
2.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 眼科馬橋医院

住所 :

Nishimabashisaiwaicho, Matsudo, 〒271-0047 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://mabashi-eye.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–12PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–6PM
Tuesday 9AM–12PM
Wednesday 9AM–12PM
Thursday 9AM–6PM
Friday 9AM–6PM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Nishimabashisaiwaicho, Matsudo, 〒271-0047 Chiba,Japan
須藤健太 on Google

目の痛みが続くため伺いました。 病院の雰囲気は暗く、看護師さん、お医者さん共に態度はよくなかったです。 待ち時間は短かったですが診察も1分ぐらいですぐ終わってしまいました。 目薬を処方されしばらく様子を見ましたが目の痛みは引かず、他の病院で診察をしてもらったところ目に異物が入っており、すぐに取り除いてもらえました。 この病院には二度と行きません。
I asked because my eye pain continued. The hospital atmosphere was dark and the attitude of both the nurses and doctors was not good. The waiting time was short, but the consultation ended in just one minute. I was prescribed eye drops and looked at it for a while, but my pain did not go away. When I was consulted at another hospital, a foreign body was in my eyes and she was immediately removed. I will never go to this hospital again.
dream Yume on Google

軽度の介護が必要な親が目の異常を訴え連れて行きました。 その結果、 検査もせずに点眼薬処方。 この目薬をささないと目が潰れると脅し。 点眼した結果、目は悪化。 再診するも原因わからずと無責任なことを言う。 別の病院でセカンドオピニオンした結果、体質によるもので点眼の必要性はなしとの診断。 病院の建物だけ立派で中身は最悪でした。 それほど混んでもないので、それが答えなんでしょうかね。 セカンドオピニオンしたとこは待合室で座れないほどなのに。
A parent who needed mild care took her to complain of an abnormal eye. as a result, Eye drop prescription without examination. If you do not use this eye drop, you threaten to collapse your eyes. As a result of instillation, the eyes deteriorated. Re-examination means irresponsible without knowing the cause. As a result of second opinion in another hospital, it was diagnosed that there was no necessity for eye drops due to constitution. Only the hospital building was fine and the contents were the worst. It ’s not so crowded, so that ’s the answer. Even though the second opinion is too much to sit in the waiting room.
さかな on Google

月曜の午前中に3歳の子供と伺いました。女医の先生はとても優しく、子供も安心して見てもらえました。 駐車場もあるし空いているので、今度からこちらに行かせてもらうと思いました。 と…思いましたが、後日 男性の先生に見てもらいましたが、使った目薬の種類すら間違えて説明するし、説明も威圧的で悲惨でした。 行くなら女医の方が居るときのみですね…
I met with a 3-year-old child on Monday morning. The female doctor's teacher was very kind, and the children were able to watch with confidence. There is a parking lot and it is vacant, so I decided to go here. ... I thought, but I was asked by a male teacher at a later date, but I mistakenly explained the type of eye drops used, and the explanation was intimidating and miserable. The only time I go is when there is a female doctor ...
mania on Google

視力検査と目の乾きで受診しました。 何故、こんなに評価が低いのか不思議です。 他の周りの眼科にも受診したことがありますか、特に変わった様子もありません。 むしろ看護師さんも先生もとっても優しいです。 若い女性の先生にみてもらいましたが、とても丁寧。高齢の受診者さんが多くゆっくり説明していました。 子連れで行き、ちょこちょこと歩き回ってしまう子なのですが、看護師さんが見てくれていました。 他の長時間待って受診する病院より、さくさく進むこちらに親子共々通いたいです。
I had a medical examination with a visual acuity test and dry eyes. I wonder why the evaluation is so low. Have you ever seen other ophthalmologists around you, and nothing has changed? Rather, the nurses and teachers are very kind. I asked a young female teacher to see it, but it was very polite. Many elderly examinees explained slowly. I'm a child who goes with my child and walks around a little bit, but the nurse was watching me. I would like to go to this place, where both parents and children go faster than other hospitals that wait for a long time.
渡辺真衣 on Google

子供の目ヤニが凄く来院しました。 院長らしき男の先生でした。 診察は1分もなく、結膜炎との事でしたが、 細菌性なのか、流行り目なのかも教えて貰えず、点眼液を出して終了。 しかし次の日も目ヤニが凄く朝は目が開かず。。 先生の許可がないと保育園に登園出来ないと言われ再度次の日来院すると、 1日では良くならないと嫌な顔をされ、 登園は保育園側の判断でこちらでは出来ませんとの事。 不信感を抱いたのでそのまま違う眼科へ行き、流行性はなく登園しても良いとの事。 また出されていた点眼液は痒み止めなのでこれでは治らないですよ。と言われ違う点眼液を処方してもらいました。 2軒目で出してもらった点眼液をさし始めてから目の赤み、かゆみ、目ヤニはすぐに良くなりました。 ここの眼科へは2度と行きません。絶対オススメしません。 星1つもつけたくないぐらいです。
The child's rheumatism came to the hospital. It was a man's teacher who seemed to be the director. The medical examination was less than a minute and it was said that he had conjunctivitis. I couldn't tell if it was bacterial or fashionable, so I gave out eye drops and finished. However, the next day, my eyes didn't open very much in the morning. .. When I was told that I could not go to the nursery school without the teacher's permission and came to the hospital again the next day, I got an unpleasant face if I couldn't get better in one day It is not possible to go to the kindergarten here at the discretion of the nursery school. I felt distrustful, so I went to a different ophthalmology department and said that it was not fashionable and I could go to the park. In addition, the eye drops that have been given are anti-itching agents, so this will not cure them. I was told that I was prescribed a different eye drop. The redness, itchiness, and rheumatism of my eyes improved immediately after I started to apply the eye drops that I got from the second house. I will never go to the ophthalmology department here. I definitely do not recommend it. I don't even want to have a single star.
s N on Google

若い男性医師は丁寧で信頼できました。 看護師さんも気配りが嬉しく優しかったです。 2回目からの医師はなんだか雑な印象を受けました。行くと必ず年配の患者と言い合いをしたり、相手の話もよく聞かず喧嘩口調の一点張りで質問に答えていなかったり、会話がダダ漏れでこちらの気分は悪くなります。なので余計なことは聞かず手早く済ませました。素直に聞いているだけなら普通の態度で見てもらえます。 その医師以外は⭐︎4つ付けたいです。 隣の駅にある評価の高い眼科に変えたところ、そこは流行ってるだけあり全ての患者に親身で説明も懇切丁寧な診察をしていました。同じ医者でもこうも違うのですね…。
The young male doctor was polite and reliable. The nurse was also very attentive and kind. The doctor from the second time got a somewhat rough impression. Whenever I go, I always argue with an elderly patient, I don't listen to the other person's story well and I don't answer questions with a single point of fighting tone, and I feel sick because the conversation is leaked. So I didn't ask anything extra and did it quickly. If you just listen honestly, you can see it in a normal manner. Other than that doctor, I would like to add four ⭐︎. When I changed to the highly acclaimed ophthalmology department at the next station, it was so popular that I gave all the patients a friendly and polite examination. Even the same doctor is different ...
Hayato Kaga on Google

The display on the net is too vague. Even though the reception time is displayed until 12:00, the reception will end 10 minutes before. When I said, "If so, it seems that the reception time is just around the corner, so please describe it properly." "It is natural that the reception ends 10 minutes before the time, if you think about it normally." I came.
jong to on Google

子供目の異物感、痛みが続くため伺いました。症状について聞こうとせず、診察は1分ぐらいでおわりました。結果、以前妹が目の痒みの症状と同じ診断結果で、同じ目薬を出されて終了になりました。 絶対違うと思い、隣の駅の眼科で再度受診し、まぶた内側に刺さっていた異物を取り出して下さいました。 下記の方とほぼ同じ経験でした。 ここの病院にはもう絶対来ない。遠くても違う病院に行ったほうが安心です。 他の口コミ投稿を読んでみたら、同じように誤診された方が何人もいたようです。にもかかわらず、全く改善見られず診察続けられています。医者としての倫理が疑われます。
I asked because my child's eyes had a feeling of foreign body and pain continued. The examination was completed in about 1 minute without asking about the symptoms. As a result, my sister had the same diagnosis as the symptoms of itchy eyes, and was given the same eye drops and ended. I thought it was absolutely different, so I went to the ophthalmology department at the next station again and took out the foreign matter stuck inside the eyelids. It was almost the same experience as the one below. I will never come to the hospital here. It is safer to go to a different hospital even if it is far away. When I read other reviews, it seems that there were many people who were misdiagnosed in the same way. Despite this, no improvement was seen and the examination is continued. Ethics as a doctor is suspected.

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