sweet? I used to think that cream puffs were the best choice,

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