Noborizaka Sendai Higashiguchi - Sendai

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Noborizaka Sendai Higashiguchi

住所 :

アルファビル 3F 4 Chome-3-1 Tsutsujigaoka, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 983-0852, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 983-0852
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 5–11:30PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 5–11PM
Tuesday 5–11PM
Wednesday 5–11PM
Thursday 5–11PM
Friday 5–11:30PM

アルファビル 3F 4 Chome-3-1 Tsutsujigaoka, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 983-0852, Japan
さーたく(だんぼーる) on Google

ランチによく行く 個室なのでコロナ渦のなか入りやすい 電子マネーが使える
I often go to lunch Because it is a private room, it is easy to enter in the corona vortex Electronic money can be used
モモロウ大天使 on Google

料理のメニューを少し増やして欲しいです‼️ 値段、量などは不満はありません。 個室でまったりできました。
I want you to increase the cooking menu a little. ️ There is no dissatisfaction with the price and quantity. I could relax in a private room.
kawa chu on Google

コース料理でしたが気に入ったメニューがあれば何度もおかわりできるシステムで ちょっと得した気分、お酒もプレミアムです。宴席も比較的広かったですよ
It was a course food, but if you have a menu that you like, you can change it over and over again. The banquet was also relatively large
peyachi on Google

会社の方と利用しました。 お酒が来るのが早く店員さんも明るい方たちばかり。 私は九州料理が好きなのでとてもお酒がすすみました。 からし蓮根が最高です!! ふらっとまたお邪魔します。
We used with company. Alcohol is coming soon and the clerks are all bright. I like Kyushu cuisine so I've been drinking very much. The mustard lotus root is the best! ! I will disturb you again.
83 pandama on Google

個室ですのでゆっくりできます。 個室とはいいつつ、上部があいておりますので、自分達が吸わなくもタバコの煙が入ってきます。 店員さんの態度もよく、コースで頼みましたが、料理のボリュームもあり満足です。
Because it is a private room, you can relax. Although it is a private room, the upper part is open, so you can smoke without having to smoke. The clerk's attitude was good and I asked for it on the course, but I was satisfied with the volume of cooking.
仙台飲食マスター on Google

仙台東口でおすすめ居酒屋見つけました!本格的な九州料理と仙台地元の食材や名物も出してるお店!ヨドバシ裏すぐ近く!伊達と九州うまかもん個室酒蔵 昇り坂!数多くの九州料理を食べてきたけどもここはトップクラスに美味しい!日本酒や焼酎も数多く全席個室なのも嬉しい!寒い季節はもつ鍋が有名みたい!鍋を食べなくても暑い季節 一口餃子や新鮮お刺身 鰆の西京焼きなど絶品で大満足!ぜひ仙台東口に寄った際は足を運んでみてください!おすすめ認定です。
We found a recommended tavern at Sendai East Exit! A restaurant that offers authentic Kyushu cuisine and local produce and specialties from Sendai! Near back Yodobashi! Date and Kyushu Umakamon Private Room Sake Brewery Ascent Slope! We ate a lot of Kyushu dishes, but it is delicious here in the top class! It is also nice that there are many sake and shochu, and all seats are private! Hot pot seems to be famous in cold season! It is a hot season without having to eat a pot. A bite dumplings and fresh sashimi, such as Saikyo grilled salmon, is very satisfying! Please visit us when you come to the Sendai East Exit! Recommended certification.
ゾネス氏 on Google

東口に最近できた伊達と九州うまかもん個室酒蔵 昇り坂さんに行ってきました!まず店の雰囲気が抜群?全席個室の嬉しい掘りごたつ!会社宴会はもちろん、デートや女子会・ランチ会にもグット?家族連れでも問題なし!料理も仙台名物や九州料理中心に全部おいしい?店員さんに聞いたら有名な九州料理店で修行した料理長が作ってるらしいのでなお納得しました!日本酒?も豊富なので今度必ずリピート確定‼️
I recently went to the East Entrance with the newly made Date and Kyushu Uma Kamon private room sake store Asorizaka-san! First of all, the atmosphere of the store is outstanding 嬉 し い Digging digging of all the seats private room! Not to mention company banquets, of course dating, women's meetings, lunch meetings, and good friends with Goto family! I was convinced that the chef who trained at a famous Kyushu restaurant would make the dishes if I asked the restaurant staff who are all delicious in Sendai specialties and Kyushu dishes. Sake bowl is also abundant, so be sure to check again next time! Moth
みー on Google

ランチは13:45ラストオーダー。 愛煙家の憩いの場。 確かに噂通り しょうが焼き定食 700円は美味しかったけど 煙いのでリピートはなしです
Lunch is the last order at 13:45. A place of relaxation for smokers. Certainly, as rumored, the ginger-grilled set meal of 700 yen was delicious. There is no repeat because it smokes

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