シエナロゼ 広島本通店

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact シエナロゼ 広島本通店

住所 :

Hondori, Naka Ward, 〒730-0035 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://sienarose.jp/
街 : Hiroshima

Hondori, Naka Ward, 〒730-0035 Hiroshima,Japan
たわ on Google

婚約指輪と結婚指輪を購入させていただきました。 すごく丁寧に説明してくださり、安心して選ぶことができました。ロゼチナがとても可愛くて気に入りました!
I bought an engagement ring and a wedding ring. He explained very carefully and I was able to choose with confidence. Rosechina is so cute and I like it!
J J on Google

I used it to purchase a wedding ring. From the beginning, I decided "I want to buy at this shop!", But I was very satisfied with what I expected. All the staff were very kind and I was at a loss a lot, but thanks to the advice and polite explanations, I was able to choose one that I was satisfied with. Accessories other than wedding rings were also wonderful, so I would like to use them again. Thank you for this time.
happeace88 on Google

色々回ってこのお店にたどり着きました。 店員さんの接客が親切で丁寧でとても好感がもてました。デザインも他のお店にはないオリジナリティにひかれ、迷わずシエナさんに決めました!記念日にはずっとこちらでお世話になりたいと思います。
I went around and arrived at this shop. The customer service of the clerk was kind and polite, and I was very pleased with it. I was drawn to the originality that other shops do not have in the design, so I decided on Siena without hesitation! I would like to take care of you all the time on the anniversary.
ka mo on Google

結婚指輪を探しに、初めてお店に入りましたが、スタッフの方の説明がとても丁寧で安心して色々見せていただけました。 検討した結果、購入させていただきました。 スタッフさんの説明の丁寧さや、感じの良さが印象的で、すごくピッタリな物が買えました。 またこれからも行きたいと思います。
I entered the store for the first time in search of a wedding ring, but the staff's explanations were very polite and I was able to show various things with peace of mind. As a result of consideration, I purchased it. The politeness of the staff's explanations and the good feeling were impressive, and I was able to buy something that was very perfect. I would like to continue to go again.
りな on Google

店内は落ち着いた雰囲気で、店員さんがとても親切で話しやすかったです。 リングのデザインも沢山あり、素敵なものが多くてひとつに絞るのが大変でした。 今回は結婚指輪を購入しましたが、普段使いするアクセサリーも今後購入しに来たいと思います。
The atmosphere inside the store was calm, and the staff were very kind and easy to talk to. There were many ring designs, and there were many wonderful ones, so it was difficult to narrow down to one. I bought a wedding ring this time, but I would like to come to buy accessories that I usually use in the future.
SY on Google

親切な対応が良かったです。 また、アフターサービスなども充実しているので安心して使えると思います。 この度はありがとうございました。
The kind response was good. In addition, after-sales service is also substantial, so you can use it with confidence. Thank you for this time.
ベンジョニー on Google

ゴールドの色味でプラチナのような 変色や変形が少ない指輪をさがしていたところ こちらオリジナルの素材ロゼチナというものを知り来店しました 満足のいくものをお店の方とじっくり納得いくまで選ぶことができました 届くのが待ち遠しいです
Gold tint like platinum I was looking for a ring with little discoloration or deformation I came to the store after learning about the original material Rosetina. I was able to select the ones that I was satisfied with until I was completely satisfied with the shop staff. I can't wait to get it
りなざる on Google

婚約指輪も結婚指輪もこちらで購入させていただきました。店員さんも優しく、親身になって相談に乗ってくださります。店内の雰囲気もとてもよく、居心地の良い場所でした。 また来たいと思えるショップです。

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