Nisshin Takenoyama Koshitsuyakiniku Hachiya - Nisshin

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nisshin Takenoyama Koshitsuyakiniku Hachiya

住所 :

2 Chome-2107 Takenoyama, Nisshin, Aichi 470-0136, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 470-0136
Webサイト :

2 Chome-2107 Takenoyama, Nisshin, Aichi 470-0136, Japan
PP Ram on Google

I visited for lunch. I had 8 kinds of lunch. Salad, kimchi, soup, and flavored rice come out with the meat. You can also choose white rice for rice. Each food looked vivid and I enjoyed the yakiniku lunch very much. I wanted to eat full, so I ordered additional ribs. It was delicious ?❣️
OE NAPAS on Google

Second time this week. There are few yakiniku restaurants that are so beautiful and clean. Since it is a private room, you can eat with peace of mind due to the corona virus. After all, the fresh vegetables are fresh and delicious. The meat is also delicious. I only eat vegetables, so I can get along with my family, so I'm not sure. Employees are also energetic and polite. I'm going to go every week.
akemi on Google

日曜日の夜、予約を入れて伺いました。今の時期、個室で食事が出来るは安心です! 色んな部位のお肉を食べたかったので、おまかせの『セレブ肉盛りコース 税込4950円』をオーダーしました。 全体的にどの部位のお肉も美味しかったですが、[極みロース]は、とっても柔らかく、甘みもあり美味しかったです!
I made a reservation on Sunday night. It is safe to be able to eat in a private room at this time of year! I wanted to eat meat from various parts, so I ordered the "Celebrity Meat Filling Course 4950 yen including tax". Overall, the meat in every part was delicious, but [Extreme Loin] was very soft, sweet and delicious!
鉄道王 on Google

日進市の竹の山にある焼肉店、週末のランチで利用してみました。店内は個室8席とカップルシートが4卓の席数、11時の開店直後に入ったのでほかにお客さんは2組ほどでしたが、その後は続々とお客さんが入ってきて多くのお客さんで賑わっていました。 ランチメニューは1980円の鉢屋の8種盛りランチ、2980円の#バンブーセレブランチ、それに要予約の4980円のA5ランクの特選黒毛和牛ランチの3種類、今回は一番贅沢な特選黒毛和牛ランチをいただきました。 その特選黒毛和牛ランチは前菜盛り合わせにサラダ、スープ、3秒"極"ロース、日替わり希少部位の階段盛り、ミニ贅沢丼、ドリンクにデザートといった内容です。 3秒"極"ロースは長崎県産A5ランクのサーロインの真ん中の部分ということ、スタッフの方が焼いてくれます。たまごを溶いた一口ご飯の上に乗せて食べるのですが、とろけるような甘いお肉とたまご、それに白いご飯は絶妙の組み合わせ、たまりませんね。 お肉は見た目にも鮮やかな階段盛りで登場、シンシンやトモサンカク、ミスジなど希少部位がズラリと並んでいます。極厚の牛タンは食べ応えバツグン、柔らかさの中にタン特有の食感もありますね。上ハラミは柔らかくてお肉の旨みがしっかり、上カルビも脂の甘みがたまりません。そのほかのお肉もどれも文句なしに美味しかったです。 ご飯もただの白いご飯ではなくたっぷりとイクラののったご飯、お肉だけでなくご飯までなんとも贅沢なものでした。 お肉のレベルはかなりのものでしたね、味だけでなくサービス面やお店の雰囲気まで全体的にレベルの高いお店だと思います、ごちそうさまでした。
I used it for lunch at a yakiniku restaurant in Takenoyama, Nisshin City on weekends. There were 8 private rooms and 4 couple seats in the store, and since we entered the store immediately after opening at 11:00, there were about 2 other customers, but after that, many customers came in one after another. It was crowded with. The lunch menu is 1980 yen for 8 kinds of pot shop lunch, 2980 yen for #bamboo selebrunch, and 4980 yen for reservation required, 3 kinds of A5 rank special Japanese black beef lunch, this time the most luxurious special Japanese black beef lunch I received. The special Japanese black beef lunch includes an appetizer platter, salad, soup, 3 seconds "extreme" loin, daily rare staircase platter, mini luxury bowl, drink and dessert. The 3 seconds "extreme" loin is the middle part of A5 rank sirloin produced in Nagasaki prefecture, and the staff will bake it. I eat it on top of a bite of melted egg, but the sweet meat that melts, the egg, and the white rice are an exquisite combination, which is irresistible. The meat appears in a vivid staircase, and rare parts such as Shinshin, Tomosankaku, and Blade steak are lined up in a row. The extra-thick beef tongue is excellent to eat, and it has a unique texture in its softness. The upper skirt steak is tender and the meat has a strong umami, and the upper ribs also have an irresistible sweetness of fat. All the other meats were delicious without complaint. The rice was not just white rice, but rice with plenty of salmon roe, not only meat but also rice was very luxurious. The level of meat was quite good, I think that it is a restaurant with a high level of service and atmosphere as well as taste, it was a feast.
下村さとみ on Google

I went there for the first time. It says it's a private room, but it wasn't a private room because I didn't have a reservation. But it's a small space, but it's nice that it's surrounded by high surroundings and looks like a private room. Lunch has several menus by price. From affordable to expensive. I ate 3980 yen. There is also a cheaper one. The meat was delicious. Overall satisfied. It's beautiful. Isn't there a night because I'm poor? It is easy for families to go even if the corona is bad. relief. Wall and air conditioning.
nagoya spa on Google

最近の食べ歩きエリアである日進市竹の山で 気になってた焼肉店にランチで行ってきました。 店内は完全個室のオシャレなモダン空間。 BGMはジャズが心地よく流れています。 ランチメニューは1,980円〜3種類ありますが 今回はちょっと贅沢に要予約のランチを注文。 【A5ランクの特選黒毛和牛ランチ:4,980円】 ◆前菜盛り合わせ
◇ノンアルコールビール 前菜盛り合わせにサラダ、スープから素敵で… 三秒“極”ロースはとろける美味しさです!! メインは日替わり希少部位8種の階段盛り。 演出だけじゃなく、上質なお肉ばかり盛られて すべての部位が抜群に美味しいです!!! 厚切りタンも柔らかくて旨味が最高でした。 そしてご飯は、和牛そぼろとイクラの贅沢丼で 焼肉との贅沢すぎる一体感がたまりません。 スタッフの接客もすごく丁寧で感じ良かったし 個室でまったり楽しめて大満足です。 ごちそうさまでした。
In Takenoyama, Nisshin City, which is a recent eating area I went to a yakiniku restaurant that I was interested in for lunch. The inside of the store is a stylish modern space with completely private rooms. Jazz is played comfortably in BGM. There are 3 types of lunch menu from 1,980 yen This time I ordered a little extravagant lunch that requires a reservation. [A5 rank special Japanese black beef lunch: 4,980 yen] ◆ Appetizer platter ◆ Drink ◆ Salad ◆ Soup ◆ Wagyu beef soboro and salmon roe luxury bowl ◆ 3 seconds "extreme" loin ◆ Daily rare part 8 kinds of stairs ◆ Grilled vegetables ◆ Bite dessert ◇ Non-alcoholic beer Assorted appetizers, salads and soups are wonderful ... The three-second "extreme" loin is delicious and melts! !! The main is the stairs of 8 kinds of rare parts that change daily. Not only the production, but only the high quality meat is served All parts are outstandingly delicious! !! !! The thick sliced ​​tongue was also soft and had the best taste. And the rice is a luxurious bowl of Japanese beef soboro and salmon roe I can't help but feel the extravagant sense of unity with yakiniku. The customer service of the staff was also very polite and pleasant I am very happy to enjoy it in a private room. Thank you for the meal.
feb ee on Google

というわけで、 家族で日進方面行く用事がありましたので、 その辺りでランチ食べれるところ ということで、かみさんが見つけて予約入れてました。 予約時間ちょっと前に到着。 なかなか立派な高級感漂う焼肉屋さん。 美容院と同じ敷地にあり、 共同駐車場なので、 たくさん停めれて便利です。 店内は、全室個室みたいで、 予約してありましたので、スムーズにご案内頂けました。 ランチメニューは、 鉢屋8種盛りランチ1,980円 鉢屋のバンブーセレブランチ2,980円 要予約らしい A5ランク特選黒毛和牛ランチ4,980円 の3種類ありました。 我々家族全員もちろん 8種盛りランチをオーダー。 前菜盛り合わせ ドリンク サラダ 白ごはん スープ タン先 和牛カルビ もち豚カルビ 国産鶏せせり 肉厚ハラミ 日替わりお肉3種 焼き野菜 一口デザート という、充分な内容。 いろいろな、部位のお肉を自分のテリトリーで 焼き焼きして、いただきます。 なかなか美味しいお肉達。 ライスがススミます。 ライスおかわり無料で、 しかも、これが美味しかった、牛すじのスープ。 スープおかわり無料ということで、 私4杯もおかわりしました... スープとライスで無限にいけそうでした。 食後のデザートは、 いちごのアイスで〆ます。 いちごミルクじゃなく、 いちごイチゴしてるアイスで美味しかった。 ちょっといい時に使いたくなる、 素敵な焼肉屋さんでした。 ごちそうさまです。
so, I had a business to go to Nisshin with my family, so Where you can eat lunch around there So, Kami found it and made a reservation. Arrived shortly before the reserved time. A yakiniku restaurant with a very high-class feel. Located on the same site as the hair dressing shop Because it is a shared parking lot It is convenient to park a lot. The inside of the store is like a private room, I made a reservation, so I was able to guide you smoothly. The lunch menu is 8 kinds of pot shop lunch 1,980 yen Bamboo celebrity brunch at the pot shop 2,980 yen Apparently reservation required A5 rank special Japanese black beef lunch 4,980 yen There were three types. Of course we all in the family I ordered 8 kinds of lunch. Assorted appetizers Drink salad White rice soup Tongue tip Wagyu beef ribs Mochi pork ribs Domestic chicken seseri Thick skirt steak 3 kinds of daily meat Grilled vegetables Bite dessert That's enough content. Meat of various parts in your territory I'll bake it. Very delicious meats. Rice is good. Free refills of rice, Moreover, this was a delicious beef tendon soup. The soup is free of charge, so I have another 4 cups ... It seemed like I could go infinitely with soup and rice. After-meal dessert It's strawberry ice cream. Not strawberry milk The ice cream with strawberries and strawberries was delicious. I want to use it at a good time, It was a nice yakiniku restaurant. Thanks for the meal.
mika sae on Google

コロナ禍の折り、清潔な個室があるお店は有難いです。おかげ様で一年半ぶりに焼肉を頂きました。 最初にサービスで出てきた地元野菜の盛り合わせは、肉みそが絶品。これだけでも大満足です。お肉もどれも柔らかく質の良いものでした。目の前でバーナーで炙ってくれる和牛の握りも美味しかったです。
I am grateful for the shop that has a clean private room with a corona fold. Thanks to you, I had yakiniku for the first time in a year and a half. The first assortment of local vegetables that came out in the service is exquisite meat miso. This alone is very satisfying. All the meat was tender and of good quality. The handful of Japanese beef that was roasted with a burner in front of me was also delicious.

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