Futamatagawa Daiichi Clinic - Yokohama

2.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Futamatagawa Daiichi Clinic

住所 :

1 Chome-6-1 Futamatagawa, Asahi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 241-0821, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 241-0821
Webサイト : https://www.zenjinkai-group.jp/zenjinkai/clinic/futamatagawa-daiichi/

1 Chome-6-1 Futamatagawa, Asahi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 241-0821, Japan
satoshi sakamoto on Google

I told the name of the disease on the phone and checked if I could ask for a diagnosis. The feeling of the receptionist woman who answered the phone was not good either, but the teacher who heard in the back also answered the troublesomeness and the impression was bad. It might be just a bad thing that I could not go to waste meaning by going in a sense.
H R on Google

受付の医療事務の人がとにかく皆酷い。 患者に威嚇するような話し方をしていた。(30分の待ち時間の間に二人の方が叱られるような口調で失礼な対応をされていました。) 更にドクターズクラークの方が先生を誘導していて、医師と患者の会話に割って入って病名から薬の処方まで先生より先に言ってくる、、それを先生がそのまま患者に伝えるという謎な診察。まるで医師と勘違いしているかのよう振る舞いに不信感しかありませんでした。 因みに、忙しくて一人一人の診察を丁寧に診ることもできないので、こちらの話もろくに聞こうともせずにドクターズクラークの誘導的な診察をされ全く違う症状を言われて悪化してしまいました。患者の症状に紳士に向き合ってくれて寄り添った診察を希望の方はこちらの皮膚科はおすすめしません。
The medical office staff at the reception are all terrible. He spoke intimidatingly to the patient. (During the 30-minute waiting time, the two people were scolded and rude.) Furthermore, Dr. Clark is guiding the teacher, and he breaks into the conversation between the doctor and the patient and tells the doctor and the patient before the doctor from the name of the disease to the prescription of the medicine. .. There was only distrust in the behavior as if I was mistaken for a doctor. By the way, I was too busy to see each and every one of them carefully, so I was given a guided medical examination by Dr. Clark without even trying to listen to this story, and I was told a completely different symptom and it got worse. .. We do not recommend this dermatologist if you would like to see a gentleman who is close to your patient's symptoms.
松島一浩 on Google

2018年5月にお世話になりました。土曜日の11時に受付して1時間ほどで医院をでました。 先生は気さくな方で感じ良かったので今後もお世話になりたいと思います。(ただし予約システムは診察時間内しか受付できないのが不便です) 受付の方にホスピタリティーが有ればもっと良い病院なのに勿体ないと思い投稿させて頂きました。
I was taken care of in May 2018. I received it at 11:00 on Saturday and left the clinic in about an hour. The teacher was kind and pleasant, so I would like to continue to take care of him. (However, it is inconvenient that the reservation system can only be accepted during the consultation time.) I thought that it would be better if the receptionist had hospitality, but it would be a waste to post it.
。。 on Google

最初に受付のおばさんの態度が悪い そして、顔にできた爛れを治しにずっと通ってたがよく分からないビタミン注射を毎回され、忙しいのは分かるが先生もあんまり親身に聞いてくれなくて、治りも悪かった。 違う皮膚科へ行ったところ、親身に聞いてくれて治りも早くよくなった。 もう行くことはないです。
Firstly, the attitude of the reception lady is bad And although I was going through cure for my face on the face all the time I was doing vitamin injections I do not know well every time, I know that I am busy, but the teacher did not listen to my parents well, and healing was bad. When I went to a different dermatology department, I listened to my parents and I got better sooner. There is nothing to go.
桜井恵麻 on Google

It was a hospital I used to go to since I was a kid. It has been a popular hospital full of customers since it was a small clinic. But looking back, I never thought I was particularly good at it. Even if my acne didn't heal, I just gave up and couldn't go, so I didn't really care. However, I was surprised that I tried to operate as a melanoma without properly examining the mole on the leg of my elderly mother. You have become a person who judges extremely painful surgery only by visual diagnosis without necessary tests, and does not care about the pain and pain that patients suffer from unnecessary surgery. I have no conscience as a doctor.
ノーニー on Google

腕が良い。 今まで、皮膚科では後悔ばかりしてました。 むしろ悪化したことがあり。友人から簡単な切る処置を他院では拒み、たらい回しにあったそうで当院は即効対応、スムーズに速くやってくれたよと言ってたので、行ってみました。確かに待たされるのは仕方ないですが人気だからかも?院内で待たないシステムもあるようなので西友かパルコで時間つぶしでもいいのかも。見てもらったら、他院は検査も中々してくれなかったが直ぐに検査し、直ぐに結果知らせ薬出してくれた。それを何日か使ったらスッキリ今までのは何だったのかって感じくらいスッキリ治ってここ1年なんとも無い。肌がデリケートなので皮膚トラブルがあったら、また行きたい。態度は良くは無いけど、腕が良いから許せる。他院ですごく優しいお医者さんに散々な目に合わされましたから昔。ちなみに2箇所いっぺんにに診てくれた。
Good arms. Until now, I had regrets in dermatology. Rather it may have deteriorated. I refused a simple cutting procedure from a friend at another hospital, and it seemed that I was in a tub, so I said that the hospital responded immediately and did it smoothly and quickly, so I went there. I'm sure I can't wait, but it's popular? There may be a system that does not wait in the hospital, so it may be possible to kill time with Seiyu or PARCO. When I saw it, the other hospital did not check it out, but it immediately checked it and gave me the results. If you use it for a few days, it's refreshing to feel what it was up to now. I want to go again if I have skin problems because my skin is delicate. The attitude is not good, but I can forgive you because my arms are good. It was a long time ago because I was struck by a very kind doctor at another hospital. By the way, I visited two places at the same time.
浅沼吉住 on Google

I've been treating psoriasis for another two years, but it just doesn't go away just by gradually increasing the affected area. Still, I think that if you do not treat it, it will increase more, so I still do not miss regular visits. Since the effect of the light treatment every time is not known at all, the newly created affected area that has not been reported to the teacher as a trial has not been treated with light for a long time, but there is no difference in the symptom from the affected area irradiated with light. When I started to make the limbs in detail, I asked, "Do you have any medicines?" It suffered from the side effects of cold-like dullness and stomach pain, but it worked dramatically. However, as the body gets used and the side effects are reduced, it becomes less effective. Since then, the treatment has not changed and I have been taking Otezura tablets, which cost as much as 10,000 yen for two weeks. Because it is a new medicine, there is no generic. I am going to the hospital without getting rid of it. By the way, the other day the teacher saw this post, "Is it possible to do it in another place?", And declared all the places where psoriasis was made. He said, "If you tell me, I'm going to hit the light? If you hit it suddenly, the skin will be surprised, so I will change the strength." The back is not applied because it is troublesome. I applied the elbow but I still do not understand the effect.
s T on Google

慢性化した肌荒れに悩み受診しました。 塗り薬と飲み薬を処方され1週間経ちましたが、明らかに良くなっています。 先生も気さくでとても良い方です。 診察の時間も短く、的確で仕事の合間に言っているので とても助かっています。 ざらついていた肌も触り心地が良くなり、毛穴もなんか小さくなった気がします。 本当に先生や看護婦さんには感謝しています。 これからも、通い続けたいと思います。
I was suffering from chronic rough skin and had a medical examination. It's been a week since I was prescribed an ointment and a swallow, and it's definitely getting better. The teacher is also friendly and very good. The consultation time is short, and I say it accurately between work. It is very helpful. The rough skin feels better to the touch, and I feel that the pores have become smaller. I really appreciate the teachers and nurses. I would like to continue to attend.

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