NIWAKA 俄 広島店

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact NIWAKA 俄 広島店

住所 :

Hondori, Naka Ward, 〒730-0035 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88888
Webサイト :
街 : Hiroshima

Hondori, Naka Ward, 〒730-0035 Hiroshima,Japan
さと(さと) on Google

The store clerk was also polite and I could select the products comfortably (^-^)
中川優生 on Google

Long-established store. It is expensive compared to no-brand ones, but I think it is an ant if you like the design.
& on Google

I bought a wedding ring, but I am sorry that the size change is only once within one year of purchase. I wish once in a lifetime ...
me me on Google

I searched in advance for the purpose of purchasing an engagement ring, and I visited several shops, but I was surprised to see the shopkeepers in their 30s struggling with questions like a fold from the top. It was. The ring was lovely but I didn't buy it because it was scary.
hiro hiro on Google

指輪自体は、確かに、良いと思う物もありました。ただ、NIEAKAさんじゃなきゃダメ!というポイントが無かったことと、店員さんの対応に難アリでした。 普通、婚約指輪にしても結婚指輪にしても、初回の来店で決められるほど簡単なものではないです。契約を急ぐような接客は止めた方がよろしいかと。。。 それから、ちょっときつめな物言い(上から目線のような)も改められた方が良いかと思いました。
Certainly, there were some rings that I thought were good. However, I have to be NIEAKA-san! There was no such point, and it was difficult for the clerk to respond. Usually, whether it's an engagement ring or a wedding ring, it's not as easy as deciding on your first visit. Should I stop serving customers who rush to make a contract? .. .. After that, I thought it would be better to change the slightly tighter words (like looking from above).
p e on Google

The clerk's response is the worst. From beginning to end, it was a response to the roll-up that felt the impatience peculiar to the salesman with poor grades. I think it sells better if you let them see the show window without staff.
あたあ on Google

数ヶ月前にこちらで指輪を見ましたが、接客が最悪でした。 ストアマネージャーと名札の付いた人に接客して貰いましたが、終始、上から目線で目つきも悪かったです。 プライバシーな事を聞いてきたり、勝手に決めつけてきたり、こんな人がストアマネージャーの店舗にはガッカリです。
I saw the ring here a few months ago and the customer service was the worst. I had a store manager and a person with a name tag serve customers, but from beginning to end, my eyes were bad from the top. People who ask about privacy and decide on their own are disappointed in the store manager's store.
Reei on Google

結婚指輪を見に行きました。結婚した当初、指輪を購入しなかったがやはり欲しいと思いという話をチラッと店員さんにしたところ、結婚指輪を買わないなんて間違った選択だったね的なことを言われ、終始上から目線、早く決めて買えという圧力。 俄はそこそこお金を持ってる人が選ぶブランドだから、間違いないですよという説明。 高級感があり、しっかりとした造りでデザインも良かっただけに、店員のあのような接客は相当残念に思います。 ブランド価値を下げてしまうのでは無いでしょうか。 安い買い物ではありませんから、パッと見て購入するのはなかなか難しい。一生物だからいろいろ見て歩きたいと店員に伝えるとあからさまに嫌な顔。 デザイン気に入ってたけど、ここでは買いたく無いなぁと思いました。
I went to see a wedding ring. When I got married, I didn't buy a ring, but when I told the clerk that I wanted it, I was told that it was the wrong choice not to buy a wedding ring. The pressure to decide and buy. The explanation is that there is no doubt that Niwaka is a brand chosen by people who have a decent amount of money. It's a shame that the clerk's customer service is very disappointing because it has a high-class feel, is well-built, and has a good design. Isn't it lowering the brand value? It's not a cheap purchase, so it's quite difficult to buy at a glance. It's a living thing, so when I tell the clerk that I want to see various things and walk around, I have an unpleasant face. I liked the design, but I didn't want to buy it here.

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