みいちゃんのお菓子工房 - Omihachiman

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact みいちゃんのお菓子工房

住所 :

Uedacho, Omihachiman, 〒523-0015 Shiga,Japan

Postal code : 523-0015
Webサイト : https://mi-okashi.com/
街 : Shiga

Uedacho, Omihachiman, 〒523-0015 Shiga,Japan
nagi on Google

YouTubeで動画に巡り会い。みいちゃんの障がいがありながらも一生懸命頑張る姿に涙が(;_;) まだ、お店には行った事がないのですがコメントさせてください! YouTubeの動画もインスタも見せて頂きました。 中学生でこのレベル...! 盛り付けも、写真の撮り方も、センスも素晴らしいです。 私は障がい者ではありませんが、心の病気や繊細さを、敏感に感じとる性格なので 共感する場面がたくさんありました。 「人と合わせなくていい」その言葉で救われました。 いつか仙台から遊びに行きます٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و コロナに負けず頑張ってください!
Meet videos on YouTube. Mii-chan's disability but tears in her hard work (; _;) I haven't been to the store yet, but let me comment! I showed you YouTube videos and Instagram. This level in junior high school ...! The presentation, the way of taking pictures, and the sense are wonderful. I'm not a person with a disability, but I'm sensitive to mental illness and delicacy. There were many scenes that I sympathized with. I was saved by the words, "I don't have to match people." Someday I will go to play from Sendai ٩ (ˊᗜˋ *) و Please do your best without losing to Corona!
Kotani哲也(kotetsu) on Google

是非、行きたい場所です。 みいちゃんの頑張ってる場所が 自分にとってはパワースポットですね❣ スイーツ男子としては行く価値ありだね 。◕‿◕。 でも北海道からは遠すぎる~
By all means, this is the place you want to go. The place where Mii is doing her best It's a power spot for me ❣ It's worth going as a sweets boy ¡◕‿◕. But it's too far from Hokkaido ~
akakabe参上 on Google

地元滋賀県内のお店と聞いて、初めて来店しました。奥さんと子供の4人で行きましたが、13時30分頃に着いて、買えたのは15時00分でした。大人気ですね(*´꒳`*) イチゴショートケーキとバスク風チーズケーキを頂きました。 夜に家族で食べましたが、二つとも大絶賛でしたので、機会があればまた並びに行きたいと思います。
When I heard that the shop was in Shiga Prefecture, I visited for the first time. I went with my wife and four children, but arrived at around 13:30 and could buy it at 15:00. It is very popular (* '꒳` *) I got a strawberry shortcake and a basque cheesecake. I ate at night with my family, but both were very acclaimed, so I would like to go again if there is a chance.
伝説のヤンファー on Google

Until the end of January ? I was sorry to make a reservation ?. Evaluation will be on another occasion ✨ I would like to evaluate the taste etc. fairly because I will sell cakes etc. to customers and receive money. I heard that you are a disabled person. I hope my mother will support me and continue to do my best. If you're feeling sick or you don't feel like making a cake, you may be in the future. I wonder if it's good for customers to understand that and wait for the fun to grow first ? I'm looking forward to the opening next year. I wonder if it's good to enjoy the taste of the cake as the pastry chef grows with age ? It's a shop that you want to warmly watch over and support in the shade. You may be famous for the world-famous sweets ???✨ in the years and decades to come ? Be careful about your physical condition, and it's impossible to be physically and mentally It's also bad, so it's okay because it has a kind mother, but ? I think it's hard for her too. Please be careful about your physical condition and do your best.
さゆ on Google

みいちゃんのお菓子はどれもおいしくて 何個でも食べられます! いちごショートケーキのクリームの甘さは控えめで いちごの甘さが更に引き立てられ、スポンジも美味しくて こんな美味しいケーキを中学生の子が作っているのかと 改めて感動させられました! 場面緘黙症というハンデを抱えながらも 懸命にケーキを作られている姿を見て わたしも頑張ろうと勇気づけられます。 これからも頑張ってください!応援してます!
All of Mii's sweets are delicious You can eat as many as you like! The sweetness of the strawberry shortcake cream is modest The sweetness of the strawberries is further enhanced, and the sponge is also delicious. I wonder if a junior high school student is making such a delicious cake I was impressed again! While having a handicap of selective mutism Seeing how hard the cake is being made I am encouraged to do my best. Please keep doing a good job! I support you!
さわさわ on Google

バスク風チーズケーキといちごのムースをオンラインで注文しました。 バスク風チーズケーキもいちごムースもどちらもとても美味しかったです。 家族にも好評でした。 配達でみいちゃんのケーキが家に届いた時は一気にぱっと明るい気持ちになりました。 梱包もケーキも一つ一つがとても丁寧で素敵だったので、とても幸せな気持ちになりました。 大阪に住んでいますが、いつかお店に行ってみたいです。
I ordered Basque cheesecake and strawberry mousse online. Both the Basque-style cheesecake and the strawberry mousse were very delicious. It was well received by my family. When Mii-chan's cake arrived at my house by delivery, I felt very cheerful at once. The packaging and cakes were very polite and lovely, which made me very happy. I live in Osaka, but I would like to go to a store someday.
高橋ナナ on Google

みいちゃんの焼き菓子おまかせセットをネット注文しました。見た目も可愛いらしく、味も好みの味で満足でした。特にブールドネージュ(イチゴ)美味しかったです。 東北なので直接買いに行くのは難しいですが、いつか機会があれば、みいちゃんのお店にも行ってみたいです。 みいちゃんの素晴らしい才能、将来が楽しみですね✨
I ordered Mii-chan's baked confectionery set online. It looked cute and I was satisfied with the taste. Especially the boule de Neige (strawberry) was delicious. It's difficult to go to buy directly because it's in Tohoku, but if I have a chance, I'd like to go to Mii-chan's shop. Mii-chan's wonderful talent, I'm looking forward to the future ✨

来店予約して、ずーっと楽しみにして、やっと行けました!車はお店の前に1台止められるのに気が付かず、別の場所に止めました? お店にはケーキの並ぶショーケースと焼き菓子コーナーがあって、その向こうに工房があります! Instagramで拝見してたブルーのケーキにはなんと!ティアラが!!それと、うさ耳のショートケーキも買えました!ちょっとした所にセンスが感じられてさすがだなーと思いました? Instagramで拝見してたお菓子の自動販売機でもせっかくなのでお買い物しましたよー!最初はドキドキ? お金入れる→番号押す→ふたが開く→取り出す 簡単に買えました!苺のクッキーを子ども達チョイスで買ったのですが、甘すぎなくて美味しかったです? また行きますねー!!
I made a reservation to visit the store, I was looking forward to it for a long time, and finally I was able to go! I didn't realize that one car could be parked in front of the store, so I parked it somewhere else ? The shop has a showcase with cakes and a baked confectionery corner, and there is a workshop over there! What a blue cake I saw on Instagram! Tiara! !! I also bought a shortcake with rabbit ears! I felt a sense in a little place and I thought it was true ? I went shopping at the sweets vending machine I saw on Instagram! The first is pounding ? Put money → press number → open lid → take out It was easy to buy! I bought a strawberry cookie at the children's choice, but it wasn't too sweet and it was delicious ? I will go again! !!

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