4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact NOiR CAFE

住所 :

Kaminakaimachi, Takasaki, 〒370-0851 Gunma,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Webサイト :
街 : Gunma

Kaminakaimachi, Takasaki, 〒370-0851 Gunma,Japan
らルラララ on Google

いつも素通りしていました。マンションの1階にありました。看板犬が大人しく優しい。 犬連れには持ってこいのカフェです。 ランチもしました。おいしいチキンカレー。 星が1つ足りないのは、もう少し量があってもいいかなぁと感じたので。 1000円でデザート飲み物付き。犬用の椅子がある席もありました。犬用クッキーとミートローフがあり、小型犬にはミートローフの半分を持ち帰りにしてくれます。
I always passed by. It was on the first floor of the apartment. Signboard dog is adult and friendly. This is a cafe that you can bring with your dog. I also had lunch. Delicious chicken curry. I didn't have one star because I felt I could have a little more. 1000 yen with dessert drink. There was also a seat with a chair for dogs. There are dog cookies and meatloaf, and small dogs take half of the meatloaf home.
岩田晴美 on Google

ランチ1.100円 ツナサンドBLTサンド ハムチーズのトースト チキンカレー マカロニグラタン ライスグラタンからセレクト デザートとコーヒー紅茶どちらか BLTサンド美味しかったです ちょうど良い量でした?? それとワンちゃんが2頭?店内に かわいい子でした 苦手な方はご遠慮下さいですね?
Lunch 1.100 yen Tuna Sand BLT Sand Ham cheese toast Chicken curry Macaroni gratin Select from rice gratin Either dessert or coffee or tea The BLT sandwich was delicious It was just the right amount ?? And two dogs in the store ? Was a cute child Please refrain from those who are not good at it ?
川上うな on Google

居心地も良くご飯も美味しいので何度か通ってます。 カフェの看板犬は2匹です。 とっても大きいワンちゃんもきてたり、色んな方が来るので楽しいカフェです。 看板犬ちゃんたちは常連さんに懐いていて、こちらにはあんまり来ないのでワンちゃん連れじゃなく、ワンちゃん目当てで来る方には物足りないかもしれません。
It's cozy and the food is delicious so I go there several times. There are two signboard dogs in the cafe. It's a fun cafe because very big dogs come and various people come. The signboard dogs are fond of regulars, and they don't come here very often, so it may not be enough for those who come for dogs rather than with dogs.
松本勝子 on Google

It's a dock cafe, but you don't have to bring a doggy ☺️ Lunch is delicious ? You will be healed by the doggy who is here and the space of this shop.
*なのは on Google

I stopped by when I went to Gunma for business! I visited by myself, but it was nice to be calm in the quiet store, and the owner was a very kind person, and I was very happy to talk to him kindly. The cocoa and muffins are delicious, and I definitely want to visit them when I go to Gunma ♪ Thank you!
dario aquinas on Google

ランチ1000円は、料理の質に比べればかなりリーズナブルだと思います。添え物一品一品手間が掛かっているのがわかります。 ここのスープは単品注文できればおかわりしたいくらい大好きです。
I think that 1000 yen for lunch is quite reasonable compared to the quality of the food. You can see that it takes time and effort for each accessory. I love the soup here as much as I want to refill it if I can order it separately.
Alex Takahashi on Google

可愛いワンワンちゃんと一緒に美味しいものが食べられるカフェです。スタッフさんは一人しかいないので、少し時間かかってしまうかもしてませんが、忙しくない時に行ったらゆっくりリラックスしながらコーヒーなど楽しめます。ランチセットはとても価値が良かったです。 You can eat lots of good things and see cute dogs here. There is only one woman who works here, so it takes a bit of time to get your food, but if you know that in advance you can go when you aren’t busy and relax for a bit. The lunch set was cheap and good.
It is a cafe where you can eat delicious food with your cute dog. Since there is only one staff member, it may take some time, but if you go when you are not busy, you can relax and enjoy coffee. The lunch set was very good value. You can eat lots of good things and see cute dogs here. There is only one woman who works here, so it takes a bit of time to get your food, but if you know that in advance you can go when you aren't busy and relax for a bit. The lunch set was cheap and good.
角田秀則(クリエートハウジングの社長です) on Google

わんちゃんと一緒に室内でランチが出来ます! 料理も手作りで、とっても美味しいです?? また伺いたい飲食店です?
You can have lunch indoors with your doggy! The food is also handmade and very delicious ?? It is a restaurant I would like to visit again ?

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