
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nojima

Okamoto, Kamakura, 〒247-0072 Kanagawa,Japan
Matsu Tomo on Google

丁寧な対応で、気持ちよく購入できました。在庫があり、次の日にすぐ交換できたのも良かったです。 洗濯機はかなり良きです。古い洗濯機と比べると、特に乾燥時間が短くなって、においも柔軟剤の匂いが感じられ満足度が高いです。 フィルターも埃が取りやすく、ストレスを感じません。 値引きができないのが唯一の欠点でしたが、性能や国産である事を考えたら納得できました。その分きちんと開発してると思います。 ありがとうございました
With a polite response, I was able to purchase it comfortably. It was good that it was in stock and could be replaced immediately the next day. The washing machine is pretty good. Compared to the old washing machine, the drying time is especially short, and the smell of fabric softener is felt and the satisfaction is high. The filter is also easy to remove dust and does not feel stress. The only drawback was that I couldn't get a discount, but I was convinced when considering the performance and domestic production. I think we are developing it properly. thank you very much
小太郎 on Google

口コミとその返答が噛み合ってないw 配送忘れられた案件なのに割引のこと?は? エアコンの施工不備に対しての満足いただけてありがとうございます???? ここの口コミはあまりアテにしないほうがいいかもね。自作自演かも。 てか、サクラばっかりじゃないかw
Word-of-mouth and its response do not mesh w Is it a discount even though the delivery was forgotten? teeth? Thank you for your satisfaction with the inadequate construction of the air conditioner. ?? ?? ?? It may be better not to write reviews here too much. Maybe it's a self-made performance. Isn't it just Sakura?
。 mi5zu1ki on Google

I used it to buy a new vacuum cleaner. He explained it carefully. Thanks to you, I was able to purchase a good one. However, when explaining in the demonstration, I thought that it would be better to give more importance to the product and give a better impression to the customer. I had the impression that the products in my store were handled roughly.
M O on Google

Akira Kobayashi's customer service is the best. When I was looking for a recording HDD for a TV, he understood the situation and asked SKY PerfecTV to check it and took various time. After all, it was a product that Nojima did not handle. Despite the low price of the product, I felt it was wonderful to work hard. Until now, I didn't have a very good impression of Nojima's customer service, but thanks to her, it has changed. From now on, I will actively use Mr. Nojima.
大高令子 on Google

この度はエアコン購入に対して林さんには大変お世話になりました!ありがとうございました!誠実で的確な対応に、その日は買う予定ではなかったエアコンを買わせていただく流れになりました!二台!! なかなかの出費でしたが納得のいく気持ちの良い林さんの接客は信頼のおけるもので、今後も安心してノジマさんでお買い物したいと思わせるものでした!エアコン以外のときもどうぞ相談にのってくださいね!!(´ー`)
This time, Mr. Hayashi was very kind to me for purchasing the air conditioner! thank you! For a sincere and accurate response, I will buy an air conditioner that I did not plan to buy that day! Two units! !! Although it was quite an expense, Mr. Hayashi's customer service, which was convincing and pleasant, was reliable and made me want to continue shopping with Nojima with confidence! Please feel free to contact us even when you are not using an air conditioner! !! (´ ー `)
K,Mark Nagai on Google

息子の初めてのPCの購入において鎌倉店 接客担当 ウノ様に対応頂きました。 (FUJITU FMV LIFEBOOK UH90/E3 FMVU90E3BN 特別仕様 Windows10) 息子の感想を下記いたします。 感想 1、丁寧な接客で好印象でした。 2、話しがしやすい(質問もしやすかった) 是非、次回別な買い物時にも同様に対応してほしいです。 お願い 購入後立ち上げ後、早速Windows10 からWindows11にアップ したのですが、顔認証が出来なくなっていました。 (カメラが登録されてないと出ます)。困っています。 どうしたらいいでしょうか? 1年の保証の他にお勧めの5年の保証を付けておりますので、対応頂ければ幸いです。
Mr. Uno, who is in charge of customer service at the Kamakura store, responded to my son's first purchase of a PC. (FUJITU FMV LIFEBOOK UH90 / E3 FMVU90E3BN Special specification Windows 10) I would like to share my son's impressions below. thoughts 1. I was impressed by the polite customer service. 2. Easy to talk to (easy to ask questions) By all means, I would like you to do the same when you make another purchase next time. Please Immediately upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 11 after launching after purchase I did, but face recognition was not possible. (It will appear if the camera is not registered). in trouble. What should I do now? In addition to the 1-year warranty, we also have a recommended 5-year warranty, so we would appreciate it if you could support it.

冷蔵庫と炊飯器を購入しました。専門的な知識が豊富で、色々と提案してくださいました。分からないことはその場でタブレットで調べてくれて、価格COMとの価格比較もしてくださいました。 大型家電や補償が必要な家電は電器店での購入することが一番だと思っています。これからも信頼されるノジマさんでいてほしいと思います。
I bought a refrigerator and a rice cooker. He has a wealth of specialized knowledge and has made various suggestions. He checked what I didn't understand on the tablet on the spot and compared the price with the price COM. I think it's best to buy large appliances and appliances that require compensation at an electronics store. I hope Nojima will continue to be trusted.
Yuko corincorin (in オーストラリア) on Google

Great service. There were enough products and good enough information from staffs to make decision.

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