Obachan - Arakawa City

4.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Obachan

住所 :

5 Chome-25-2 Nishinippori, Arakawa City, Tokyo 116-0013, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 116-0013

5 Chome-25-2 Nishinippori, Arakawa City, Tokyo 116-0013, Japan
korousagiai on Google

優しいお母さんに癒されるお店です。 ユッケジャンがオススメ!!
It is a shop that can be healed by a kind mother. Yukkejan is recommended! !
南本耕治 on Google

I remembered Osaka for the first time in a long time, and it was a homely, warm atmosphere.
稲村 on Google

The name “Auntie” is quite shocking, but okonomiyaki is delicious.
山田佳織 on Google

本場に近い味、とても美味しいです。 お店の方がとても気さくで楽しく食事ができました。
The taste close to the authentic place is very delicious. The shop was very friendly and I enjoyed eating.
くろ助くろねこ on Google

ええ、良いですw 安い、旨い、昔ながら 落ち着くし、こじんまりとしてて 凄くいい お姉さんの愛想なども、わざとらしさがなくバッチリ ただ、週末は混むのでお気をつけください あと 種類はそんなにないです まあ、そもそも、そんなにたくさんの種類たべないからオーケー(´▽`) おすすめです!
Yeah, good w Cheap, delicious, old-fashioned Calm down and small Very good The amiability of your sister is perfect without any intention However, please be careful as it gets crowded on weekends. after There are not so many types Well, in the first place, I don't eat so many kinds. it's recommended!
神谷晴香 on Google

最近見つけたお店! 美味しくてお好み焼き、もんじゃは本場下町の味!こだわりのキムチや数量限定のお豆腐など、お好み焼きやもんじゃ焼き以外の料理にも色々と味や品質へのこだわりが感じられました。 お肉もとても美味しくて焼き肉とお好み焼きが両方堪能できるお店です。お店の方も優しくて、お腹も心も癒されました!また仲間を誘って行きたくなるお店です!
The shop I found recently! Delicious and okonomiyaki, monja is the authentic taste of downtown! I felt that I was particular about the taste and quality of dishes other than okonomiyaki and monjayaki, such as the special kimchi and the limited quantity of tofu. The meat is also very delicious and you can enjoy both yakiniku and okonomiyaki. The shop was kind and healed my stomach and heart! It's a shop that makes you want to invite your friends again!
石原碧 on Google

大阪のおばちゃんとお姉さんで切り盛りしてるお店です。 混雑時はとても大変そうでした!! お好み焼き 鉄板焼き、おつまみも味は最高!何を頼んでも美味しかった! とても居心地もよく、落ち着く雰囲気でお酒も飲めます。 コスパも料理もうまいサラリーマンの集うお店ですね!
It's a store run by aunt and sister in Osaka. It seemed very difficult when it was crowded! ! Okonomiyaki, teppanyaki and snacks are the best! Whatever I ordered, it was delicious! It is very comfortable and you can drink alcohol in a calm atmosphere. Cospa is also a store where salaried workers are good at cooking!
直晃野本 on Google

駅前にある本当に大阪風のお好み焼き屋さんで関西出身の私には懐かしいですが、値段は東京ですね笑笑 味は普通ですけど東京では美味しい方なのでは?
It's a really Osaka-style okonomiyaki restaurant in front of the station, and I miss it from Kansai, but the price is Tokyo. The taste is normal, but isn't it delicious in Tokyo?

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