セオサイクル 西荻窪店

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact セオサイクル 西荻窪店

住所 :

Nishiogikita, Suginami City, 〒167-0042 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8979
Webサイト : https://www.seocycle.co.jp/master.php%3Fcategory%3D20%26cf%3D1%26pref%3D13%26city%3D%25E6%259D%2589%25E4%25B8%25A6%25E5%258C%25BA%26id%3D5540
街 : Tokyo

Nishiogikita, Suginami City, 〒167-0042 Tokyo,Japan
kigasan Bonn on Google

ゴリラペリカン on Google

がーでんえるれ on Google

I entered suddenly, but the manager is very kind and easy to talk to, and the correspondence is polite and very helpful. Thank you for your support even after hours.
どなふぇるらじお on Google

I asked for repairs, but the response was the best. The shop was so good that I regret that I should have bought a bicycle here.
島崎智子 on Google

今日パンクしてるのに気付いて 閉店間際に駆け込んだのですが とても優しい笑顔でタタタター!と治してくれました!職人技と心意気に感動して元気でました!自転車もわたしも調子良くなった!ありがとう!感謝してます!つぎ自転車買うときは必ずここで買う!
I noticed that I was punctured today and rushed to the store just before closing, but with a very gentle smile, I rushed in! Healed me! I was impressed by the craftsmanship and spirit, and I was fine! Both my bike and I are in good shape! Thank you! I am grateful! The next time you buy a bicycle, be sure to buy it here!
たまきょん on Google

The store manager was a friendly person who was easy to talk to, and after receiving various advice from various purposes, I bought a nice bicycle that was very comfortable to ride. It feels like a craftsman who works quickly and has a wealth of knowledge. It was really good to buy it here. I am looking forward to visiting the maintenance every six months.
Kumakkoron on Google

防犯登録のみでお世話になりました。 店員さんがとにかく丁寧で雰囲気が良いです。電話での問い合わせから滲み出ていました。 店内の自転車はお店が小さいので少ないですが、店員さんが優しいので相談してみると良いと思います。 次回自転車を買うときはこちらにお願いします!
Thank you for your help only by the crime prevention registration. The clerk is polite and the atmosphere is good. It was exuding from telephone inquiries. There are few bicycles in the store because the store is small, but the clerk is kind, so I think you should consult with us. The next time you buy a bicycle, please click here!
littlearmel on Google

Owners is very kind and friendly. Went to change a spoke on my back wheel and it was only about ¥2200, cheaper than other places I've been too.

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