Nunobikionsen spa - Tomi

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nunobikionsen spa

住所 :

498-1 Nunoshita, Tomi, Nagano 389-0402, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 389-0402
Webサイト :
Description : Humble rooms in a down-to-earth hot spring inn featuring an unfussy lounge & an indoor bath.

498-1 Nunoshita, Tomi, Nagano 389-0402, Japan
たまご on Google

湯質も良く 熱い 温い 冷たい三拍子揃っていて私は好きです。 ただ経営困難なのか 電球が半分に減らされたり お湯を湯舟からくみ出さないでとか注意事項が増えてきた気がしますので 皆さん足を運んでいろんな意味で明るくしてあげましょう。 シャワーの出が悪いのは今まで一番!なので 嫌な方は行かない方が良いと思います。 私はここで頭は洗わないと決めました。
The quality of the hot water is good, and I like it because it has hot, warm, and cold triple time signatures. However, it seems that it is difficult to manage, the number of light bulbs has been reduced by half, and there are more precautions such as not pumping hot water from the bathtub, so let's all go and brighten it in many ways. It's the worst shower I've ever had! So I think it's best not to go if you don't like it. I decided not to wash my head here.
坊ピピ on Google

小諸市内なら、No.1。泉質最高!カラン(シャワー)から出てくるのも温泉。 但し、長野県特有というかアメニティ無いし、昔ながらの共同浴場スタイルなので慣れてない人には、髪や身体は洗い難いでしょう。 隅に湧き水冷水風呂(26℃程。冷水風呂としてはぬるめ)あり。交互に入ると気持ち良い◎
No.1 in Komoro city. The quality of the spring is the best! The hot springs come out of the faucet (shower). However, it is peculiar to Nagano prefecture, there are no amenities, and it is a traditional communal bath style, so it will be difficult for people who are not accustomed to wash their hair and body. There is a spring water cold water bath (about 26 ° C. It is lukewarm as a cold water bath) in the corner. It feels good to enter alternately ◎
P FUNK on Google

シンプルな三つの浴槽 それぞれが丁度良い温度です あつ湯で温まった体を水風呂でキュっと引き締め、ぬる湯でゆっくりとほぐす これが堪らない♡ 湯気が立ちこめる薄暗い浴室も雰囲気があって落ち着きます
Three simple bathtubs Each is just the right temperature Tighten your body warmed in hot water in a cold bath and slowly loosen it in lukewarm water. This is unbearable ♡ The dimly lit bathroom filled with steam also has an atmosphere and calms down.
momojiro m on Google

薄暗く決して清潔とは言い難い浴場 、カランにはシャワーしかなく、お湯 、水の出る蛇口がない。 しかもシャワーは出たり出なかったり 、と思えばいきなり突発的に凄い勢いで爆発したみたいに出て止まったり、、、 特別お湯が良いとも感じられなかった。 これで500円なので、同じ500円払うのなら近隣にもっと良い温泉は沢山あると思います。 古い施設でも清潔にしている所は沢山ありますよ。 2度目はありません!
A dimly lit bathhouse that is far from clean, Karan has only a shower, no hot water, and no faucet for water. Moreover, the shower may or may not come out, and suddenly it suddenly comes out and stops like an explosion with great momentum. I didn't feel that the special hot water was good. This is 500 yen, so if you pay the same 500 yen, I think there are many better hot springs nearby. There are many places where even old facilities are kept clean. There is no second time!
クロ on Google

東御市にある宿泊施設ですが、日帰り入浴にも対応しています。以前よりこの施設の前を通るたびに書かれている温泉の文字を見て気になっていたので立ち寄ってみることにしました。 「牛に引かれて善光寺参り」という言葉で有名な布引観音がすぐ近くにあるので、一緒に散策をしてみるのも良いかもしれません。内湯と水風呂がありました。浴室に入るとかなり大きめの内湯の浴槽があって周辺に洗い場が設置されていました。お湯に浸かってみるとなかなかの熱さでした。この地域の中ではかなり濃い成分の温泉ということですので、熱さと合わせて濃い成分であるということで良い泉質の温泉を見つけることができたのではないかと思います。
The accommodation is located in Tomi City, but it also supports day trip baths. I was curious to see the letters of the hot spring written every time I passed in front of this facility, so I decided to stop by. Nunobiki Kannon, which is famous for the phrase "being drawn by a cow and visiting Zenkoji," is nearby, so it might be a good idea to take a walk together. There was an indoor bath and a cold bath. When I entered the bathroom, there was a fairly large indoor bathtub and a washing place was set up around it. It was quite hot when I soaked it in hot water. It is a hot spring with a fairly strong component in this area, so I think that we could have found a hot spring with good spring quality because it is a hot spring with a strong component combined with the heat.
山名学 on Google

張り紙が多く客から愛されていないことわかる温泉場。一部マナーの悪い常連客がいるのも事実だが、店側にも大いに問題があると推察する。 1. ここのシャワーは源泉のみで圧が低く、体や髪を洗うのが結構大変。しかし店側はむやみに湯船からお湯を汲むことは控えて欲しいとの張り紙。湯船からお湯を汲んで体を洗う方が多いのは、シャワーの圧が低いのが主な原因だと思う。店側は張り紙をするのではなく、シャワーの圧を上げるべき。シャワーが源泉だからという理由は事の本質を外している。浴場なのだからまともに体や髪を洗える設備を提供するのは経営者の義務だと思う。 加えて冬のシャワーは1分程度のあいだ出水が冷たい。温泉に来た人が湯船に入る前にシャワーを使って体を清めようとすると、シャワーが冷たくて湯船からお湯を汲んでしまう。 結果、店側が嫌がる「むやみに湯船からお湯を汲む行為」が多くなってしまう。 2. 冬になるとお湯がぬるくてあまり温まらない。客がお湯がぬるいので加温をして欲しいと話しても、店側は加温してくれない。WEBにあるように「42度」を保つように設備を改善して欲しい。 3. 2021年12月現在、男浴場の電球も2つ切れており夜は薄暗いし、掃除も行き届いてなくて、床がぬるぬるしてたりする。浴槽内にも湯の花とは思えない苔のようなヌメリも感じる。 総じて考えると、店側は客が快適に過ごせるようにな設備を提供しようとしていないが、客に常識や良識を求めている状態。 張り紙には身勝手な客が他者に迷惑を掛けていると書かれている。こういった張り紙を見ると今後良くなる感じがしない。 お湯・鉱泉の質はとても良いのでとても残念。経営者がお客さんのことを考えて掃除や設備を改善するなどすれば、お客さんはもっとここを大切にしてくれるのではないか?
A hot spring resort where you can see that many posters are not loved by customers. It is true that there are some regular customers with bad manners, but I presume that there is a big problem on the store side as well. 1. 1. The shower here is only at the source and the pressure is low, so it is quite difficult to wash your body and hair. However, the store says that they should refrain from drawing hot water from the bathtub unnecessarily. I think the main reason why many people wash their bodies by drawing hot water from the bathtub is that the pressure in the shower is low. The store should increase the pressure in the shower instead of putting up a sticker. The reason that the shower is the source is out of the essence of the matter. Since it is a bathhouse, I think it is the duty of the management to provide facilities to wash the body and hair properly. In addition, the water in the winter shower is cold for about 1 minute. If a person who comes to a hot spring tries to cleanse himself with a shower before entering the bathtub, the shower will be cold and he will draw hot water from the bathtub. As a result, the number of "acts of unnecessarily drawing hot water from the bathtub" that the store dislikes increases. 2. In winter, the hot water is lukewarm and doesn't get very warm. Even if the customer asks for warming because the hot water is lukewarm, the store does not warm it. I want you to improve the equipment so that it keeps "42 degrees" as it is on the WEB. 3. 3. As of December 2021, the two light bulbs in the men's bath are out, it is dim at night, the cleaning is not perfect, and the floor is slimy. You can also feel the moss-like slime in the bathtub, which you can't think of as Yunohana. Generally speaking, the store is not trying to provide equipment so that customers can spend their time comfortably, but they are demanding common sense and good sense from customers. The poster says that selfish customers are annoying others. Looking at these posters, I don't feel that they will improve in the future. The quality of the hot water and mineral springs is very good, so I am very disappointed. If the management thinks about the customer and improves the cleaning and equipment, the customer will cherish this place more.
Seisuke Iwasa on Google

ぬる湯・ひなびた温泉好きなら絶対に行くべし!というか、「綺麗なお風呂」「湯質よりも快適さ」「きめこまかなサービス」などを求める人は行ってはいけない場所だと思います。 たしかに、シャワーの水圧が弱いなど少し不便かなと思うこともありましたが、それを隠して騙して集客されているわけではなく、逆に他のどんな施設よりも自らの思いを表明・公開されてると思います。自分の理想と違うからといって、完全否定する書き込みが多いように思いますがとても悲しいです。 今までに少なくともあちこち千湯以上は経験してますが、私の中ではまちがいなく上位1割にはランクインする素晴らしいお湯でした!私は大ファンになっちゃいました!
If you like lukewarm water and hot springs, you should definitely go! Rather, I think that it is a place that people who want "clean bath", "comfort rather than hot water quality", "fine-tuned service", etc. should not go. Certainly, I sometimes thought that it was a little inconvenient because the water pressure in the shower was weak, but I was not concealing it and attracting customers, but on the contrary, I expressed and disclosed my thoughts more than any other facility. I think. I think there are many posts that completely deny it because it is different from my ideal, but I am very sad. I have experienced at least Sento here and there, but it was definitely a wonderful hot water that ranked in the top 10% of me! I've become a big fan!
Taro Yamada on Google

Nice place.

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