医療法人社団 康順会 丹羽眼科

2.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 医療法人社団 康順会 丹羽眼科

住所 :

Shinmatsudo, Matsudo, 〒270-0034 Chiba,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8788
Webサイト : http://www.niwaganka.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30–11:30AM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30–11:30AM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 8:30–11:30AM
Thursday 8:30–11:30AM
Friday 8:30–11:30AM
街 : 〒1F Chiba

Shinmatsudo, Matsudo, 〒270-0034 Chiba,Japan
よすぃ on Google

It's crowded anyway. The medical examination is easy enough. I don't like to go.
鱒黒 on Google

It's been a long time since I've been full of patients every time I go, and although it takes time, I think he's a trusted teacher. I don't care about waiting time at all.
大和田メール on Google

頼んでもないのに視力検査をし、長時間待たされ、症状に関係ない目薬を処方された。 態度も横柄で、患者の話を聴く事もなかった。 悲しくなりながら帰宅した。
Although I didn't ask, I had a vision test, waited for a long time, and prescribed eye drops that were not related to symptoms. Attitude was also arrogant and he did not listen to the patient. I went home with sadness.
M (なま茶) on Google

支払いは現金のみです。そしてコンタクトレンズの処方箋を欲しい旨を受付時にしたら、処方箋のみはしておらずコンタクトの処方まででなければ受付しないとのこと。 待ち時間もかなり長いようです。 ということから受診はしてないので情報提供だけです。
Payment is cash only. Then, when accepting that they want a prescription for contact lenses, they will not accept only prescriptions unless they have received contact prescriptions. The waiting time seems to be quite long. Therefore, I have not been consulted and only provide information.
さきさき on Google

以前、目やにが多く出るので受診したところ、受付の方がパイプ椅子を出しエレベーター前の通路へ案内され「うつるかもしれないのでこちらでお待ちください」とのこと。そして椅子の背もたれには大きな字で【赤目・目やに専用席】と貼り紙が。 待ち合いの長椅子にお座りの方々にジロジロと見られ、会計も椅子の場所で別にされ、終了後に椅子を即 消毒されました。 うつるかもしれないとはいえ、あまりにも配慮の無い対応だと思いました。
Since we got a lot of eyes before, we received a pipe chair and we got guided to the aisle in front of the elevator and said, "Maybe please wait here". And on the backrest of the chair is big letter 【red eyes · eye-to-eye seats] and pasteboard. It was seen as a staggering to the people sitting in the waiting chair, the accounting was done separately at the place of the chair, and the chair was immediately disinfected after the end. Although it may be difficult to believe, I felt that it was a careless consideration.
田辺大輝 on Google

今まで4回来院。 説明が雑、威圧的な看護士が多いという印象を受けました。 美人を見たいなら行ってもいいと思いますが、視力であったり、目の検査を受けるのであればお勧めしません。先生に診てもらったとしても、不快な気分を味わうと思います。 急患でない限り、少し遠くても、別の病院に行くことをお勧めします。 P.S.ここでコンタクトを買うと高くつきます。コンタクトが欲しいなら別の病院で処方してもらい、コンタクト屋で購入した方が安いです。 (ここが他と比べて高すぎるというのとありますが…).
Visited 4 times so far. I was impressed by the fact that there were many nurses whose explanations were crude and intimidating. You can go if you want to see a beautiful woman, but I don't recommend it if you have eyesight or eye exam. Even if you see your teacher, you will feel uncomfortable. Unless you are in an emergency, it is advisable to go to another hospital, even a little further away. P.S.Buying contacts here can be expensive. If you want a contact, you can prescribe it at another hospital, and it is cheaper to buy it at a contact shop. (It is said that this is too expensive compared to the other ...).
miko hashi on Google

The younger inspector was too arrogant and his legs retreated. Every time I went to the hospital, it became unpleasant, so I changed to another ophthalmology department.
DMステメ on Google

医者は良いが、年配の男性検査技師の勝間ってやつマジで腹立ちます! ドライアイででもコンタクトが必要なのに「こんな視力でコンタクトしてる人見たことないですよ?」とか、大きな声で「はっきりいって老眼始まってますから」とか上から目線な言い方で本当に腹が立しました。 他の眼科でコンタクト作った時に「こんな視力でコンタクト作るっておかしいですか?」って聞いたら「そんな事ないですよ(*^^*)乱視が強いですしね」って言われました。 老眼についても始まってもおかしくない年齢ではありますが、裸眼と検査の時のめがねをかけても多少クリアになる程度のものなのにバカにしてる感じがしてほんとに腹がたちました。 他の方はとてと良いと思いますので、勝間って人に担当されないと良いですね!
The doctor is good, but Katsuma, an elderly male laboratory technician, is really annoyed! Even though I need contact with dry eye, I'm really angry with the words from above, such as "I've never seen anyone contacting with such eyesight?" Or "Because I'm starting to have presbyopia." Did. When I made contacts at other ophthalmologists, when I asked, "Is it strange to make contacts with such eyesight?", He said, "That's not the case (* ^^ *) Astigmatism is strong." It's not strange to start with presbyopia, but I was really angry because I felt stupid even though it was a little clear even with the naked eye and glasses at the time of examination. I think other people are very good, so it would be nice if Katsuma wasn't in charge of it!

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