
3.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact くまがいクリニック

住所 :

Nishitaga, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, 〒982-0034 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : http://www.kumagaiclinic.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8–11:30AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8AM–6PM
Tuesday 8AM–6PM
Wednesday 8AM–6PM
Thursday 8–11:30AM
Friday 8AM–6PM
街 : Miyagi

Nishitaga, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, 〒982-0034 Miyagi,Japan
EMI. S on Google

男横山諒 on Google

sa ka on Google

kenjiro tanoue on Google

医師の診察の前に看護師さんに詳細を説明するシステムは時短、丁寧な診察につながり、大変素晴らしいと感じた。 医師の説明も丁寧、的確で信頼できる。 担当外の場合は診察料金を請求せず、他医院を紹介するなど、非常に良心的。
The system that explains the details to the nurse before the doctor's consultation leads to short-term, polite examination, and it felt very wonderful. Doctor's explanation is polite, accurate and reliable. If you are not in charge, do not charge a consultation fee, introduce other clinics, etc. are very conscientious.
なる on Google

I have been taking care of it for a long time. It is easy to talk with a friendly teacher. If you find a place you are interested in, you will be referred to a large hospital. Nurses and office workers are all comfortable and comfortable. Because of its popularity, it is quite crowded. But when you feel unwell, you can rest in bed, so it is an important family clinic.
Kei S on Google

だいぶ前に一度行ったきりですが、そのときの事が忘れられないのでここに書きます。はっきり言ってここまで患者をバカにしたお医者さんを見たことがありません。喘息の症状が見られたので診察を受けに行ったのですが、最初は看護師さんが丁寧に対応してくれて良い印象を受けました。が、いざお医者さんの診察が始まるとかなり患者を見下してる模様。わたしは昔から喉の奥を見てもらう際、えずいてしまう癖があり苦手でした。この時も喘息で弱っていたのも重なり例に漏れずえずいてしまい、なかなかうまく診察が進まない状況でした。その時のお医者さんの一言、「次回来るときは喉鍛えて来い」…。 …は?一瞬耳を疑いました。そんな意味のわからないことを言う医者がいるのかと。始終偉そうな印象は受けていましたが、まさかそこまで命令口調で訳のわからないことを言われるとは思いませんでした。他の方々が高評価をしている意味がわかりません。もう二度と行くことはないでしょう。
I've been there a while ago, but I can't forget that time so I'll write it here. To be clear, I've never seen a doctor who fools patients. I went to see the doctor because I had symptoms of asthma, but at first I was very impressed by the kindness of the nurse. However, when the doctor's examination starts, he seems to look down on the patient. I had a bad habit of looking at the back of my throat for a long time. At this time as well, I had been suffering from asthma, but I had to keep up with the cases, and it was difficult for me to see the doctor. A word from the doctor at that time, "Please train your throat next time." What? I doubted my ear for a moment. I wonder if there is a doctor who says something I don't understand. I had the impression that it was great from beginning to end, but I didn't think I would say something that I couldn't understand because of my command tone. I don't understand the reason why other people appreciate it. I will never go again.
もりおさ on Google

何度か具合の悪い時に行きました。 先生は真面目そうですが、お話ししてみると気さくで話しやすい印象でした。 混んでいるのに丁寧に話を聞いてくださりました。処方された薬もしっかり効きました。 受付の方や看護師さんもみなさん感じが良かったです。 今後も体調の悪い時にはまたお世話になります。
I went there several times when I was sick. The teacher seems to be serious, but when I talked to him, I got the impression that he was friendly and easy to talk to. He listened to me politely even though it was crowded. The prescribed medicine also worked well. The receptionist and the nurses all felt good. I will continue to take care of you when you are not feeling well.
takeru kuwjima on Google

医者が人として最悪。随分昔になりますが、一度だけ通院したことがあります。熱が39度を越え、ふらふらになっていて、頭が朦朧として口も満足に利けない状態でした。なので、症状を紙に書いて看護師さんに渡しました。診察室に入ると、「なに! 熱あんの!」といきなり怒鳴られました。その後も始終怒鳴りっぱなし。問診されても案の定、頭が朦朧として受け答えができず、紙に書いて渡したはずなのにと思いながら、悔しい、みじめな気持ちで医者の罵声を浴び続けることになりました。当然ですが二度と行ってません。
The doctor is the worst person. It's been a long time ago, but I've only been to the hospital once. The fever exceeded 39 degrees, and I was fluttering, and my head was stunned and my mouth was unsatisfactory. So I wrote down the symptoms on a piece of paper and handed it to the nurse. When I entered the examination room, I was suddenly yelled at, "What! After that, he keeps yelling all the time. Even when I was interviewed, I couldn't answer because my head was stunned, and I thought that I should have handed it over on a piece of paper, but I continued to be sweared by the doctor with a regrettable and miserable feeling. Of course, I have never been there again.

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