よこはま軒 エスモール店

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact よこはま軒 エスモール店

住所 :

Nishikimachi, Tsuruoka, 〒997-0031 Yamagata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://www.instagram.com/yokohama.ken/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–8PM
Sunday 11AM–8PM
Monday 11AM–8PM
Tuesday 11AM–8PM
Wednesday 11AM–8PM
Thursday 11AM–8PM
Friday 11AM–8PM
街 : Yamagata

Nishikimachi, Tsuruoka, 〒997-0031 Yamagata,Japan
さきっちょ on Google

あっさりが好きなのであっさり油抜きで注文します。 平打ち麺もあるみたいなので試してみたいです! ミニチャーシュー丼はチャーシューの角切りみたいなのがゴロゴロ乗ってて美味しいです!
I like lightness, so I will order it without oil. There seems to be flat noodles, so I'd like to try it! The mini char siu bowl is delicious because it looks like diced char siu.
サイ on Google

東京レアチャーシュー麺を頼みました! 麺もスープもチャーシューも美味しかったです。また食べたくなる味でした!
I ordered Tokyo rare char siu noodles! The noodles, soup and char siu were delicious. It was a taste I wanted to eat again!
やす on Google

店舗が移動し店内が新しくなったので、とても入りやすくなりました。 今回は東京チャーシューメン+半ライスを注文 なんと、11/9まで半ライス無料とは!絶対にたのんでしまう。。。 スープは庄内人にも受けやすく、飲みやすくアレンジしてある豚骨醤油。 麺は小麦の風味を残したもっちり食感の中太ストレート麺。 チャーシューはそのまま食べてもおいしいが、つや姫半ライスと一緒に食べるとなお最高にうまい! 海苔はスープに浸してラーメンと。 サッパリしたほうれん草も格別。 スタッフの接客も〇 鶴岡で一番好みのラーメンです。
The store has moved and the interior has been renewed, making it very easy to enter. This time I ordered Tokyo char siu men + half rice What is half-rice free until 11/9! I will definitely enjoy it. .. .. The soup is pork bone soy sauce that is easy for Shonai people to drink and is arranged to be easy to drink. The noodles are medium-thick straight noodles with a chewy texture that retains the flavor of wheat. Char siu is delicious to eat as it is, but it is still the best when eaten with Tsuyahime half rice! Soak the seaweed in the soup with ramen. The refreshing spinach is also exceptional. The customer service of the staff is also 〇 This is Tsuruoka's favorite ramen.
鶴岡TV on Google

クーポン券を、使って東京とんこつ中盛+ウズラの卵を注文 今日はカスタマイズしたわけじゃないけど、スープの味が濃いな……
Use the coupon to order Tokyo Tonkotsu Nakamori + Quail Eggs I didn't customize it today, but the soup tastes strong ...
kozunagi _suga on Google

美味しい^_^ スープがぬるいのは仕様でしょうか? 安定した美味しさです。
Delicious ^ _ ^ Is it a specification that the soup is lukewarm? It has a stable taste.
kavi 3129 on Google

Stayed at Tokyo Daiichi Hotel. We had time to check in and stopped by for lunch. Salt tonkotsu. The soup was light and the salt was familiar to the tired body. The distance to the neighbor, hand disinfection, partitioning, and infectious disease control are perfect.
石橋航 on Google

煮干し醤油ラーメン大盛り食べました! 2玉分で+260円 多かったです。 ねぎ、のり岩のりと一緒に食べるといいのですが、スープ単体だと上手く言えないですがもう一味欲しかったです。 あと山形はあっさりが多い印象で私は好きです! 食べたのは家系ではないですが、他の方のを見た感じそこまで油っぽ過ぎない印象でした。
I ate a large serving of dried soy sauce ramen! +260 yen for 2 balls There were many. It would be nice to eat it with green onions and Iwanori, but I can't say it well with the soup alone, but I wanted another one. Also, Yamagata has a lot of light impressions and I like it! I didn't eat it from my family, but when I saw other people, I had the impression that it wasn't too oily.
Pinak Bet on Google


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