NITORI - Aomori

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact NITORI

住所 :

Miyoshi-114-1 Ishie, Aomori, 038-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 038-0003
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 11AM–8PM
Tuesday 11AM–8PM
Wednesday 11AM–8PM
Thursday 11AM–8PM
Friday 11AM–8PM

Miyoshi-114-1 Ishie, Aomori, 038-0003, Japan
karu pi on Google

2Fのサービスカウンターにて かなりの待ち時間をくらった、 社員は何人かいたが、自分が相手している客以外は われ関せずで、私がいつになったら従業員来るの? と聞いても、顔を合わせることなく 今来るはずの一言だけ、 しょせん2流の家具屋だよ。
At the service counter on the 2nd floor I had to wait a long time, There were some employees, except for the customers I was dealing with When will my employees come, regardless of us? But without face-to-face Only one word that should come now It's a second-class furniture store.
extraterrestrial-life chef on Google

物品搬入口で しゃがんてる女のコ。泣いてるんでしょうか? 心痛みます
At the goods entrance A girl who is crouching. Are you crying? It hurts my heart
ブラックコーヒー on Google

先日ソファーコーナーを見に行き良いものがあったら購入しようと思い見てました。 周りには家族連れや夫婦の方たちもソファーを見てました。そこに男性の店員さんがきて1人で見てる私には見向きもしないで家族連れや夫婦の方たちには声をかけてました。 あまりにもあからさまな態度に購入を考えてましたが違うお店で購入しました。 買う買わない見分けての接客であるのなら残念なところです。
The other day I went to see the sofa corner and thought I would buy something good. Families and couples were also looking at the sofa around me. A male clerk came there and looked at me alone, and I talked to my family and couples without looking at me. I was thinking about buying it with an overt attitude, but I bought it at a different store. It's a shame if it's a customer service that distinguishes between buying and not buying.
石村恵三子 on Google

食卓用回転椅子が、欲しくて買い物へいきました。お取り寄せで2021/6/4から受け取れます。店舗引渡しだと送料無料なので安心です。また自ら組み立てが必要ですが、工具も入ってるので 10分あれば椅子として使えるようです。リクライニング感覚の回転椅子なので、何かと重宝。楽しい食事を期待してます。色は、明るいベージュを選択。オークルもあるので イメージにぴったりするものをチョイスできます!
I went shopping because I wanted a swivel chair for the dining table. You can order it from 6/4/2021. It is safe because it is free shipping if it is delivered to the store. Also, you need to assemble it yourself, but it seems that you can use it as a chair in 10 minutes because it contains tools. It's a reclining swivel chair, so it's useful. I'm expecting a fun meal. Select a light beige color. There is also an ocher so you can choose the one that best suits your image!
ノリユキ on Google

言わずと知れた家具&インテリア商品の大型専門店です。本社は北海道にあるが本州にかなり普及していると感じる。2階にも売場があるのでかなり品揃えは良い♪しかし個人的には少し高いかなと思う。 駐車場は敷地内のびっ○りド○キーと無人キャッシングコーナーと共用のため休日・昼時はそこそこ混みあう。また青森では貴重なEV充電ステーションがあります。
Needless to say, it is a large specialty store for furniture and interior products. The head office is in Hokkaido, but I feel that it is quite popular in Honshu. There is also a sales floor on the 2nd floor, so the product lineup is quite good ♪ But personally, I think it's a little expensive. The parking lot is shared with the on-site Bi * ri Do * key and the unmanned cashing corner, so it gets crowded on holidays and at noon. There is also a valuable EV charging station in Aomori.
中井雄史 on Google

It is Nitori who is easy to move. The clerk will work hard. It would be great if the products were a little more fulfilling.
斗米慶子 on Google

After all, a store with a lot of assortment is good ❗ There are a lot of zipper packs, towels and other various patterns that are not found in small stores, so you can choose and choose so much that you forget the time ☺️
キング on Google

とあるサービスを受けるためにカウンターへ行き椅子に座りお待ちくださいと言われたので座って待っていました。 店員さんの口調などは良かったと思いますが待ち時間が長すぎました。 何分くらいお待ちくださいなどと言ってくれれば他の商品を見て暇潰しを出来たと思います。 他の定員に「まだ来ないですか?」と聞くともうそろそろ来ると思いますしか言ってくれませんでした。 前回来た時は店長さんが対応してくれてとてもスムーズで良かったです。 私的にここの定員はあまり良い印象はありませんが店長さんはとても良い方だと思います。 店長さんが良い方なのならば改善点を直すように努力してほしいです。
I was asked to go to the counter and sit in a chair to receive a certain service, so I sat and waited. I think the clerk's tone was good, but the waiting time was too long. If you ask me how long you should wait, I think I was able to kill time by looking at other products. When I asked the other capacity, "Don't you come yet?", He only told me that it was about to come. When I came last time, the store manager responded and it was very smooth and good. Personally, I don't have a very good impression of the capacity here, but I think the store manager is a very good person. If the store manager is a good person, I would like you to make an effort to fix the improvement points.

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