Nishiyama Dermatology - Yokohama

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Nishiyama Dermatology

住所 :

100-4 Nakakibogaoka, Asahi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 241-0825, Japan

電話 : 📞 +878
Postal code : 241-0825

100-4 Nakakibogaoka, Asahi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 241-0825, Japan
K N on Google

The receptionist was the worst, and when I was writing a consultation card at the reception for the first medical examination of my child, I was told to write it in a vacant place, but it is crowded and there is no place to write (only Saturday is crowded). Not enough consideration. It takes less time to fill in, so I'd like you to write it at the reception (the reception next to me was open). Since the reception at the reception was the worst, I went to the dermatologist on Mitsukyo without seeing it. In the neighborhood, I no longer go to Nishiyama dermatologist. I'm sorry that my teacher is good.

The teacher is very kind and the receptionist feels good. The examination is polite and the explanation is easy to understand.
Shunya Hattori on Google

The response of the receptionist / nurse was bad. I was told to call at 12:00 on Saturday to receive the results of the examination at the time of the examination, and when I called at that time, I accepted that it was not true at all. It is the customer's responsibility that the test results are not received. Please come again at the end of Bon Festival. After confirming with the director, the nurse said, “I will get money as a diagnostic fee over the phone,” so I decided to receive the results more than a week later than planned.
N H on Google

患者の話をほとんど聞かず パソコンに向かったままの医者です。 患部を全然見ようとせずに 面倒くさそうに看護師を呼びかわりに説明させる始末。 誤診により顔のイボが増えてしまい、結局 他の皮膚科で治療をうけて完治しました。 そちらには二度と行きません。ヤブ医者。
Little listen to the patient I'm a doctor who is still facing the computer. Without trying to see the affected area at all The disposition that makes the nurse explain instead of calling it to be troublesome. Misdiagnosis caused more warts on the face, and in the end I was treated by another dermatologist and he was completely cured. I will never go there again. Quack doctor.
John Doe on Google

医者は患者の話をあまり聞いてくれず、患部もちゃんと見ようとしない。原因を探るというより、炎症があれば、取りあえず薬を出すといった事務的な対応。また不必要なほど女性スタッフが多く、受付の方から以下のような会話が聞こえてきた。 女性A「不細工だね!」 女性B「ね!」 これを言ったのは、会計をしていた黄色い服の女性二人組か、若しくは受付の女性二人組のどちらかのはず。何れにせよ許しがたい。
Doctors don't listen to patients very much and don't even look at the affected area. Rather than searching for the cause, if there is inflammation, it is a clerical response such as giving medicine for the time being. In addition, there were unnecessarily many female staff members, and the receptionist heard the following conversation. Woman A "It's ugly!" Woman B "Hey!" This must have been said by either the female duo in yellow who were accounting or the female duo at the reception. Either way, it's unforgivable.
Hiro Toko on Google

The wart was prolonged, so when I asked various questions, I sullenly left my seat and asked the nurse to explain. I didn't feel like explaining it politely. When I went to another hospital, I was getting better at once.
W Tama on Google

物腰が柔らかくとても優しい先生です。 患部もきちんと診て下さいますし、疑問があれば素早く適切に答えて下さいます。 以前通っていた皮膚科は薬を取りに行くだけの所でした。西山皮膚科さんでその薬のことを伝えたところ、今の症状にその薬は強すぎるし現在はほとんど処方されない薬ですよ、ということで処方を変えて頂き、薬を使い分けることで症状がかなり改善してきました。 レビューを見ると当方の所見と正反対のことが書いてあって不思議なくらいです。
He is a very gentle teacher with a soft demeanor. Please examine the affected area properly, and if you have any questions, please answer quickly and appropriately. The dermatologist I used to go to was just going to get some medicine. Nishiyama Dermatologist told me about the drug, and he said that the drug is too strong for the current symptoms and is rarely prescribed at present. It has improved. Looking at the reviews, it is strange that the opposite of our findings is written.
iK “belle” on Google

You can rest assured that you will be given a polite explanation in a gentle tone. Medical examinations and treatments also take time. The waiting time from reception to consultation is short, so you can treat yourself comfortably.

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